Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 298: Absolute Thunder Plow Hot Knife

That night, Fenghuo called Minato Namikaze and asked him about the 'division' of the tailed beast!

When Namikaze Minato heard his "genius idea", he was amazed and shocked.

"Feng Huo, you are a genius!"

Namikaze Minato was so excited, his eyes said, "Tailed beasts are not real life after all, but chakra materialized life forms. Your idea is completely fine!"

You must know that his girlfriend, Kushina, is a Kyuubi Jinchuriki, and Kyuubi is not a worry-free person, and will make trouble in Kushina's stomach from time to time. Although there has been no trouble with Uzumaki's sealing technique, some key Time, but there will be big trouble.

Such as production!

Namikaze Minato likes Kushina very much, and even discussed marriage when he was called back by Hiruzaru Sarutobi. Since he is going to get married, how can he not have children?

And giving birth will definitely loosen the seal in Kushina's body, and then Kyuubi will definitely rebel!

Namikaze Minato's eyes, if he split the Kyuubi in two in advance, then when Kushina gave birth, there would only be half of the Kyuubi rebelling in her body. In this way, it will definitely be easily suppressed!


Oh, how can Fenghuo's brain work so well!

Namikaze Minato looked at Fenghuo happily, and couldn't help but use his special move: touch the head to kill.

Feng Huo looked depressed. Anyway, he was in his twenties mentally, and he was a social person who took part in work. Don't be too embarrassed to be patted on the head.

"Brother Shuimen, can you do it?" Feng Huo avoided his 'salty pig hands' without a trace.

"This, I have to think about it!" Namikaze Minato stroked his chin and thought carefully about the specific implementation methods.

Fenghuo didn't urge him, he believed that Minato Namikaze would be able to do it!

After all, Namikaze Minato in the original book really did it.

Seeing him meditating, Fenghuo went to Kureni Yuhi to remove Uchiha Madara's pupil power.

And in the process of eliminating, Fenghuo's pupil power was broken by Uchiha Madara's pupil power, or assimilated?

Is this the red near the vermilion and the black near the ink?

There is an inexplicable feeling of being tarnished.

Fenghuo is even more upset with Uchiha Madara, but through Uchiha Madara's remaining pupil power, he also feels the opponent's strength.

At this time, Uchiha Madara's reincarnation eyes are on Nagato, so his eyes are just a pair of very ordinary sharing eyes, but even so, his pupil power is better than his own kaleidoscope, which is a bit big.

Fenghuo coveted Sanwei even more.

In the early morning of the next day, when the sky was slightly bright, Yun Nin came to the door, and it was Brother AB.

Ai and Kirabi's eyes were red when they saw Fenghuo, and they clamored to punish the evil, and the rest of the Konoha ninjas could leave on their own.

Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato looked at each other, and immediately told the others to leave immediately.

Feng Huo personally put Yuhihong on the back of Inuzuka Jaw's Ninja Dog, and then used his head to kill him. He told Ninja Dog to protect Yuhihong and not let other men carry it. He also promised to reward him with ten meaty bones!

"Master Ai, there seems to be something wrong."

"Do you really want to let go of the other Konoha ninjas?"

"Isn't that good?"

Ai was furious: "Shut up, Uchiha sealed the fire and killed my father, I will make him pay for it!"

Kirabi naturally has the same attitude.

Brother ab said this, and the other cloud ninjas could only shut up aggrieved.

Soon, the Konoha ninjas in the arena were almost gone, and finally there were only two people left.

Seal the fire, and Namikaze Minato!

Ai and Kirabi are not well.

"Namikaze Minato, why don't you leave!" Ai's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Namikaze Minato smiled: "I will not abandon my brother."

"Bageyalu, crying Geyalu!" Qi Rabi was furious, "I've been fooled, **** it!"

Other cloud ninjas can’t tell, but Namikaze Minato is a yellow flash, and his reputation in the ninja world has become more and more famous. Uchiha’s sealing fire is not a good thing. In the battle on Kikyo Mountain, he became a demon **** and broke the sand ninja The front line determines the outcome of a battle!

Put these two together, can brother ab suppress it? They really had no idea, but they knew that if they just launched a direct attack and made dumplings with Konoha Ninja, they would definitely be able to threaten Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato, and let them throw a mouse!

But now, it's time for the ab brothers to be the ones who are supposed to be wary.

Fortunately, Ai and Qi Labi have darker complexions, and they can't tell when they blush.

Ai Dao: "Stay away, this is a matter between our brothers and their brothers!"

"Bageyalu, Crying Geyalu, I want you to pay the price!" Qilabi turned around, and seven daggers appeared at the bends of his hands, elbows, and legs, and rushed towards Fenghuo.

And Ai also turned into a thunderbolt, came to Fenghuo in an instant, and punched him down.

Ai's speed was too fast, before he could finish sealing the fire in the blink of an eye, his fist had already landed, the thunder light and wind pressure on the fist crackled, and goose bumps arose on the skin that stimulated the sealing of the fire.

"Wait a mininute!"

The Kunai of Namikaze Minato instantly appeared in front of Ai's eyes. If he took half a step forward, the Kunai would pierce his pupils!


Ai was shocked. He originally thought that Minato's speed was just relying on time and space ninjutsu, as well as those special Kunai, so this time he and Kirabi made a bold move before Minato's throwing Kunai. Unexpectedly Still stopped by Namikaze Minato.

Fenghuo finally finished blinking.

Looking at the fist that was close at hand, a trace of cold sweat dripped from Feng Huo's forehead.

Damn, because there is Namikaze Minato by his side, Fenghuo is a little slack in his heart. As a result, in the blink of an eye, Ai has already appeared in front of his eyes. At this speed, there is no room for a little slack!

Feng Huo hurriedly adjusted his mentality. Of course, taking two steps back was the meaning of the question.

"Thunder Dungeon-Seven Blades Style!"

As a result, as soon as Feng Huo retreated, there was a piercing sound of saber energy piercing the air behind him.

Looking back, Qilabi has turned into a top, dancing seven knives together, the light of the knives is like wind, everywhere, like clouds, dense, piercing Fenghuo's eyelids with pain.

He had experienced it once before, but he didn't dare to risk himself, so he opened the kaleidoscope.

Then dark purple ribs surrounded him from the void behind Fenghuo.


Seven knives slashed at the deep purple ribs at the same time, causing Feng Huo to take half a step back.

Feng Huo made seals with his hands, and forced Qirabi back with a fireball. He was about to taunt, but he didn't expect a voice to sound from behind him at the same time.

"Lightning Dun-The Absolute Thunder Plow Knife!"

"Lightning Dun-The Absolute Thunder Plow Knife!"

Qi Rabi and Ai simultaneously launched a killing blow to Feng Huo.

I saw two thunder lights in the air, one from the left and the other from the right, shooting towards Fenghuo at the same time.

Feng Huo raised his eyebrows and shouted: "Brother Shuimen back off!"

Namikaze Minato's footsteps slowed down, his nerve reflexes were extremely terrifying, even Ai turned into a thunderbolt could react, and he wanted to stop him, but since Fenghuo said so, he had no choice but to wait and see what happened.

At the same time, the **** meridians quickly grew on the deep purple ribs outside the sealing fire, and then Wu Tiangou's armor was attached to him, followed by two huge copper hammers in his two big hands.

Fenghuo spun wildly, dancing the two copper hammers together.


The thunderbolt, hot knife and copper hammer collided blatantly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The terrifying strength turned into ripples in the air and dissipated. Wherever the air ripples passed, the earth cracked and the vegetation turned to ashes.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"


Ai was wearing a lightning jacket, and Kirabi was wearing a tailed beast jacket. They roared wildly and approached step by step, crushing Susano into slightly deformed. The two copper hammers were even more squeaking sound.

If you don't kill Uchiha to seal the fire, you will never give up! Please pay attention to the latest chapters

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