Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 310: Rashomon

"Uchiha seals the fire."

Orochimaru excitedly stretched out his tongue to wash his face up and down, his saliva was dripping, his posture was arrogant, and his murderous aura was like a real pavement.

Feng Huo is not afraid. In the past few years on the battlefield, although he has not condensed his murderous aura, his will has already been solidified like a rock. Even if he can fight back and forth among thousands of troops, how could he be afraid of Orochimaru's murderous aura?

"Sneaker Snake Hand!"

Orochimaru retracted his tongue and immediately launched an offensive.

For more than ten days, the poisonous snake came galloping in the air, swallowing snake letters, its fangs gleaming coldly, and it opened its mouth to bite.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"


The fireball with a radius of one meter exuded scorching heat, like a sun rising across the sky, instantly roasting the poisonous snake until it was fragrant.

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

Orochimaru slapped the ground with his palm, and a stone wall rose from the ground to block Hao's fireball.

At the same time, Orochimaru came behind Fenghuo with the instant body technique, and his left hand had turned into countless poisonous snakes wrapped around Fenghuo's neck.

Feng Huo tilted his head slightly, and the three-pointed jade in his eyes instantly turned into a black and red pentagram: "Golden binding illusion!"

Orochimaru's eyelids twitched, and the surrounding space turned into a boundless red blood mist in an instant, and his body was actually nailed by several huge rusty iron nails!


A sneer appeared at the corner of Dashewan's mouth, and his body was soft and boneless in an instant, twisting crazily like a snake jumping.

Feng Huo squinted his eyes. In the original book, Uchiha Itachi defeated Orochimaru with this trick of illusion, but at that time Orochimaru was hit hard by the soul because of the non-stop "reincarnation". Wan, the forbidden technique of reincarnation is still being studied, and the soul is naturally intact, so he has no pressure in the face of this 'golden binding illusion'.

The kaleidoscope pupil power of Fenghuo boiled, and deep purple ribs pierced from behind him, surrounding him, and then chakra poured in, and the meridians of flesh and blood quickly emerged, and two huge copper hammers condensed in the left and right hands.

Susano in the second form!


The two copper hammers collided lightly in the air, making an ear-piercing roar, as if they were crashing towards Orochimaru.

On the other side, Hatake Sakumo and Kakashi also started fighting.

Although he was his own son, Hatake Sakumo didn't release water, and he didn't deliberately increase the difficulty to show his fairness.

Kakashi persisted for a while and then he knew what he was doing, and immediately released his favorite work, ahem, the proud work taught by Fenghuo.


Kakashi's right hand was wrapped by lightning, and it crackled like a thousand birds chirping.

Hatake Sakumo stood on the spot waiting for this move, with some praise and encouragement in his eyes.

Facing his powerful father, Kakashi has no intention of hiding his strength at all, he just wants to release himself with all his strength and prove himself.

The thunder in his hand became brighter and brighter, and the sound of tweets resounded throughout the training ground.

"Thunder Dun-Chidori!"

Kakashi finished his momentum and rushed towards Hatake Sakumo quickly.

Hatake Sakumo quickly formed seals with both hands: "Fengdun-Big Breakthrough!"

Wind Dunk Thunder, with the howling wind, the bright lightning wrapped around Kakashi's right hand melted like ice and snow under the scorching sun!

What's weird is that although the gust of wind melted the thunder light, it didn't hurt Kakashi one iota.

With such terrifying control power, even Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded frequently when he saw it, and secretly praised, 'As expected of Konoha Baiya! '

Then Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at the battle on the other side, frowning slightly.

'It turned on the kaleidoscope. '


The copper hammer fell to the ground, and instantly smashed a huge stone pit out of the training ground. The cracks in the pit were densely packed, extending to the surroundings like spider webs.

A series of poisonous snakes gushed out of the pit, turning into a sea of ​​snakes and rushing towards Susano.

Susano's two copper hammers kept hitting the sea of ​​snakes one after another, but the damage caused was a drop in the bucket compared to thousands of poisonous snakes.

Sealing the fire seal: "Huo Dun - head hard!"

A small fireball landed slowly, and instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the flames spewed out, covering the sea of ​​snakes in an instant.


Thousands of poisonous snakes roared fiercely, twisting and struggling in the sea of ​​flames.

Orochimaru looked indifferently, and continued to channel.

As one of the three holy places in the ninja world, there are really countless poisonous snakes in Ryuji Cave, and Orochimaru didn't care about this small sacrifice at all.

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!" Feng Huo sealed again.

In an instant, the wind assisted the fire, and the fire swelled with wind and power. The sea of ​​fire seemed to set off thousands of fire waves, blowing layer by layer among the snakes, devouring the lives of poisonous snakes.

"The evil snake is winding!"

In the sea of ​​flames, a huge venomous snake came windingly, and quickly hit the Susano which was sealing the fire.

Fenghuo couldn't help taking half a step back after being hit.

"The evil snake's wrist explodes!"

In the next moment, several giant snakes flew over the sea of ​​flames, and when they approached Susanoo, they exploded loudly.

The huge shock was transmitted to the body through Susano, and Feng Huo suddenly felt a tightness in his chest.

At this time, the sea of ​​flames gradually extinguished, but the poisonous snakes did not decrease but increased.

"Array of Ten Thousand Snakes!"

Orochimaru prostrated on the ground with his mouth open, and suddenly a series of poisonous snakes came out of his mouth. The scene was extremely disgusting and hideous. After a few breaths, the poisonous snakes had already covered half of the training ground!

Even Hatake Sakumo and Kakashi on the other side were affected by the snake cry and had to stop fighting.

Kakashi turned his head and glanced, his scalp was numb and goose bumps all over his body.

Hatake Sakumo sighed secretly, probably understanding what Orochimaru was thinking, then he looked at Kakashi who was a little scared, and shouted: "Kakashi, don't be distracted!"

Kakashi was taken aback, quickly looked away, and said, "Understood!"

Then he gritted his teeth and continued to rush towards Sakumo Hatake.

"Fire escape - head hard!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

Fenghuo continued to use wind and fire ninjutsu mixed doubles, burning snakes crazily.

But in the sea of ​​flames, there were more and more poisonous snakes. Although most of them were burned to death by the fire, many of them rushed through the sea of ​​flames and bit Susano in an instant.

With only half a breath, the Susanoo that sealed the fire was already covered with poisonous snakes!

Fenghuo swung the copper hammer, only to find that it was a cannon hitting mosquitoes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the effect was very poor.

"It's disgusting to me if you can't beat it."

He was speechless.

In the next moment, the kaleidoscope pupil power of his right eye boiled, and the shadow of Lunmu instantly passed through the sea of ​​flames and the sea of ​​snakes, and rushed towards Orochimaru.

Orochimaru half-closed his eyes, and once again felt the ubiquitous life-and-death crisis, he immediately moved left and right, spinning quickly around the sea of ​​flames.

"The evil snake's wrist explodes!"

As Orochimaru ran, he psychically summoned the 'Self-Explosive Giant Serpent', which caused Susano to back up again and again.

"Damn it!"

Feng Huo rubbed his right hand: "Thunder Dun-Xiang Wan!"

The Helix pill that added the thunder attribute was thrown beside Da Shewan by the fire seal.

Orochimaru quickly formed seals with both hands, and slapped the ground with the last palm: "Rashomon!"


A gate of evil spirits descended like hell, and quickly sprang out from the ground.


Thunderbolt-Helix pill bombarded Rashomon, instantly erupting terrifying power, the thunder light exploded, and wind blades swept across Rashomon violently, but unfortunately, before these terrifying powers spread, they were destroyed Rashomon swallowed them all!

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