Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 275: Onoki beats 4 tails

"Four tails, go back with the old man!!"

Ohnoki stood in the air, staring solemnly at Siwei standing on top of the magma.


The four tails roared wildly, and the magma under their feet suddenly turned into more than a dozen streams of fire, whipping fiercely towards Onomu.

Onoki folded his palms together: "Dust escape - the art of stripping the original world!"

A cube of white beams of light quickly emerged, and instantly separated the magma into atoms when it shone in the sky.

Siwei took a deep breath, and then spewed out a stream of red gas, which swept towards Ohnoki like a gust of wind.

This gas is not only scorching hot, but also highly poisonous. Onoki didn't dare to take it hard, and while raising his figure, he clasped his hands together: "Earth escape-earthquake core!"


A huge crack suddenly appeared on the ground below the four tails, and the cracks were surrounded by cracks, disintegrating inch by inch.


The four tails were furious, with both palms on the ground, and magma-colored chakra crazily emerged along its hands, quickly filling the cracks, and then turned into boiling magma, dispelling Onogi's chakra.

"In that case."

Onoki put his palms together again, "Earth Dungeon - The Art of Mountain and Earth!"


A huge semicircular soil ball rumbled up from the ground on either side of Siwei, and closed instantly with lightning speed, sandwiching Siwei in it.


The two thick forelimbs of the four tails pressed against the earth ball, and the four tails spun wildly, hot magma spewed out frantically, quickly corroding the earth ball.


Onoki agitated his whole body with chakra, the two semicircular soil **** became bigger and heavier, and the encircling force became more and more terrifying!

Four Tails struggled to resist, and the **** of his eyes were almost popped out by it.

"Ho **** ho ho!!"

The four tails roared up to the sky, and the black substance in the mouth quickly condensed, and it turned into a five-meter-round tailed beast jade in an instant, and sprayed towards Onoki in the air.


The tailed beast jade turned into the sky, and the air oppressed by the berserk force began to distort.

Onoki stared: "Dust escape - the technique of stripping the original world!"

The cylindrical white beam of light fell instantly, directly piercing through the tailed beast jade, breaking the middle part into atoms.

From a distance, it looks like a glass ball has been punched out of a hole.

The Tailed Beast Jade's castration remained unabated, but Onoki's figure just passed through the hollow in the middle of the Tailed Beast Jade without any damage.


The Tailed Beast Jade finally exploded at a high altitude behind Ohnoki, the colorful colors were so dazzling that the surrounding light seemed much dimmer.

Onoki didn't turn back, and continued to control two huge soil **** to oppress Siwei.

"You can't escape the old man's palm!"

Onoki roared loudly.

Four tails refused to accept it, and used both hands and feet, pushing against the soil ball to prop them up.

In the end, the four tails were used again, and the soil ball was slapped frantically. Countless huge clods of soil were broken and fell, but in the next moment, there were soil and rocks filling the gap, blocking the gap.

Siwei was so tired that his eyes rolled white.

At the same time, the spiritual world in Lao Zi's body.

One person and one orangutan are chatting.

"Sun Wukong, let me out, you are no match for that big-nosed old man Onoki! If you continue like this, you will be crushed." Old Ziyu said earnestly.

"No, I just went out once after all, don't!" Siwei frantically flapped his four tails, his face full of rebellion.

"The Art of Mountain and Earth is an extremely terrifying earth escape. In the hands of the old man with a big nose, even you can't block it." Lao Zi said, "What's more terrifying is his dust escape. You have seen it too. The beast jade was broken down into atoms by Dust Dun, if it hits you..."

Four tails felt guilty for a while, he knew his own affairs, it was a chakra materialized life form, if it was hit by Dust Dun, that part of the chakra that was decomposed into atoms would never recover, if it was hit too many times, I'm afraid the whole orangutan will disappear!

beep beep...

This old man of three generations is too scary!

Monkey King of Four Tails exchanged with Lao Zi immediately.

The next moment, the roaring Four Tails regained their composure.

"Damn, old man, you want to kill him!!"

Lao Zi's unique voice reverberated across the world, majestic.

Onoki frowned: "Old Zi? You idiot didn't die?!"

"I won't die even if you die!" Lao Zi said angrily, "Let me go!"

Onoki was even more angry: "I told you a long time ago not to leave the village, why can't you listen to this red-haired monkey!"

"Whispering!" Lao Zi was impatient.

Seeing his appearance, Onoki became even angrier, and couldn't help but exert more force.


Under a lot of pressure, Old Zi's face turned purple, and all the bones in his body were almost crushed.

Only then did Onoki stop in satisfaction: "Next time it won't be so simple, red-haired monkey!"

"Damn it!" Lao Zi lay on the ground, the magma-colored chakra on his body slowly retracted into his body, and was taken back by Monkey King with Four Tails.

Onogi slowly floated down from the sky, looking down at him condescendingly: "Where is Uchiha sealing the fire?"

"Run away!" Lao Zi said disdainfully, "He is no match for me at all! Old man, you are really old, and you can't even beat a kid."

Onogi sneered: "Really? Then why are you lying on the ground in front of the old man now! Hmph, if the old man guessed correctly, it was you who released the four tails that scared Uchiha back!"

"Whispering!" Lao Zi gritted his teeth, he didn't hit people in the face, and he didn't swear at others, but this old **** Onomu loved to slap people in the face, and he loved to expose your faults, it was shameless.

"Still stubborn!" Ohnoki said angrily, "You have already seen the horror of Sharingan, if Siwei is accidentally manipulated by him, I need the old man to explain to you the consequences!"

"Even if he controls it, it's my business, you don't need to take care of it!" Lao Zi struggled to get up from the ground, and glared at the third generation of Tsuchikage, "Old man, don't take care of my business!"

"Bastard monkey!" Onoki slapped him on the shoulder.

Earth escape - the art of aggravating rocks!


Lao Zi's whole body was crushed to the ground in an instant, seven or eight of his bones were broken.

Only then did Ohnoki relieve his anger, and picked him up roughly: "Okay, come back with me, hmph, make up your mind, this time you go back to the village, you don't want to have such an only thing anymore!"

"Damn it!" Old Zi was so angry that his eyes turned red.

His body seal.

The Monkey King with Four Tails shook his tail cheerfully, and kept urging: "Old Zi, kill the three-generation old man and become Tuying yourself, kill him, I will help you, kill him!"

"Monkey King, shut up!" Lao Zi was furious.

On the other side, after Feng Huo hid, he did eye exercises seven or eight times very seriously, and immediately felt that his eyesight was excellent.

Then he immediately transferred to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ for fear that Ohnoki would find him.

After turning on the kaleidoscope, Feng Huo thought that he could live day and night, but he didn't expect that the three generations of Tsuchikage first, and then the four-tailed Jinchuriki, hit him one after another, which made him very frustrated. Thinking about it carefully, the water in the ninja world is too deep. To fly to the sky and stand side by side with Kaguya Ji, it is a long way to go.

After moving the place, he immediately summoned the shadow clone, refined the chakra of the body, and cultivated the seal of the shadow clone. These are the most basic, but they are also extremely important. If you ignore these foundations in pursuit of powerful ninjutsu, In the end, you will definitely not be able to reach the peak.

At this time, Feng Huo's seal speed is already 1.5 seconds. If he wants to improve it, he can't do it in a short time, so he started to practice one-handed seal. It is very difficult, but a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Accumulating bit by bit, he believes that he will be able to complete the one-handed seal.

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