Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 336: ransacked home

Back in the village, Feng Huo first took Obito to the Hokage Tower, and immediately asked Hiruzaru Sarutobi to write off Obito's 'death'.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen saw Obito, he was also startled and uncertain, and then he had the same doubts as Namikaze Minato.

Obito explained his situation again, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi pondered for a while, then called Kaiichi Yamanaka, and asked him to do a brain examination for Obito.

The Yamanaka family is good at spiritual mysteries. If Obito's memory has been tampered with, they will definitely be able to find clues from it.

Regrettably, it was Uchiha Madara who took the initiative to tamper with the memory, how could he leave any clues?

"Master Hokage, there is nothing unusual."

Yamanaka Haiyi checked for a long time, but of course he found nothing.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi still trusts Kaiichi Yamanaka very much. Hearing this, he thought about it: "In this way, it should be that when Obito was rescued, he was in a coma, so he has no impression."

This is the only and 'reasonable' explanation, whether others believe it or not, Hiruza Sarutobi believes it anyway.

"Then, Obito, I have something to ask you solemnly again!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi suddenly said solemnly, "About the gift you gave to Kakashi earlier..."

Obito directly interrupted Hiruzen Sarutobi, and said anxiously: "Master Hokage, Sharingan is a gift I gave Kakashi to be promoted to Jonin. I gave it to him voluntarily, and I will not take it back again. !"

When he came back, Fenghuo had already told Obito about the troubles of Sharingan.

Obito didn't expect that he almost did something bad with good intentions, so of course he had to make amends, and said loudly: "I will explain this matter to Master Fuyue personally!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded, showing a hint of a smile: "Obito, you are such a good boy!"

Obito scratched his head, shyly said, "Haha, no way."

"However, your left eye..." Hiruzen Sarutobi said, "How about I ask the medical department to transplant a new left eye for you?"

Obito nodded in agreement.

At this time, Feng Huo stood aside, feeling relaxed.

‘Obito, you idiot, at last you don’t have to go through such a hard road like in the original book. '

Well, it's all thanks to Brother, although you will never know, but I still have to say: You are welcome.

Then Feng Huo suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said to Obito: "Obito, after you 'died', your grandma's health became worse and worse, you should go home and see her."


Obito's eyes were red, and without saying a word, he rushed up to the Hokage Building, and ran home, stepping on the roof of the building.

Standing on the window sill, Hiruza Sarutobi looked at Obito's leaving figure, thinking about sealing the fire, and thinking of Uchiha Shisui, a genius boy who had just risen from Uchiha, he suddenly had a feeling in his heart: the will of fire has finally begun to be controlled by Uchiha. The children of the wave clan have inherited, and in time, Uchiha will eventually fully integrate into Konoha!

Just thinking about it makes me happy.

Then Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru suddenly appeared in the office.

"Fenghuo, why are you here?" Tsunade saw Fenghuo, walked over and patted him on the shoulder in a friendly manner, and suddenly the whole office sank again and again.

Feng Huo grinned: "Mr. Tsunade, you don't seem to be in a good mood today."

"Hmph." Tsunade snorted coldly and turned to look at Hiruzaru Sarutobi, "Old man, the matter you want us to investigate has come to fruition."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's expression changed: "Say!"

Orochimaru's golden vertical pupils swept Sarutobi Hiruzen's face back and forth with great interest, and said, "Let me talk about it."

His voice was extremely hoarse and low, as if it came through a layer of coffin boards, which made people panic for no reason.

"Tsunade Jirai and I also divided the whole village into three areas from Hokage Building, and checked them inch by inch. Hehe, we found some interesting things."

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and washed his face, and continued, "Someone is secretly conducting human experiments, and the two missing ninjas should have been captured by him."

"Human experiment?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi squinted his eyes and looked deeply at Orochimaru, "Then, who is conducting the human experiment?!"

Jilai also lowered his head, his face was not very good-looking.

"It's Beiliuhu."

Although Beiruhu claims to grow up with Sannin, in fact, he only has a better relationship with Jiraiya, so after learning this result, he is the thinnest shiitake mushroom.


Hiruzaru Sarutobi slapped the table angrily: "It is unforgivable to dare to use a ninja from the village to conduct human experiments, no matter what the reason is! Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru killed Hiryuhu, and at the same time, all related human bodies All experimental data shall be destroyed, and this matter must not be allowed to spread!"


Sannin responded immediately, and then quickly attacked.

Feng Huo rolled his eyes, and said righteously: "Master Hokage, the three adults are going to chase and kill Bei Liuhu. It is absolutely safe. I want to go to his house to see, and there may be some unexpected gains!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi didn't think much about it, nodded and said: "Okay, but if you find any evil human experiment materials, you must destroy them as soon as possible, you understand?"

"I see!"

Fenghuo nodded solemnly.

Then he asked about Beiliuhu's home, and attacked passionately.

Regardless of whether it is the previous life or the present life, any experiment needs a huge amount of financial support. Since Bei Liuhu dared to do human experiments, if he said he had no money, he would not believe it if he killed Feng Huo!

And the last time he and Tsunade jointly blackmailed him 30 million taels, although Beiliuhu was furious, judging by the way he paid the money without blinking, the money was far from touching his bottom line, indicating that The funds he saved are definitely in the unit of billions.

Under three forbearance, the probability of Beiliuhu's survival is so small that it is negligible. Once he dies, all his money will be handed over to build the big family of Konoha!

Fenghuo believes that as the successor of socialism and the inheritor of the will of fire, he is obliged to help the village share this burden, and by the way, slightly increase his detonating talisman reserve.

‘Well, it’s not easy to make some money. '

Fenghuo happily came to Beiliuhu's house, and went directly over the wall.

Chakra Perception!

After some investigation, there was no one in this small mansion.

Feng Huo was relieved now, and started to search directly, scraping the ground three feet away.

In the bedroom, he found twenty million taels of money.

In the training room, another ten million taels was found.

In the study room, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com found eight million taels.

"Why so few?"

Feng Huo didn't believe in evil, put the money into the sealing scroll, and then began to dig the ground, prying all the floor of his bedroom, and then dug the wall of the bedroom, and then other rooms...

Finally, Huangtian pays off!

Finally, where there is a will, there is a way, and the Qin Pass will eventually belong to Chu!

Finally, well, when half of Beiluhu's house was demolished, Fenghuo found an iron box buried in the ground.

'Get rich, get rich. '

Fenghuo was so excited that he was about to open the box when his expression changed and he hurried to the kitchen to wash his hands.

"The emperor bless you!"

Sealing the fire broke the lock of the iron box and slowly opened the wooden box.

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