Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 324: Kushina's combo punch


There was a sound of an eagle in the air, and the Chaolunwu II flapped its wings and glided down from the sky. Fenghuo saw that the distance was almost the same, so he jumped directly from it and landed right at the main entrance of the village.

"Ah, it's Lord Fenghuo!"

The ninja who was in charge of registration at the gate of the village saw Fenghuo, quickly stood up and ran away in surprise.



You ran away, who will register me?

Sealing the fire is all bad.

During the war, the ninjas in the village must strictly record their entry and exit. If they violate it, they will be severely punished depending on the circumstances, and those who are serious will be dealt with as traitors!

Feng Huo stood awkwardly at the gate of the village, and a few crows flew over his head, dropping a pile of bird droppings.

Feng Huo avoided it in disgust, and leaned beside him, waiting for the ninja who had left his post without permission.

When he sees Sarutobi Hiruzen, he must complain to him.

Thinking about it, under the setting sun, I saw a group of men, women and children rushing out of the village, waving their hands and shouting the name of Fenghuo.

Feng Huo was startled, then laughed.

"Master Fenghuo!"

"It's really Master Fenghuo who is back!"

"Ah, that's great, thanks to Fenghuo-sama and Minato-sama, we can win this war!"

The Battle of Kanna Kun Bridge and the Battle of Kikyo Mountain are two major battles in which Konoha defeated Yanyin Village and Sand Yin Village, and the biggest heroes of these two battles are Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo!

"Yes, Master Minato defeated Yanyin Village, Lord Fenghuo defeated Shayin Village, and they also stopped the AB brothers in Yunyin Village together. They are the biggest contributors to this war!"

"Master Fenghuo, we like you!"

Feng Huo held up his right hand: "Comrades have worked hard!"

"Master Feng Huo, I want to marry you!"

Feng Huo shouted vigorously: "Ahem, comrades have worked hard!"

"Master Feng Huo, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

Feng Huo said hoarsely: "Comrades have worked hard!"

"Master Fenghuo, please come to my noodle restaurant for a 50% discount!"

"My barbecue restaurant can get a 30% discount!"

Feng Huo's cheeks twitched, this group of unscrupulous people knew how to bribe blindly, so couldn't they just give money directly, bah, couldn't they cooperate and say "serve the people"?

The ninja who ran away from duty finally ran back, panting: "Master Feng Huo, Master Hokage, please!"

Feng Huo finished the registration with him with a dark face, then said a few words of appreciation to the crowd, then jumped onto the nearby roof and left quickly.

When he came to the Huo Ying Building, Feng Huo felt more than a dozen eyes falling on him from the shadows around him.

‘It’s really a familiar feeling. '

After Yanyin Village announced its surrender, Nara Shikahisa led the army back to the village, and Anbu, of course, all returned!

Fenghuo entered the Hokage Building, came to Sarutobi Hiruzen's office, knocked on the door in a polite manner and entered.

"Fenghuo, you are back, Yunin has already withdrawn." Hiruzaru Sarutobi was smoking a pipe, with a smile in his eyes, which seemed to be a bit of a spring breeze.

During his two years in power, he has experienced two ninja world wars, and won all of them. This alone, no matter how many stains he has during his time in power, cannot cover up his great achievements!

"Yes, Hokage-sama, Brother AB of Yunyin Village has already taken Yunin to leave the Fire Country." Feng Huo replied respectfully.

"Come back early this time, are you worried about Hong?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi blinked at Fenghuo twice.

Feng Huo was embarrassed for a while, but fortunately he has experienced a lot in the past few years, and his face has thickened unknowingly. He nodded, and then asked: "Master Hokage, is there an emissary from Wuyin Village?"

Sarutobi Hiruza took a puff of cigarette, shook his head and said, "There is indeed civil turmoil in Wuyin Village, and they probably won't be able to take care of Sanwei for a short time, but when their civil turmoil is over, they will definitely come to get Sanwei back."

Feng Huo stared closely at Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi smiled and said, "But at that time, I had already retired."

Fenghuo breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that Hiruru Sarutobi would give orders blindly when he was about to retire, making a decision that would make his loved ones hurt his enemies and his enemies happy.

"Okay, now that you're back, let's go and see Hong, she's living with Kushina now." Hiruzaru Sarutobi saw off the guest.

Feng Huo was shocked.

"Hong and Kushina live together?"

Sealing the fire is all bad.

As the saying goes, there are only wrong names and no wrong nicknames. Kushina's nickname is Blood Red Pepper, which shows how hot his temper is.

Fenghuo is a little worried, Hong first studied with the gambling ghost and violent madman Tsunade, and now lives with the irascible Kushina... Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black, oh my god, Hong will not become like them, right?

In Feng Huo's mind, the figure of the cute and innocent girl with baby fat and innocent eyes seems to be getting more and more blurred.

Came to Jiuxinna's house in a daze, and the surrounding Anbu had already evacuated.

The war is over, and Kushina is finally free.

Knock on the door and go in, and the one who opens it is Namikaze Minato.

"Yo, I knew you would come here." Namikaze Minato looked at him slyly.

"You're still the same." Feng Huo rolled his eyes, and then complained, "Brother Minato, can you take care of Jiu Xinnai, her violent temper, if it is infected by Hong, it will be troublesome."

Namikaze Minato's face suddenly became strange, he sighed, and said, "Feng Huo, is it you who are in trouble?"

"Ah? What do you mean?" Feng Huo asked puzzled.

Minato Namikaze slowly turned sideways, and behind him was... Kushina Uzumaki!

At this time, Jiu Xinnai's eyes were closed tightly, but her red hair had already moved without wind, opening its teeth and claws like an octopus.

Fenghuo was dumbfounded, and then looked at Minato Namikaze in grief and indignation.

Namikaze Minato looked up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, with the attitude of a dead friend who is not dead.

"Hehe, sister Jiuxinna, ah, your red hair is so beautiful, and it can move, hehe." Feng Huo resolutely confessed.

This girl in front of her is not only Namikaze Minato's girlfriend, but also Kyuubi Jinchuriki. Her sealing technique is so strong that even Kyuubi can't resist, how can Fenghuo dare to confront her head-on.

"Really? Minato also thinks my red hair is very beautiful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Kushina opened her eyes and grinned, "But, I can't pretend that I didn't hear what you said before, Uchiha... Feng fire! "

Kushina rushed up with both fists, left uppercut, right uppercut, then roundabout, then punching, inch punching...

clap clap...

After a set of combined punches, Jiu Xinnai was refreshed, her runaway red hair slowly slipped off, and she had a gentle expression that looks better when the years are quiet.

Namikaze Minato came over and took her little hand, and the dog and man entered the room talking and laughing.

At half-pay, Xi Hihong ran out and saw Fenghuo laying on the ground in a shameful posture, with no good meat all over his body, which immediately made Xi Hihong's heart hurt. She hurriedly helped him up, and asked with tears : "Feng Huo, why did you offend sister Jiu Xinnai, does it hurt?"

Feng Huo Nei Niu's face was full, and he said with grief and indignation: "I want to learn sensory ninjutsu, now!"

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