Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 291: missing red

In the next few days, the cloud ninja's offensive became more and more fierce, centered on the camp of the vanguard, radiating wildly in all directions, forcing Konoha ninja to retreat again and again.

Ai and Kirabi, the AB combination, acted as the vanguard and went on a rampage.

Akido Doto and Inuzuka proposed to ambush the AB combination, but since Namikaze Minato singled out the AB combination last time, they have been extremely cautious and never face Namikaze Minato face to face.

Moreover, the other cloud ninjas fight with more than a dozen people every time, and they run away when they encounter Namikaze Minato or Fenghuo, and they don't like fighting at all.

As Yunnin approached, Fenghuo and the others needed to defend more and more places. Once the troops were dispersed, Yunnin was given an opportunity. After a few days, their situation became worse.

Hiruza Sarutobi had no choice but to send more ninjas to support him.

And most of these ninjas were promoted from the lower ninja to the middle ninja last year, and Yuhihong was among them!

Going to the battlefield is naturally very nervous, but thinking of seeing Fenghuo, Yuhihong feels that no matter how dangerous it is, it is worth it!

Over the past few years, Yuhi's red-cheeked baby fat has been replaced by sharp-edged lines, and she looks a bit heroic from a distance.

Several ninjas of the same age who set off with Kurenai Yuhi, surrounded her every day, annoyed Kureni Yuhi very much.

Just two days away from the front line, an accident happened.


The sky was covered with dark clouds, there were bursts of thunder, and a heavy rain fell silently.

"Wait for the rain to stop or keep going?"

"If you continue on your way, will you be ambushed by Yun Nin?"

"Could you catch a cold?"

"Let's wait for the rain to stop."


A thick thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky, and directly struck a nearby big tree, splitting the tree in half, the crack was blackened, and the smoke slowly dissipated in the rain.

Everyone was startled, looked at each other in blank dismay, and hurriedly moved away from the tree.

"Hong, don't be afraid, I'm here!" A teenage Sao Nian patted his chest, very manly, but he turned his head but didn't see Yu Hihong's figure, "Eh? Hong, Hong? Hong you What about people?!"

"What's wrong? Is Hong gone?"

"Isn't it still here just now? Why did it disappear after a thunderstorm?"

"Go find it!"

Everyone wandered around. Under the rain, they searched all over the place, and even dug three feet into the ground, but in the end, they found nothing!

Red is missing!

"How to do?"

"Damn it, it's all my fault. If I grab her, she won't disappear."

"It must be Yun Nin who captured Hong, let's go to the front line and tell Master Minato and Master Fenghuo about Hong!"

at the same time.

In the land of water, there is a huge lake near the sea. The bottom of the lake is connected to the open sea. It is unfathomable and glows with a deep luster. Looking down, there is a strange feeling of looking directly into the abyss of hell.

Three generations of Mizukage came here with his head down and disheveled hair, standing on the edge of the lake, then he took a light step and stepped on the lake, a layer of ripples slowly spread around the center of his feet.

Three generations of water shadows walked to the center of the lake step by step, raising their heads slightly.

His dark-brown eyes were **** now, and three of the hook jades were slowly spinning.

He stretched out his hands and started making mudras.


Water Escape - The Art of Great Waterfall!

The third generation of Mizukage pressed his hand down, and the surrounding lake suddenly rolled up, setting off a waterspout more than ten feet long, like a dragon entering the sea, violently blasting into the center of the lake!

The water waves are monstrous, turbulent, and spread out layer by layer, creating countless ripples. After a dozen breaths, the lake gradually calmed down, but the next moment, at the bottom of the deep lake, a huge black shadow was moving extremely fast. The speed floats upwards.


When this huge monster broke through the water, it immediately set off a huge water wave tens of feet high. Accompanied by a dull roar, Sanwei Jitai officially appeared on the stage.

Isata is huge in size, with sharp thorns growing all over his body. He looks fierce, and a wild breath blows towards his face.

But if you are farther away, you can see that it is a big tortoise with three tails.

The three generations of water shadows let the waves of tens of feet high hit their bodies.

"Hey..." Misao Isota took a step back slightly, as if feeling an ominous atmosphere.

But in the next moment, Sandai Mizukage had already raised his head, and the three goblins in his eyes twirled wildly, almost instantly reflected in Mizukage's one eye.


Rocky roared loudly, his limbs stirred wildly in the lake, and his three tails lashed the water violently, causing the water waves to surge in an instant, but.

Doesn't help.

Half the time passed, and Sanwei Jiji's roar finally disappeared, and the moment it looked up, it could be seen that its one eye had turned into Sangouyu Sharingan!

Sandai Mizukage turned and left, and behind him, Mizukage Mizukage followed step by step.

The country of fire.

Feng Huo looked at the dozens of Chunin in front of him with a gloomy face, his steel teeth almost snapped.

"Hong...is missing? Are you kidding me?!" The muscles on Feng Huo's face were throbbing uncontrollably, "Why is she missing but you are all right, tell me why!"

Angry, the fire-sealing Sangouyu Sharingan Eyes were spinning crazily, the power of the pupils was boiling, and an ominous aura slowly permeated.

"Seal the fire, calm down!" Namikaze Minato grabbed him.

Akidodo Higashi and Inuzuka Jaw were also nearby, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Yeah, why did you only catch Yuhihong?"

"Could it be that he was afraid of thunder, so he hid?"

The two looked at each other and shook their heads in unison, expressing their incomprehension.

Seeing the angry Fenghuo and feeling the powerful and weird pupil power, those Chunin were silent like cicadas, not even daring to speak.

"Who, who, who could it be?"

Feng Huo squinted his eyes, he had a premonition that the real target of the mastermind who captured Xi Hihong was definitely him!




Cloud Ninja?

Or... Uchiha Madara?

Everyone is suspicious, but now there are too few clues, Fenghuo can't tell who is going to deal with him.

Minato Namikaze questioned those Chunin carefully, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com confirmed that no details were missed before letting Akimichido and Inuzuka lead them away.

"Fenghuo, don't worry. From the current point of view, Hong should not be in danger." Namakaze Minato sighed, as calm as him, and could only confirm that the purpose of dealing with Fenghuo was to deal with Fenghuo, so before Fenghuo had no 'accident', Hong Should be safe.

"I know, I'm the one who hurt her."

Fear, fear, panic, anger, killing intent...

Fenghuo kept taking deep breaths, trying to suppress the boiling emotions in his heart, but the effect didn't seem to be good.

"Do you have a goal?" Namikaze Minato asked solemnly, "Kunin or...Danzo?"

"If it's Danzo..."

"I will never sit idly by!" Namikaze Minato said firmly!

Feng Huo's heart warmed, and he said: "The suspicion cannot be ruled out, but if it is Danzang, why wait until Hong goes to the battlefield to catch him? But... it is also possible that he deliberately arranged this way to confuse our attention."

"It seems that we can only stop in silence." Bo Fengshuimen said.

Feng Huo squinted his eyes and nodded, but for some reason, an ominous premonition surged in his heart.

Who exactly? !

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