Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 322: rebellious old purple

Hidden Rock Village in the Land of Earth.

The third Tsuchikage Onoki received the information that Kanna Kun Bridge was blown up by Namikaze Minato, and the expression on his face was very vivid.

"Lord Tuying, if the Shenwu Kun Bridge is broken, the supplies at the front line will not be able to keep up. I'm afraid, I'm afraid..." An elder's face turned pale.

"Kanmu Kunqiao must be held accountable for guarding Iwanin, and it was destroyed so easily, it's just a bunch of trash!" Another fiery elder was furious.

"Shut up!" Ohnoki yelled coldly, "Don't forget that the opponent is Namikaze Minato, who can kill fifty jounin in an instant, and the guard ninja of Kanna Kunqiao is simply impossible to be his opponent!"

"Even so, even so..." The short-tempered elder still looked unhappy.

"That's enough. I've ordered you to give up any missions unconditionally when you meet Minato Namikaze. The village won't hold him accountable, so there's no need to pursue this matter!"

Onoki said with a cold face, "Elders, please think about what we should do next!"

"It's needless to say! Just repair the Shenwu Kun Bridge and continue the supply line!" The violent elder slapped the table and shouted.

There is nothing wrong with saying this, whether it is everyone present or other ninjas in the village, who can't escape from earth?

It is not technically difficult for them to directly use the earth escape technique to recreate a "Shenwu Kunqiao"!

What made the grumpy elder strange was that none of the other elders, even Tsuchikage Ohnoki, echoed his suggestion. He frowned and said, "Why don't you speak up? Is my suggestion wrong?"

"Stupid!" Onoki finally couldn't stand this guy anymore, and said angrily, "Continue to Kanna Bridge? Then you are going to guard the bridge yourself? In your eyes, Namikaze Minato is just an insignificant brat, yes Is that so?!"

Temperament instantly paled.

Although he is an elder, his strength is only in the head of the jounin. Namikaze Minato instantly killed fifty jounin. Killing him is probably no different from trampling an ant to death.

Thinking of this, he was terrified.

Finally realized that as long as Namikaze Minato is still there, no one in Yanyin Village can guard this "Kanmu Kun Bridge"!

Even if the three generations of Tsuchikage Onogi went in person, he couldn't keep it!

Because Namikaze Minato's speed is too fast, with such a big bridge, Namikaze Minato has enough space to dodge Onoki's attack, and at the same time easily destroy the 'Kanna Kun Bridge', and may even wait for an opportunity to assassinate Onoki!

The rest of the elders had already thought of this level, so they were all silent.

The grumpy elder sat down dejectedly, feeling bad all over: "But, but in this way, there is a shortage of supplies on the front line, how can they fight against Konoha's ninjas?"

"Can't we avoid this place? Choose a new supply line, you can..." an elder carefully suggested.

Onogi snorted coldly: "When the new supply line can transport supplies, I'm afraid the ninjas on the front line are almost dead. Don't give me these stupid suggestions!"

The elders looked at each other.

Onoki's face became increasingly ugly.

The rest of the elders also started to tremble one by one.

They already had a hunch.

The destruction of the Shenwu Kun Bridge has completely brought Yanyin Village to a dead end.

Either, reopen a supply line on the premise of sacrificing most of the ninjas on the front line, and then send more than 5,000 rock ninjas in the village to the battlefield again, or... Surrender!

How to choose?

The temper-tempered elder shrinks back, no matter which one he chooses, he will become the village's sinner, so it's better for him not to make a sound.

The rest of the elders also remained silent, silently watching the third generation of Tsuchikage Onoki.

The big-eyed girl's face was so dark, she was so angry that her waist creaked, and her face suddenly became a ball of pain.

"Master Tukage, no matter what, we support your decision!"

"That's right, Master Tukage, we trust you unconditionally!"

All the elders fired together and handed over the right to choose to Onogi, with a humble expression that no matter how you choose, it has nothing to do with us and we are not responsible for it.

Ono's lungs are about to explode, this group of hateful **** elders!

Finally, he said with a dark face: "Surrender!"

The elders breathed a sigh of relief, then stood up, bowed and bowed, and left to do their work.

Onogi sat decadently on the seat representing Tsuchikage, feeling that his ambitions had vanished into nothingness in an instant.

Then, Lao Zi rushed in aggressively.

"Onoki, what the **** are you thinking!" Lao Zi kicked the office door away and shouted angrily, "The war has been going on until now, and you actually chose to surrender because of a bridge. Your mind is full of shit!"

The anger well on Ohnoki's forehead trembled suddenly: "Get out of here, you bastard!"

"You're the one who should get out! You don't deserve to be a soil shadow at all!" Lao Zi approached step by step, his eyes gradually flashing with a magma-like luster.

Ohnoki gasped, and without saying a word, he punched Lao Zi out of the office.

He wouldn't explain the importance of this 'Shenwu Kun Bridge' to a red-haired monkey, that would be purely playing the piano!

Lao Zi was beaten. Where would he stop, he got up with Ohnu and came up with Ohnu.

Both of them are shadow-level powerhouses, and they directly demolished the Tuying Building as soon as they started.

The rest of the elders came out of nowhere, pulling one here and another there, trying to persuade them.

Lao Zi has a stubborn temper, and he doesn't listen to other people's explanations at all, screaming to show Onogi a good look.

Ohnoki had had enough of the red-haired monkey, and with the two words of surrender that made him feel ashamed, his mood was worse than the rock rain in the country of earth, so he immediately ordered Lao Zi to be handed over to him. Grab it and reseal it!

Old Zi was furious. He had been the Renzhuli of the Four-tailed Monkey King since he was a child. Because he couldn't subdue Monkey King when he was young, he was "sealed" in the small dark room all the time. It was a dark childhood with no sky, and he still dare not recall it.

In order to escape from that little black house, it took Lao Zi more than thirty years to finally communicate with the Four-tailed Monkey King and become good friends with it. Now, because of his resistance to Onoki, he will be sealed again?

No, Lao Zi absolutely cannot bear it!

"Old Zi, I told you a long time ago that it would be interesting to kill Onogi and make Tuying himself!" Four-tailed Monkey King poured fuel on the fire in Lao Tzu's body, with a comfortable gesture of fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Old Zi got angry, and immediately threw off the elder who was holding him, and the magma-colored chakra gushed out of his body, turning into a hot tail coat and covering his body.

"You want to be a traitor!" Onoki stared at Lao Zi coldly.

"So what if it's rebellion? Onoki, I've had enough of you!"

Lao Zi roared angrily, and instantly rushed towards Onoki.

Onoki immediately raised his figure, he didn't dare to fight a tailed beast~www.wuxiaspot.com~Stop it, Lao Zi, you are crazy! "

"Lord Tuying, Lao Zi is just in a hurry, don't blame him!"

"Old Zi, don't forget your identity, you dare to attack Lord Tuying, you should make up your mind as soon as possible!"

"Really, what is this all about?"

Some of the elders around were indifferent, some dissuaded Lao Zi, and some added fuel to the fire, frantically 'exporting' for their own interests.

Finally, Lao Zi couldn't take it anymore, and rushed out of Yanyin Village roaring.

Onoki floated high in the sky, watched Lao Zi's leaving figure, and said coldly: "Starting today, the wanted traitor... Lao Zi!"

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