Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 338: Generation 0 wakes up

The Land of Winds, Sand Hidden Village.

After Namikaze Minato arrived, he had a cordial meeting with Fourth Kazekage Rasa.

Because of the disappearance of the tailed beast in Shayin Village, Konoha also put great pressure on Yanyin Village. The two sides directly concluded an alliance relationship and signed an alliance letter without much discussion.

Then Luo Sha and his pregnant wife Karura hosted a banquet at home for Namikaze Minato.

At the same time, in the hospital in Hidden Sand Village, Chiyo finally woke up from his deep sleep.

Although she survived the battle with Fenghuo in the Battle of Jigeng Mountain, her limbs were severed, her face was completely destroyed, and she fell into a coma for more than a year.

After that, Ebizo resolutely transformed Chiyo into a "human puppet", which finally stimulated Chiyo's spirit and allowed her to recover slowly.

"Old sister, you're finally awake!" Ebizo stayed by Chiyo's bed the whole time, seeing her open her eyes, he was so excited.

"I... haven't died yet." Chiyo's mind suddenly flashed the figure of Fenghuo, and his eyes suddenly shot out the color of fear and anger, "Uchiha Fenghuo!!"

"Old sister, the war is over." Ebizo told her about the events after the Battle of Mount Kikyo, and sighed, "After Luosha became the Fourth Kazekage, the village and Konoha have already formed an alliance."

"Even so, this kind of hatred is not..." Chiyo suddenly noticed her hands and feet. As an excellent puppeteer, she could detect the abnormality of her 'hands and feet' at a glance, "My hands...what's going on? ?!"

Hai Laozang sighed, not knowing what to say: "Old sister, when I rescued you and came back, your hands and feet were... sorry."

"Damn, hate, hate!!"

The hatred in Chiyo's eyes soared, "Uchiha Fenghuo, I will never let you go!"

"Old sister, there is one more thing..." Hai Laozang said with a wry smile, "One tail guarding the crane was captured."

"Nani?" Chiyo rolled his eyelids, "It must be Uchiha who sealed the fire!"

Seeing Chiyo who was caught in hatred and unable to extricate himself, Ebizo sighed.

At present, there is no evidence that the disappearance of Izuo has anything to do with Konoha. The fourth Kazekage Rasa decided to form an alliance with Konoha, and it may be that he did not use the alliance to stabilize the status of the Kingdom of Wind. Too bad for that.

But looking at Chiyo's current state, if she is allowed to leave the mountain at this time, it may be detrimental to both Konoha and Sand Hidden Village.

Hai Laozang hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Sister, you should take a good rest in the hospital during this time, and forget about the affairs of the village."

Chiyo snorted coldly: "The old woman has already been despised by others!"

"Old lady, alas!"

Sighing, Hai Laozang sat beside her and said, "Don't worry, I will always be by your side."

Outside the hospital, a white head emerged from the ground, with a strange smile, and then burrowed into the ground.

It was night, and Chiyo was awakened by a strange voice.


As soon as she jumped out of the hospital window, she saw a figure going away quickly.

Although Chiyo's hands and feet are wooden puppets, they have been connected to her nerves, and there is no serious problem in her actions.

After chasing for a while, Chiyo realized that he had lost track.

But soon she found that in a dark corner, a beast the size of a house cat was desperately shrinking towards the corner.

Under the moonlight, this kitten buried its head tightly in the corner of the wall. It was covered in yellow hair with purple stripes, and a thick and big tail behind its buttocks swept back and forth anxiously.

"One tail?"

Chiyo couldn't believe it, didn't it mean that he had disappeared, how could he be here?

Could it be Uchiha's conspiracy to seal the fire?

Chiyo cautiously walked over, checked, and found that Shuhe was in a semi-sealed state, and there was an evil and strange power exuding from his body.

"It's the pupil power of Sharingan! Sure enough, you captured Shuhe!"

Chiyo gritted his teeth, "Because of the alliance, did you send Yiwei back? Or did you take Yiwei back to force us to form an alliance with you?"


One tail was held upside down by Chiyo, which was very embarrassing. If Chakra hadn't been sealed, she would have kicked the old hag long ago.

Chiyo stood up with a sullen face, tightly grasping the tail of a shori crane, and carried it back to the hospital.

Before dawn the next day, Chiyo took the crane and rushed to the fourth Kazekage Luosha's house.

At this time, Luo Sha had already learned from Ebizo that Chiyo was sober.

"Elder Chiyo, you just woke up...Nani? Is this Shukaku? How could it be in the hands of Elder Chiyo?" Fourth Kazekage Rasha looked at Chiyo in amazement.

"You have to ask your allies!" Chiyo said coldly, throwing his tail on the ground.

"Wow!" Shouhe roared angrily, getting up and wanting to run.

Countless gold sand gushed out of Luo Sha's body, instantly suppressing one tail in place.

"What's going on?" Luo Sha asked in bewilderment.

"Hmph, this is all Konoha's conspiracy!" Chiyo sneered, "Konoha's Uchiha Seal Fire captured Izuo, weakened our strength, and forced us to form an alliance with Konoha. Send it back, Luo Sha, you still don’t understand, we’ve all been tricked by Konoha!”

Luo Sha's face suddenly darkened: "Is this really the case? Does Elder Qiandai have evidence?"

"I was lured out of the hospital last night, and then I found a tail. At that time, its body was still exuding the pupil power of Sharingan, and even the sealing technique in its body came from Konoha. Isn't this evidence? "Chiyo asked.

Luo Sha's complexion changed, Namikaze Minato just came to the village, and this happened on the back foot, all this, could it really be Konoha's conspiracy.

A flash of shame and anger flashed in Luo Sha's heart, but he calmed down immediately. He is already the shadow of a village, and he can't do things according to his own likes and dislikes, but must take the interests of the village as the premise.

"But..." Luo Sha pondered, "Even so, we do need an ally. It is beneficial for both parties to form an alliance with Konoha."

"So you don't intend to give up the alliance?" Chiyo said coldly.

"Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~The village needs peace and needs time to recover." Luo Sha sighed, "So, this alliance must be firmly grasped!"

"Luo Sha, no, Fourth Generation, you have to understand that no matter how strong an alliance is, there will be a day when it will be broken, not to mention that Konoha has done such a despicable thing this time!" Chiyo said sharply, "You, you must be a good wooden leaf!" Leave preparations for tearing up the alliance treaty!"

Rosa pondered.

At this time, Karu Luo also came out of the bedroom when he heard the movement outside.

Chiyo's eyes were instantly attracted to Karura's stomach.

Luo Sha noticed Qiandai's gaze, subconsciously looked sideways, and his face changed: "Elder Qiandai, are you planning to?"

Chiyo looked coldly at Izuzuru who was struggling on the ground, and said, "Sidai, for the sake of the village, you must make sacrifices!"

"…I understand."

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