Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 332: blackmail

Fenghuo pressed Beiruhu back to the village, and the ninja who was in charge of registration at the gate really knew Beiruhu and called him an adult.

Beiliuhu nodded lightly: "Is that guy Jiraiya back?"

"Master Beiliuho, Master Jiraiya has not returned yet."

"Swoosh, how long is this idiot going to stay in the Land of Rain! Tsunade and Orochimaru don't care about this idiot!" Beiliuhu snorted twice, then looked back at Fenghuo at a forty-five-degree angle, with a look of you See if I didn't lie to you, I really know Jiraiya Tsunade Orochimaru, if you are sensible, quickly undo my seal, or I will make you look good with Long Aotian's expression!

Feng Huo had seen big scenes before, how could he get scared, so he kicked his **** at that time: "Hurry up!"

The ninja at the door was stunned when he saw this scene. After realizing it, he hurriedly looked up at the sky. These two are big men, so he didn't dare to intervene. It's better to pretend that he didn't see it.

"Damn it!" Bei Liuhu's eyes were gloomy, he was full of anger, his hands were clenched into fists, his veins were exposed, he was so angry.

The two walked through most of the village and came to Tsunade's house.

The one who opened the door was a silent little mm.

"Fenghuo, hey, Master Beiruho." Shizune hurriedly invited them in, "I'll call Master Tsunade."

"Hmph, I told you that you would regret it!" Bei Liuhu squinted at Feng Huo, with a bit of grimness on his face.

"Big-tailed wolf pretending to be a mother, show your teeth and break your dog's legs!" Feng Huo kicked him on the sand.

"Bastard!" Beiliu jumped up furiously, at this time Tsunade just came out, and he hurriedly made a small report, "Tunate, this is the disciple you taught, you don't respect seniors at all!"

Tsunade looked sleepy, as if he had just woken up.

"Huh? Is that so?" She yawned and lay on the sand, her **** were as full as a stormy sea, almost blinding Feng Huo's eyes.

The corner of Beiliuhu's mouth twitched, and he said angrily, "Don't you plan to take care of it!"

Tsunade picked up the water glass and took a sip of water, and said frankly: "I don't plan to care."

"You..." Bei Liuhu was speechless.

Feng Huo came over and said friendlyly: "Haha, it turns out that Mr. Beiliuhu really knew Mr. Tsunade, and it turned out that the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, and the family didn't know the same family. In this way, you will pay me billions of dollars." Let's clear it up, how about it?"

"Pfft!" The water in Tsunade's mouth sprayed out directly.

Bei Liuhu's eyes circled even more: "You..."

A few billion taels?

Your second uncle, why don't you go grab the name of the Land of Fire!

Feng Huo stared, with a very fierce aura: "Huh? Don't you want to settle down with me?"

The muscles on Beiliuhu's face twitched, and then he turned around and stared at Tsunade fiercely: "Tsunate, is this your disciple? If you don't give me a satisfactory answer to this matter, I must go Hokage-sama will sue you!"

Tsunade looked at Fenghuo with slightly dissatisfied eyes: Look at you causing me trouble!

The latter immediately stretched out two fingers, expressing that he was willing to contribute 20% of the income.

Tsunade stretched out five fingers, indicating that he wanted half.

Feng Huo grinned, but the fat sheep he got had to be slaughtered, so he nodded reluctantly.

So Tsunade said: "Hiyuhu, Fenghuo is still a child, you can't get along with a child, and it will lose your face if it spreads out, even if Master Hokage knows, he won't stand by your side, isn't it? Lose some money, hehe, what's the big deal?"

Bei Liuhu was taken aback, furious, he couldn't tell at this moment, this pair of master and apprentice clearly wanted to team up to trick him! Fortunately, he rushed over anxiously, hoping that Tsunade would make the decision for him, simply, simply...

Beiliu's lungs are about to explode, I can't bear it!

"Tsunade, you..."

"Master Beiliuhu, hurry up, I am going up and down millions every minute, and you have to pay me a lot of money for wasting my time." Feng Huo urged, he is short of money, Beiliuhu This guy dared to say that he was rich in front of Feng Huo, huh, isn't this just making fun of him?

Jing Yin's little MM stood aside and lowered her head in shame, she was ashamed to look at Bei Liuhu.

"If I don't agree!" Beiliuhu said coldly, "How dare you kill me!"

Feng Huo shrugged: "I will hand you over to the Uchiha clan, ha ha."

Beiliuhu's expression changed.

Once Uchiha finds out about his coveting of Sharingan, will he have a good fruit to eat?

Beiliuhu lived for a long time, stared at Tsunade for a long time, and finally had no choice but to accept his fate, but he really couldn't afford one billion taels. After some bargaining, he was blackmailed by the fire to take away 30 million taels. Most of his savings.

"Damn it!"

Beili left Tsunade's house in a huff, and returned to his secret experimental base with a sullen face.

"Tsunade, bastard, if you are not Sannin, if I am stronger than you..."

He turned around and looked at the four huge glass test tubes near the wall of the laboratory. Inside were four mutated creatures, including poisonous snakes, toads, lizards, and slugs, exuding a cold and ominous atmosphere.

"The technique of Onima Luo is just short of the last step to succeed. It won't be long, it won't be long before I can stand at the pinnacle of the ninja world, hahaha... Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, I will defeat you all !"

Beryuhu showed a crazy look.

The technique of ghost sprouting has made great progress on animals, and the next step is human experiments!

He had hesitated before, but after being blackmailed by Tsunade and Fenghuo, he finally made up his mind.

It was night, so he secretly caught a ninja, knocked him unconscious, and then experimented with the ghost budara technique on him.

After sharing the loot with Tsunade, Fenghuo ran out of the village again, and went to the black market to exchange all the money for detonating charms.

Wandering around the black market with the Sangou Yushulunyan open, he hooked up with a dozen or so ninjas who were stalking him. After being lured out, it was another harvest, and then he touched the corpse, but the harvest was mediocre.

"Well, if you are short of money in the future, go to the black market!"

Feng Huo happily returned to the village. At this time, he already had more than 33,000 detonating charms in his hand. If he detonated it, he might be able to blow up one tenth of the Konoha.

"But where should these detonators be placed?"

The detonating talisman is a psychic technique, so the location of the detonating talisman must be absolutely safe, otherwise he just used the detonating talisman on his side, and the detonating talisman on the other side was found and taken away, and he would be blind up?

My own mansion is the first to rule out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are no secrets at all for Genbe, Anbu or other ninjas.

Then Fenghuo's eyes lit up, and he remembered a wonderful place.

Rondo Brothers, Snow Country Snow Mountain!

If the detonator is placed at the Brothers of the Rondo...


The climate in the Snow Country is cold, and the snow mountain is even more icy and snowy, with few people. Moreover, the Lunwu Brothers have already entered the depths of the snow mountain, where they are surrounded by all kinds of beasts, such as snow wolves, snow bears, and snow eagles. Don't dare to go deep, put the detonator there, it's absolutely safe.

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