Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 278: Uchiha Madara shot

In the country of fire, along the southeast coast, on the winding coastline, two figures are slowly walking against the sea wind.

Of these two people, one has white hair and an old face, only a pair of three-gou jade sharing sharing eyes are shining, and the terrifying pupil power can be clearly detected half a mile away.

It's Uchiha Madara!

And the person next to him is naturally Bai Jue.

The two walked all the way and soon approached the Mist Ninja Camp.

At this time, it was getting dark, and the two stood on the top of a sea cliff, but none of them could find their existence.

"Master, why don't you go in like this?" Bai Jue asked with a smile on his face.

Uchiha Madara didn't answer, just watched there with Sharingan.

When the sky completely darkened, Uchiha Madara set off again, heading for the Mist Ninja Camp.

The Sangouyu Sharingans spin wildly, and anyone who sees these eyes, no matter if they are Chunin or Elite Jonin, will fall into the illusion and cannot extricate themselves.

The two of them entered the camp openly and aboveboard, and soon came to the location of the main camp.

It was still the illusion that cleared the way, and the ninja guarding here was pulled into the illusion by Uchiha Madara almost instantly.

Then he walked into the main camp like this, and Bai Jue followed with a smile.

In the main camp, the Mizukage of the third generation, the clan leader of the Minazuki Clan, Mizumutsuki Sora, the clan leader of the Kaguya Clan, Hatsubaki, and Teru Aozora and other high-ranking Kirinin were all there, discussing the war.

Hearing the sound of Uchiha Madara and Bai Ze entering, Sandai Mizukage frowned: "Who allowed you to enter... eh? Who are you?!"

"Sharingan?" Shui Mu Yuekong's eyes were closed, and his face was full of disbelief.

You must know that the main camp they are in is located in the middle of the big camp, and if they want to enter here quietly, even Konoha's third Hokage Hiruza Sarutobi can't do it!

"The Uchiha family? Could it be that they rely on illusion?"

"Are you kidding me? How can illusions confuse most of my camp of ninjas?" Zatsubaki roared, triggering the blood continuation limit boundary, and countless sharp bone spurs burst out from his body in an instant, rushing towards Uchiha Madara at a terrifying speed.

"Oh, oh, it's eye-opening that there are still people in this world who dare to attack you." Bai Jue smiled exaggeratedly.

Uchiha Madara remained silent, but the three-god jade in his eyes turned faster and faster.

In the next moment, Zao Chun, who was galloping, was stunned suddenly, as if he was pulled into a fantasy, but he was worthy of the powerful bone and blood inheritance boundary, and he escaped in only a moment!

But, it's too late!

Uchiha Madara had come to his side at some point, and a Kunai had been inserted deeply into Zaotsubaki's heart!

Mizukage Mizukage, Minazuki Sora, and Ao Qingkong stared dumbfounded at Zao Tsubaki lying on the ground like this, the blood flowing from his heart soon dyed the ground of the camp red.

"Nonsense!" Minazuki Kong's teeth began to chatter. Although he and Zao Chun were at odds, they also admired each other's strength, and at this moment, such a powerful bone vein expert was actually killed by a single blow? !

Sandai Mizukage took two steps back subconsciously, he raised his head and stared at Uchiha Madara's Sharingan, and in the next moment he felt that the pair of Sharingan became bigger and bigger, standing upright, occupying his vision and his spirit!

"Illusion, yes, this must be an illusion!" Zhao Qingkong didn't want to believe what he saw, his red eyes quickly formed seals, and he sprayed a strong corrosive acid mist from his mouth, "Boiling Escape - Skill of Mist!"

But just as he opened his mouth, an old hand had pierced his heart.

Madara Uchiha slowly pulled out his right hand, and then looked at Minazuki Sora.

He finally said: "Let me introduce myself, my name is... Uchiha Madara."

Minazuki Sora kept backing away: "No, it's impossible, Uchiha Madara is dead, he can never be alive, you are not, you are not!! Come, come!!"


Suddenly, Mizukage Mizukage who was standing next to Minazuki Sora suddenly made a move, shattering Minazuki Sora's heart with one blow!

"Uh, uh..." Minazuki Sora opened his mouth to speak, but the blood that kept pouring out of his body blocked his throat, he looked at the third Mizukage who was attacking him in disbelief, and then he was horrified It must be discovered that the eyes of the third Mizukage had turned into a pair of **** Sangouyu Sharingans at some point!

'What the hell... happened? '

After the last thought fell, Shui Mu Yue Kong closed his eyes and died completely.

"Hey, is this the end?" Bai Jue stood beside him tilting his head with a smile in his eyes, "It's really vulnerable."

Sandai Mizukage stood beside him, silent as if he was stupid.

At this time, he has been controlled by Uchiha Madara's Sharingan!

"let's go."

Uchiha Madara achieved his goal, turned and left.

Bai Jue followed with a smile.

After they left, the Sharingan in the eyes of the third generation of water shadows slowly disappeared.

He opened his black eyes, looked at the corpses of Mizunatsuki, Zaotsubaki, and Zhao Qingkong on the ground, showing a horrified expression.

"Empty? Zaochun? Zhao Qingkong? What's going on, what happened? Why is this happening?!"

The three generations of Mizukage seem to have forgotten everything that happened before, without even the slightest memory.

At this time, the Kirin Shinobi outside just woke up from Uchiha Madara's illusion. Hearing Mizukage's exclamation, he rushed in hastily.

"What happened to Mizukage-sama..."

"What's going on here?"

Sandai Mizukage took two steps back in a daze, with panic flashing in his eyes: "How is it possible, how is it possible? I was just discussing the war with them, why did they die in the blink of an eye? Why? What happened? How is it possible? "

The third generation of Mizukage is about to collapse.

These few people are the patriarchs of the wealthy clan in Wuyin Village. Once they die here, the whole village will cause an uproar!

The other Mizukage looked at Mizukage Mizukage in surprise.

They guarded outside and could swear that absolutely no one would enter this camp!

In other words, the murderer who killed Minazukiku, Satsubaki, and Teru Aozora was...

Mizukage Mizukage raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot: "You guys... what kind of eyes are these, are you doubting me?! Bastards!"

"Mizukage-sama, what happened?"

A ninja from the Minazuki clan rushed in and saw his patriarch lying in a pool of blood.

"Master Sora!!"

He rushed over to check ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ like crazy, and found that the patriarch's fatal wound was on his chest, and his heart was broken by a punch. He looked up and saw Mizukage Mizukage's right hand was covered with blood.

"Mizukage-sama, you, why did you kill Sora-sama?"

"No, it's not me, it's not me." Mizukage Mizukage's complexion changed, and he hurriedly hid his right hand behind his back.

At the same time, the ninjas of the Kaguya clan rushed over.

"Lord Zaotsubaki?!"

"Who is it? Who is it!!"

Seeing the crazy ninjas of Kaguya clan, Minazuki clan, and other ninjas injecting him with suspicious eyes, Sandai Mizukage's heart sank. He had a vague premonition that there was a huge conspiracy hanging over his head, no, It is the top of the entire Hidden Fog Village!

Under the night where the sea wind howled, the quiet Mist Ninja camp gradually became noisy, and an atmosphere of civil war was brewing crazily. Please pay attention to the latest chapters

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