Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 268: The sought-after Hyper Rondo Brothers?

"That is to say, we need to let the third generation of Tsuchikage do as much as possible in the battle, dodging, rolling and other movements that require the use of the waist, is that right?"

As Hatake Sakumo said, he carefully recalled the several fights he had with Sandai Tsuchikage, but unfortunately there was nothing valuable to discover.

Nara Shikahisa pondered: "It still doesn't work, even though the waist is really the weakness of the third Tsuchikage, but his flying advantage is too great, and it is difficult for us to get close."

"What a difficult old man." Qiudao Dingzuo took out a piece of dried meat from the sealed scroll, gnawed on it, and asked while eating, "Are there any flying ninjas in our village?"

"I remember that there are some unorthodox ninja techniques in some villages, which can be used for short-term flight." Kaiichi Yamanaka touched his chin and said, "I'm afraid you should ask Master Hokage for details."

Feng Huo's heart moved, and he remembered that there was a person named Sai in the original book, who was born in Genbu, who was good at super beast fake paintings, and could draw and materialize in scrolls. This kind of ninja method should not be created by Sai, so there must be someone in Genbu. .

However, since it is in the root, sealing the fire can only be hehe.

"If it's a short flight, I think it's okay to seal the fire." Younv Zhiwei hid her face under sunglasses and a high collar, her voice sounded a bit dull.

Feng Huo's face darkened.

Fortunately, Hatake Sakumo knew a little bit, and said, "That's a forbidden technique passed on to him by Dai. It's a heavy burden on the body, so it's better to use it sparingly."

"Sorry, I don't know." Younv Zhiwei turned to look at Fenghuo.

Feng Huo shrugged: "If you can defeat the third generation of Tukage with physical skills, I'd rather give it a try."

Nara Shikahisa said: "Since there is no way to target the Third Tsuchikage, it seems that we can only target the Iwanin army."

"Shikaku, are you referring to the thousand reinforcements of Iwanin?" Hatake Sakumo said, "Jirai also said that the background of Iwanin is very terrifying. Even if we can find a way to consume the thousand reinforcements, the third Tsuchikage Reinforcements will continue to be sent in.”

Feng Huo suddenly felt his heart move.

He remembered an incident in the original book.

In the Three Wars, the third Raikage of Yunyin Village seemed to have died under the siege of Tenman Iwanin!

Feng Huo rubbed his chin to recall carefully.

If I remember correctly, it should be that the third Raikage led people to raid Iwain Village, and then 10,000 Iwanin came out to surround and kill them. In order to protect his companions, the third Raikage fought against the 10,000 Iwanin alone in the rear, and finally died of exhaustion.

And as far as he knows, the third generation of Raikage is still alive and well at this time, that is to say, there are at least ten thousand Iwanin in Yanyin Village at this time!

Feng Huo's eyebrows twitched, this is still hairy!

Ten thousand rock ninja rushed over, they couldn't stop it at all!

But the strange thing is, since there are 10,000 Yannin in Yanyin Village, why doesn't the third generation of Tukage let them come to the battlefield?

There are still three generations of Raikage, why do you want to go to Yanyin Village if you are so good?

Are the two related.

"By the way, where did Master Jiraiya go?" Qiudao Dingzuo suddenly said.

Nara Shikahisa said: "Master Jiraiya went to look for his three disciples."

Feng Huo's train of thought was interrupted, he raised his head and asked, "These are the three leaders of Xiao Organization, have you found them?"

"It's a bit strange to say, there seems to be no news about this organization in the past two years." Nara Shikahisa said, "So Jiraiya-sama is very worried about them."

Feng Huo knew that this was a joint masterpiece of Danzo and Hanzo.

Yahiko should be dead, and Nagato has probably made Six Path Payne with the reincarnation eye.

'Reincarnation eyes... Uchiha Madara? ! '

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat again.

He turned on the kaleidoscope by himself, and he also made a big splash on Kikyo Mountain. Even if Uchiha Madara is blind, he should know about it.

'I'll go, Uchiha Madara won't come to me, will he? '

No matter how you think about it, he who opened the kaleidoscope is very suitable to be the executor after Uchiha Madara's death.

If the other party really finds it, it will be much more troublesome than Danzo, no, it's not just trouble, it's almost a doomsday situation!

Surrender or die.

There can be no second way.

Fenghuo suddenly felt that the Kingdom of Rain could not stay any longer.

But where else could he go if he left here?

He doesn't want to be a traitor just yet.

"If there is something that can hold back the Third Tsuchikage or those Iwanin reinforcements, maybe we still have a chance to defeat them." Nara Shikahisa's voice reached Fenghuo's ears.

"I, I can!"

Feng Huo stood up almost without thinking, "I can go deep into the land of earth, firstly, I can test the reality of Yanyin Village, and secondly, I can cause huge damage to them, so that they dare not put all their minds on the land of rain .”

"No, it's too dangerous, I don't agree!" Yuhi Zhenhong was the first to refuse.

Inuzuka Zuo also said: "Little ghost, this is not your battlefield alone, don't engage in heroism."

"Wow, woof." Kuromaru wagged his tail in cheers.

"I might be more suitable for this task." Hatake Sakumo said.

Everyone's eyes lit up. During World War II, Hatake Sakumo broke into the Land of Wind several times, killing Sand Shinobu in a panic.

Fenghuo was in a hurry: "Master Shuo Mao, I'll go. Don't forget that you are still the leader of the Anbu, if something happens, the Anbu will become a mess."

Hatake Sakumo said: "Don't worry, even if I'm not around, Anbe will never be messed up."

Feng Huo rolled his eyes, and said again: "I have a psychic beast Chaolunwu brother!"

"Oh, those two snow eagles, have they grown up?" Qiu Dao Ding Zuo's eyes lit up.

Feng Huo looked and found that there seemed to be crystal saliva flowing from the corner of Fatty Qiu's mouth.

'I must be mistaken. '

Feng Huo shook his head and said: "That's right, brother Chao Lunwu has grown up, and he is a ninja eagle, with a wingspan of ten meters. I flew here from the village on Brother Chao Lunwu, and it only took seven days .”

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Nara Shikajiu hurriedly said: "It's really great, seal the fire, when the Chaolunwu brothers give birth to offspring, you must leave one for me. This is what we agreed before!"

Kaiichi Yamanaka and the others also surrounded him: "I want one too!"

"I want it too, I want it too!" Fatty Qiu swallowed desperately.

"Wow, woof!" Kuromaru said he wanted it too.

"Hey, what are you **** thinking, now we are discussing war!" Inuzuka Zuo was dissatisfied and pushed away Fatty Aki, Kaiichi Yamanaka~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a protective look Stand in front of the fire.

Then she turned her head and said righteously: "Don't forget mine!"


Feng Huo is speechless: Can you guys be more reliable?

Nara Shikahisa said: "If this is the case, then this mission is indeed the most suitable for sealing the fire."

With the chakra dance brothers who are manned to fly into the sky, even if Fenghuo is blocked by the three generations of Tsuchikage and surrounded by Kamiseniwa Ninja, he can come and go freely!

Plus the sharingan of sealing the fire...

Shikahisa Nara and Sakumo Hatake looked at each other, and they both saw emotion in each other's eyes.

Thank you book friend Otsutsuki Kaguya for your support! Please pay attention to the latest chapters

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