Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 282: Mana Iwanobu

Chapter 282 Wanming Rock Shinobi (Page 1/1)

High in the sky, Onogi blasted a cloud of dust on Sandai Raikage's body, and the white beam of light crazily disintegrated the lightning shield on Sandai Raikage's body, approaching his body inch by inch.

At the same time, the gravitational force and the bombardment of Chen Dun also made the third generation of Raikage fall faster and faster, and even produced a howl!

Third Raikage's expression finally became serious.

"Onoki, you really have two tricks! Hahaha!"

The third generation of Raikage laughed wildly, stimulating his body with lightning. In the next instant, the lightning on his body surged again, and then transformed into lightning in the air, dodging directly under the dust escape at an even more terrifying speed.

But Monkey King with Four Tails rushed over at this moment.


The scorching magma rose into the sky like a raging wave, enveloping the three generations of Raikage.

"Hell Spike-Four Hands!"

The third Raikage used his finger as an arrow to directly penetrate the sea of ​​magma and flames, but what greeted him was the huge fist of the four tails.


Juli blasted the three generations of Raikage into the ground, but with the lightning shield, he didn't even have a single scar on his body. He turned over and stared angrily.

At this moment, the three generations of Tukage clasped their palms together, the earth overturned, and countless rocks burst out of the ground like a prison pillar, locking the third generation of Raikage firmly, but the next moment the thunder and lightning exploded, and the third generation of Raikage directly shattered the thick prison pillar , soaring into the sky.

"Roar!" The Monkey King with Four Tails also jumped up, turned around in the air, and swept out the four thick tails with great inertia.

"Thunder Dun-Thunder Plow Hot Knife!"

Using his wrist as a knife, the third Raikage charged and cut off all four tails in one go!

But in the next moment, a cube of white light fell from the sky.

"Dust escape - the art of stripping the original world!"


Baimang hit the third generation of Raikage again, blasting him into the ground!

"Damn it, Onoki, you **** dared to sneak attack!" The thunder and lightning coat on the third Raikage's body was slightly dimmed, like sparks.

Ohnoki sneered: "When you attack the civilians of the Land of Earth, you should know what will happen to you!"

The third Raikage was about to soar into the sky again, when he suddenly saw a large number of iwa ninjas galloping towards them in the distance, and a large amount of dust swept up behind these iwan ninjas into a torrent, floating into the sky like wolf smoke.

The third generation of Raikage took a rough look, and it was Qianyannin reinforcements again, his face couldn't help but change!

In addition to this batch of thousands of new reinforcements of Yanren, there are actually tens of thousands of Yanren gathered here in Yanyin Village!

If surrounded by these ten thousand rock ninjas, there is no doubt that the hundred elite junin in Yunyin Village will have a dead end!

The third generation of Raikage bared their teeth at that time. These hundred elite jounin, let alone in Yunyin Village, even if they are placed in Konoha, Sand hidden village, and Wuyin village, they are extremely precious and important forces. The third generation of Raikage Bringing them to the Land of Earth is for revenge, not death!

If they lose all of them here, the blow to Yunyin Village will be too great, and the third generation of Raikage will not be able to bear it.

"Onoki, you... so despicable!"

At this time, he still doesn't know the tricks.

On the battlefield of the Land of Rain, Iwanin and Konoha Ninja have been fighting for several years. Everyone thought that Iwanin had gone all out. In addition, Uchiha sealed the fire and made a big disturbance in the Land of Earth, which made the third generation of Raikage mistakenly think that the The country was empty, so he made up his mind to invade, but he didn't expect that there are thousands of rock ninjas lurking here!

The pit was so deep that the third Raikage fell into it and almost couldn't get out!

Ohnoki hovered high in the sky, seeing the changing expressions of the third Raikage, he felt relieved: "Third Raikage, I didn't expect that, hahaha, these ten thousand ninjas are my gift to you!"

The third Raikage stared at Onogi's red nose, becoming even more angry, but he knew that he had to calm down at this time.

‘The top priority is to get them out safely! '

He can die, but these hundred elite jinnin must not die here!

The third Raikage immediately turned around and rushed into the mountains.

"Stop him!" Onoki yelled.

The Four-Tails Monkey King rushed over almost instantly, the four severed tails grew again, and flicked out terrifying magma flames, sweeping towards the Third Raikage.

But the third generation of Raikage is desperate this time, the incarnation of thunder and lightning disappears in a flash, whether it is Onoki or the four-tailed Monkey King, they can't catch up with him for a while!

Almost half a breath later, the third generation of Raikage had rushed into the mountains, and the roar sounded instantly: "Retreat!!"

Onoki and Monkey King with Four Tails followed closely behind and chased into the mountains.

After Fenghuo saw it, he hurriedly commanded the strike-like Super Rondo II to fly to the mountains. Such a wonderful battle really opened his eyes, and he couldn't miss it for a moment.

‘Third Raikage’s Hell Thrust is worthy of being the strongest spear, I’m afraid Susano in the fourth form may not be able to block such a thrust. '

‘And his lightning shield, it’s so abnormal, it can even temporarily resist Dust Dun! '

Feng Huo's eyes are hot, if he can learn this trick, it will be of great benefit to his own safety!

Then he got into a tangle again. His eight-door Dunjia Formation is the number one martial arts in the ninja world. Once the eight-door is opened, it can beat the six-door Madara to screams, and the third generation of Raikage's lightning shield or **** stab , are not enough to threaten Liudao Madara.

From this point of view, learning the lightning shield is a bit redundant.

"Hey!" Chao Lunwu II flew out of an 'S' shape in the air, and slowly approached the mountains unwillingly.

At this time, the third generation of Raikage had already started fighting with thousands of Yannin in the mountains.

"You guys go back, I'm dead, go away!!" The third Raikage roared, protected by a lightning shield, he was a **** of death among the rock ninja group, no one could leave a wound on him, and his Every punch and every kick is accompanied by the death of a large number of rock ninjas!

"Master Raikage, we are not leaving!"

"Master Raikage, we want to fight with you!"

The hundred elites of Yunyin Village rushed to the rock ninja group again.

At this time, more than 4,000 rock ninjas outside the mountains have also arrived and are quickly entering the mountains.

"No, Iwanin has reinforcements!" A cloud ninja sensed Iwanin outside the mountains and was shocked.

Third Raikage snorted angrily, "Go!"

"Master Lei Ying?" The elites of Yunyin Village realized something.

"Don't stay here to burden the old man!" Third Raikage said coldly.

Suddenly, a white cubic beam of light descended from the sky, instantly decomposing the three cloud ninjas into atoms, leaving no bones left.

"Dust escape - the art of stripping the original world!"

Onoki's voice came from the sky without haste ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as if the gods were below them, watching them indifferently, "No one wants to run away!"

"Roar!" The Monkey King with Four Tails jumped down from the mountain peak, carrying hot magma with him and charged at the Third Raikage.

"Damn it, you didn't even listen to the old man's orders!" The third Raikage hacked to death the two Iwanin with a wave of his hand, and then turned into a thunderbolt soaring into the sky, and directly bumped into the four tails.


The magma and lightning exploded at a high altitude, and then turned into a terrifying explosion, shaking several nearby mountain peaks to tremble.


The third generation of Raikage roared.

Thanks to book friends Xiao Tangren 1, Love Running Bird for their reward and support!

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