Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 318: gift eye

In the dense forest with overlapping mountains, outside a huge stone house built of piled up stones, Obito successfully tracked it here with the help of the single hook jade writing wheel eye.

"I found it, Lin, I must rescue you!"

Just as Obito was about to move, there was a sharp piercing sound behind him.


When Obito was terrified, suddenly a figure fell from above at an extremely fast speed, forcing back the sneak attacking Iwanin with a single knife!

"Kakashi, why are you here?" Obito was stunned when he saw this figure.

Kakashi rolled the eyes of the dead fish, and snorted coldly: "Of course I don't feel relieved if you, the crane tail, act alone."

"Kakashi, you..." Obito was both moved and ashamed.

"Silver-white hair, coupled with that white chakra knife, could it be that you are... Konoha's White Fang?!" Iwanin Oishi's face was solemn, his feet moved slightly outward, and he was ready to escape at any time.

Unexpectedly, Kakashi raised the sword proudly: "This is a gift from my father!"

Upon hearing that, Yanin Dashi breathed a sigh of relief: "So it's Bai Fang's child, so there's nothing to be afraid of!"

In the next moment, his figure disappeared again, sneaked up behind Obito, from bottom to top, and slashed fiercely at the back of Obito's head with a knife.

"Obito, behind!"

When Kakashi heard the movement, he stood behind Obito almost without hesitation, and blocked the knife for him.

The blade slashed across Kakashi's left eye, bringing up a string of blood beads, and cut Kakashi blind with one move.


Kakashi fell to the ground, covered his left eye and yelled, "My eyes!"

"Hey Kakashi, are you okay?"

Obito was in a hurry, looking at Kakashi's bleeding left eye, his eyes filled with tears instantly.

Kakashi gritted his teeth and stood up, looked at Obito disdainfully, and snorted coldly: "Have you got dust in your eyes again? Ninjas can't cry! I'm not dead yet, so don't take it lightly."

Hearing what he said, Obito was both moved and blamed himself. The strong emotional stimulation made his single-gou jade writing sharing eyes evolve into two-gou jade in an instant!

At this time, Yan Ninja Oishi approached silently again with the invisibility technique.

It's just that Obito who opened the Ergoudama Sharingan at this time has been able to see through the opponent's invisibility, turned around and stabbed the shuriken fiercely into the abdomen of Iwanin Oishi, and then twisted it hard, the shuriken fell The opponent's abdomen instantly caused a huge tear, and blood flowed down.

Yan Ninja Dashi looked at his abdominal wound in disbelief: "Why, why? How could you see me?"

When the words fell, the boulder rushed to the street.

"Now, it's my turn to protect my companion!" Obito said firmly.

Kakashi turned his head and looked at Obito in shock: "Obito, your eyes."

From the single gouyu to the two gouyu, the evolution of Sharingan cannot be hidden from others at all.

Obito turned around in a hurry, took out the emergency treatment kit presented by Lin, and did a simple treatment for Kakashi's left eye.

Afterwards, the two rushed into the stone house, and saw Lin kneeling on the ground in the innermost part of the stone house.

"Lin!" Obito Ergouyu's Sharingan spun wildly, seeing that the chakra flow on Lin's body was abnormally disordered, "Lin has an illusion, **** it!"

Kakashi pulled out the short blade on his back, and stared at a rock ninja who slowly walked out of the darkness, the flames.

"It's commendable for your courage to be able to come here, but sometimes courage alone is not enough!"

Yan Renhuoguang sneered and rushed forward, shaking his hands, and instantly shook out two sharp long knives.

"Be careful, he has fought against him, he is very fast!" Kakashi pulled out his chakra knife and rushed forward.

Obito also holds Kunai and rushes towards the rock to endure the fire.

Kakashi's sword technique inherited from Hatake Sakumo poured out from his hands crazily.

"Little devil, you have two tricks!" Huo Guang easily resisted, still having the strength to sneer.

Kakashi's swordsmanship is relatively immature, but it is inherited from Hatake Sakumo after all. The swordsmanship is extremely refined and concise, and the killing is fierce. The more you fight, the more clean and neat your swordsmanship will be.

Although Obito was weak in strategy, relying on Ergotama's super dynamic vision, he unexpectedly successfully blocked Huoguang's action. Kakashi immediately slashed down Huoguang to the ground.

"Quick, save Lin!" Obito shouted.

"Solution!" Kakashi rushed to Lin's side immediately, using his own Chakra to help Lin get rid of the illusion.

Lin woke up like a dream and opened her eyes: "Kakashi, Obito?"

"We're here to save you, Lin, you're fine." Obito panted heavily.

Kakashi stood up: "Now is not the time to reminisce about the past, let's retreat quickly."

"Hmph, although the cooperation is good, but in the end, it's just a brat!" Huo Guang struggled to get up from the ground, and then quickly formed seals with his hands: "Now you are still in the palm of my hand! Tudun-Yansu collapse!"


In an instant, more than a dozen cracks appeared on the roof of this huge stone house piled up with stones, and pieces of tiny stones fell like rain curtains.

Clap clap!

"Oops, run to the exit!" Kakashi and the three gritted their teeth and sprinted.

It's just that at this time, his left eye was already blind, and when his vision was blocked, a rock the size of a fist hit his eye socket. The severe pain caused him to slip, and he fell to the ground in embarrassment, and then a bigger rock crashed down. .


Seeing this scene, Obito rushed up almost immediately and threw Kakashi out of the range of the boulder.


The next moment, the huge rock fell to the ground, splashing a burst of smoke and dust.

At this time, Kakashi and Rin were surrounded by countless rocks, and Obito was pressed down by the huge rock on the right side of his body!

A pool of blood quickly diffused from under the giant rock and merged into the ground, and the **** smell crazily stimulated the noses of Kakashi and Lin.

"Bring soil!"

Kakashi ran over like crazy and wanted to push away the boulder, but at this time all the rocks on the roof of the stone house fell, blocking the surrounding area tightly. If he wanted to push the boulder away, it would be impossible unless all the nearby rocks were removed!

"Kakashi, don't waste your energy, I...seem to be dying!" Obito laughed bitterly, "The right half of his body is almost crushed, and he doesn't even feel it anymore."

"No... how come..." Lin burst into tears instantly.

"Damn it!" Kakashi gritted his teeth, tears slipped from his right eye, and fell to the ground mixed with Obito's blood.

"Damn, hate, it's all my fault. If I had come to save Lin together as you said from the beginning, it wouldn't have turned out like this!" Kakashi fell to his knees decadently, crying bitterly, filled with remorse, "I What kind of captain, what kind of ninja am I, **** it!"

"By the way, I almost forgot, I'm the only one... who hasn't given you the gift of being promoted to Jonin yet." Obito has already breathed in more and vented less, "Kakashi~www.wuxiaspot.com~I I've been thinking about what gift I should give you before, and now... I finally thought of it, hehe, don't worry, it's not a useless burden."

Obito slowly opened his left eye, revealing Ergouyu's Sharingan, "I'll give you this Sharingan. You're a great Jonin, it's shameless to lose one eye, hehe, this is... Just accept my wish."

"Shut up, what are you talking about, I will definitely save you!" Kakashi almost collapsed.

"Lin, use your medical ninjutsu to transplant my Sharingan to Kakashi's left eye." Obito said with difficulty, "I'm running out of time."

Lin gritted her teeth and wiped away her tears: "Kakashi, come here, let's start now!"

Obito looked at Kakashi and smiled: "Kakashi, even if I die, I will be your eyes to see the future for you!"

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