Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 263: I have never seen such a brazen person!

"It's an eye-opener."

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes and stared at Danzo coldly, "He is indeed the most insidious man in Konoha."

"Where there is light, there must be darkness, and I am the root buried in the ground! Insidious? No, everything I do is for the village! How can there be insidious talk!" Danzo said confidently refute.

"For the village?" Feng Huo sneered disdainfully, "Is it for your own ambition? Don't think I don't know what you're up to!"

"My ambition? My ambition is to make Konoha the strongest in the ninja world, end the war in the entire ninja world, and achieve the ultimate peace!" Danzo's eyes flashed with raging flames, passionate, "Uchiha seals the fire, my Is ambition wrong?"

Feng Huo sneered: "Hahahaha, what a grand-sounding 'ambition', with this so-called 'ambition', you can stand at the highest point of morality and wantonly deny others, do despicable and shameless things with peace of mind, and even kill others at will , just because that person is not good for your 'ambition', isn't that right, Danzo?"

Danzo's eyes were full of killing intent, and he stared at Fenghuo fiercely.

Feng Huo looked at him without showing any weakness. In the moonlight, the Sangouyu Sharinganyan slowly rotated, as if the **** demon had opened the door.

"Danzo, I really really really have never seen someone as brazen as you!"

Danzo slowly narrowed his eyes, the killing intent in his eyes gradually restrained, and he regained his composure: "You are really a sharp-mouthed brat. Sure enough, your existence has seriously affected the stability of the village, just like your ancestor Uchiha Madara."

"It's a good thing you can say such a thing, Danzo, if there is no Uchiha Madara, Konoha would not be possible to build!" Feng Huo said contemptuously, "Crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, you are self-taught?"

"Presumptuous!" Danzo was furious, "Your thinking is too dangerous, Konoha can't tolerate people like you!"

In an instant, dozens of murderous intentions outside the house boiled like boiling water, and in the next instant they were about to send out a thunderous blow.

Feng Huo's eyelids twitched: "Wait a minute!"

Danzo waved his hand, and the dignified atmosphere outside suddenly let out.

"Is there anything else to say?" Danzo narrowed his eyes.

Feng Huo sneered: "Danzo, don't make such an expression that you are convinced of me, it annoys me."

Danzo frowned slightly.

"Your goal should be my kaleidoscope Sharingan, hehe, you will really make excuses for yourself." Feng Huo said disdainfully.

"Great power should be in the hands of the right people. Your thoughts are too dangerous. I must not let this kind of power be in your hands. I! It's for the good of the village!" Danzo said lightly.


Fenghuo was so angry that his endocrine became disordered.

"Danzo, Kaleidoscope, I will never give it to you!" Feng Huo said word by word.

"It's up to you!" Danzo lowered his eyelids slightly, so as not to be under the illusion of being sealed.

"I haven't finished my words yet." Feng Huo chuckled, "I...will never be arrested without a fight, even if I bear the name of betrayal!"

Danzo sneered: "It really is an untamable beast!"

"Danzo, don't forget, it's a time of war!" Feng Huo threatened.

"It is precisely because of the war that a dangerous person like you is taken down!" Danzang said righteously, "You don't think you can escape, don't you, don't be too naive?"

"Maybe I really can't escape, but Danzo, it's a pity that you have missed a little bit."

The three-hook jade in Fenghuo's eyeballs spun faster and instantly turned into a black and red pentagram.

'The five-pointed world! '


An invisible pentagram descended from the sky, completely covering Danzo.

As long as Fenghuo moves with faith, he can teleport to five corners and launch a crazy offensive!

The latter drooped his eyelids, still unconscious: "What point did I miss?"

"The most important point is that you...will die here." Feng Huo smiled softly.

Danzo sneered with disdain: "Is that so? When you turn on the kaleidoscope, do you think you are invincible?"

Feng Huo snorted, "Please let me say this too, Danzo. After transplanting a Sharingan and mastering Izanaki, I thought I had an extra life and didn't put anyone in my eyes." Are you in?"

Danzo's left eye widened suddenly: "How do you know?!"

The next moment he saw the kaleidoscope of Fenghuo's eyeballs, he was shocked and hurried to seal and leave.

But it's too late.

Round tomb!



Danzo's heart was instantly pierced by the shadow of the tomb, blood and flesh spilled all over the ground!

In the next moment, like a dream bubble, Izanaki stepped down, and Danzo, who had fallen in a pool of blood, stood up unscathed.

But Danzo's right eye Sharingan wrapped under the bandage has lost its luster.

"how is this possible?!"

Danzo retreated quickly to the balcony, with his left eye darting left and right.

‘What is it, what was it just now! '


The invisible thunder burst again, and Danzo's right hand burst into blood-colored flowers like fireworks, and broke off shoulder-to-shoulder with a snap.

"Damn it!" Danzo yelled in pain. Just as he was about to bend down to pick up the broken arm, he saw that arm was chopped into seventeen or eighteen sections in an instant, and the flesh and bones were shattered all over the floor.

In this case, even Tsunade Dashemaru might not be able to help him connect again!

Danzo's heart ached so much that snot came out of his nose.

"It's so ugly, Danzo, do you feel any regrets?" Feng Huo walked out slowly.

Danzo didn't dare to stay, and flew out of the balcony on his toes.

At this time, the purple light curtains outside the house completely cut off his house.

"Four Purple Flame Formation?"

With a thought in Feng Huo's mind, he was already standing on a corner of Danzang's Wumangjie.

"kill him!"

Danzo gave a cold drink.

In an instant, dozens of root ninjas surrounded Fenghuo.

Feng Huo said with a smile: "It's just right, I think you guys have been upset for a long time."

The shadow of the tomb of the wheel directly activated the second form of Susanoo, and the two copper hammers swung at a full 360 degrees, smashing down like thunder.

The four purple flame formations were smashed into thousands of rays of light almost instantly, and at the same time seventeen or eighteen root ninjas were also smashed into flesh by the invisible copper hammer.

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

"Fire Escape - Fireball!"

The living Genin frantically launched ninjutsu, but Fenghuo teleported to another corner of the Wumang Realm with a thought, avoiding all ninjutsu.

"Danzo, I'm here." Feng Huo waved lightly, letting Lun Tomb Shadow deal with those Gennin.

Danzo turned his head, his face was extremely ugly: "You, really want to be a traitor!"

"You say things like this now, Danzo, have you forgotten your ambition?" Feng Huo sneered, "Kneel down and ask Grandpa to forgive you!"

"Go to hell!"

Danzo's left hand hidden in his sleeve finally completed the seal with difficulty, "Feng Dun-Vacuum Dayama!"

I saw him take a deep breath of air, and then spit out air bullets like a machine gun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and quickly fired at Fenghuo.

Feng Huo sneered, teleported directly to another corner, and continued to say hello: "Comrade Danzang, I didn't expect you to form a seal with one hand, teach me, haha."

"Damn it!" Danzo is a tough person, and once again formed a seal with one hand, "Wind escape-vacuum wave."

This time he inhaled the air, but what he exhaled was a straight line of wind blades, slicing across.

Feng Huo continued to teleport: "It's just a way to change back and forth, it really disappoints me."

Fenghuo began to counterattack.

"Fire escape - head hard!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"


The sea of ​​flames rose, and the blazing flames under the hurricane danced like a group of demons, devouring wildly to the surroundings, and with half a breath, it turned into a sea of ​​magma and burned towards Danzo.

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