Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 340: 4 generations of names

The reply letter from Iwagakure Village was quickly delivered to Sarutobi Hiruzen's desk.

After reading the letter, Hiruzaru Sarutobi smiled. There are Danzo inside, Uchiha, Hinata and other wealthy families put pressure on him, and Iwagakure Village threatens him outside. Why do so many people dislike him?

"It seems that it's time to resign from the Hokage position."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi called for Koharu, Mitomen En and Danzo, and solemnly announced that he was going to Daimyo to resign from the position of Hokage, so as to face all the sacrificed ninjas, and at the same time recommend the next Hokage.

As advisors to the elders, Zhuanju Koharu, Mitomon Yan and Danzo each have a veto.

And Nara Shikahisa was also appointed as the squad leader of the ninja class because of his outstanding performance in the war. In theory, except for the ninjas in Anbu, all other ninjas must be controlled by Nara Shikahisa, and his power is no less than that of Uchi Leaders of rich clans such as Bo Fuyue and Hyuga Hyuzu.

Therefore, Shikahisa Nara also has a veto.

Afterwards, the five of them set out on the road together and came to the capital of the Fire Kingdom, the mansion of the daimyo.

Daimyo of the Fire Country sat in the first place, holding a fan in his hand and gently shaking it, but he spoke in a effeminate way, and he didn't look like a strong person.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi and others sat on the left side of the daimyo, while the ministers under the daimyo sat on the right side, and the difference was clear.

After greetings from everyone, Hiruzaru Sarutobi offered to resign from the position of Hokage.

"It's a pity, the third generation has done a good job." Daming said with emotion, but his praise aroused Danzo's dissatisfaction. A bunch of cold eyes shot at him, and Daming immediately shut up.

"If we want to go back to the source, it is because the three generations' ideas are too naive that the village has been pushed to this point. The Hokage we need now is someone who can lead the village to change and implement the ninja code. We need such talents!" Danzo Said coldly.

The daimyo didn't dare to refute. He looked down at the information of several Hokage candidates in front of him, and asked, "Is there any suitable candidate?"

Danzo said in a condensed voice: "I recommend Orochimaru, one of the legendary Sannin!"

Daimyo looked at Hiruzaru Sarutobi: "What do you think of the third generation?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi pondered: "Oshemaru has indeed made great achievements on the battlefield, but he has ambition and malice in his eyes, and he cannot entrust the heavy responsibility of Hokage to such a person!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face was full of coldness, the position of Hokage was of great importance, in order for Namakaze Minato to ascend the throne smoothly, he had to say that Orochimaru was useless, even if such words spread out, it would hurt Orochimaru.

"I recommend Uchiha Fugaku!" Danzo squinted his eyes, as if my mouse **** was going to ruin your pot of porridge.

"The patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku?" Daimyo smiled, "But as far as I know, this Uchiha patriarch did not run for the position of Hokage."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi snorted and said, "I recommend Minakaze Minato!"

"I recommend Hinata Hyuzu!" Danzo said loudly.

"Danzo, what are you doing, there is no one in the Hinata family competing for Hokage!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun couldn't stand it any longer, "This time for the Hokage competition, there are only Namikaze Minato and Orochimaru!"

"Damn it!" Danzo's cold eyes fixed on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face.

"Namikaze Minato is an elite ninja known as Yellow Flash!" Mitomenyan explained.

"Oh~" The daimyo was excited when he heard it. In this war that has lasted for several years, among the heroes who jumped out of Konoha, two people are the most conspicuous, one is Uchiha Fenghuo, and the other is the yellow flash wave Fengshui Door.

As the 'king' of the Land of Fire, the daimyo has naturally heard of the famous yellow flash!

He found out the information about Namakaze Minato. He is strong, good-natured, innocent, and supported by countless Konoha villagers. The more he looks at it, the happier he is.

"I object!" Danzo couldn't help standing up, and scolded, "Namikaze Minato is too young! He is not qualified..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen also stood up, and said loudly: "Namikaze Minato won the Kanna Kunqiao Battle, and he is the one who led the end of the third Ninja World War! Whether it is merit, seniority, or character, They are all enough to take on the heavy responsibility of Hokage!"

"I object!!" Danzo yelled.

The eyes of the two collided in the air, and their affection was radiant in an instant. Daming couldn't help covering his face with a fan, and said, "What do other people think?"

Nara Shikahisa was the first to respond: "I recommend Namikaze Minato!"

Turning to sleep, Koharu and Mitomonyan looked at each other, and nodded in unison.

After reading the information on Namikaze Minato, the ministers of the Fire Nation on the right made eye contact with each other and nodded.

No matter in terms of strength or popularity, Namikaze Minato surpassed Orochimaru, especially the latter. With the spare no efforts of the Konoha newspaper, Orochimaru was completely unable to compete with Namikaze Minato.

Finally, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Daimyo.

Daimyo closed his eyes, ignored Danzo's threat, and nodded slowly.

Danzo was furious. Although he had expected this situation a long time ago, he still couldn't help being angry when it really happened.

In this way, the fourth generation of Hokage was established.

Back in Konoha, Hiruzaru Sarutobi immediately called Minamito Namikaze and informed him that he was ready to succeed Hokage. On the other hand, Danzo went to Orochimaru's secret laboratory to discuss countermeasures.

"The original intention of the third generation is to use Minato as a puppet and live in seclusion behind the scenes to control Konoha!" Orochimaru said casually while doing experiments.

"Based on this approach, Konoha has no future at all." Danzo agreed very much.

"Don't worry, as long as this research is successful, it will be easy to control the power of Konoha Village." Orochimaru stopped what he was doing, and a ferocious look slowly appeared in his golden vertical pupils, "In order to control power, use some power appropriately. Tough measures are understandable!"

Danzo hummed: "When the time is right, we must do whatever it takes!"

Unfortunately, the time is not yet ripe.

After chatting for a few more words, Danzo turned and left.

When he came outside the laboratory, Danzo suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "In the end, if Orochimaru is popular, it's not like there is no chance!"

When Feng Huo returned to the village, he found that the village was very lively. After asking, he found out that the third Hokage Hiruza Sarutobi had announced the candidate for the fourth generation this morning.

It is Namikaze Minato!

The prestige of the yellow flash had already penetrated thousands of households with the newspaper, so no one objected to the announcement of the appointment.

Feng Huo was walking on the street, listening to people talking about Namikaze Minato, he felt very moved.

How time flies.

After feeling over, his heart felt heavy again.

Although Obito was not blackened by Uchiha Madara, how could a hero like Uchiha Madara give up his unlimited monthly reading plan because of Obito?

Without Butcher Zhang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Madara Uchiha has to eat pigs with hair?

What are you kidding?

The reason why Obito is so strong is because he opened the kaleidoscope.

Any member of the Uchiha tribe can become a super powerhouse as long as they evolve Sharingan into a kaleidoscope.

Obito is like this, so is his sealing fire!

Before the kaleidoscope was turned on, Fenghuo was just a special ninja, and he was struggling against the gray soil and loess of Yanyin Village. After the kaleidoscope was turned on, he directly fought hard with the tailed orc Zhuli, with the AB brothers, and with Onoki...soft You can see how big the difference in combat power is before and after turning on the kaleidoscope!

In other words, as long as Uchiha Madara finds another Uchiha tribe, and then helps him open the kaleidoscope, that person can still call the wind and call the rain and become Uchiha Madara's plan executor!

I am afraid that the Nine Tails Rebellion will still come as scheduled!

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