Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 342: 1 Tail Jinchuriki is born

In Hokage's office, Minato Namikaze was working hard among the mountains of documents.

Although the Ninja World War is over, there are still occasional frictions on the borders of major countries, and those small countries continue to jump out to make troubles, making Hokage's work very heavy.

Clap clap!

There was a rhythmic knock on the door outside the office.

"Come in!" Namikaze Minato said without raising his head.

"Brother Shuimen." Feng Huo walked in and said with a smile, "You seem very motivated!"

While dealing with the documents, Minakame replied, "I don't have time to chat with you now, so just talk about it if you have anything to say."

Feng Huo walked closer and said in a low voice: "Brother Shuimen, I want to know the whereabouts of a person!"

"Huh? Who is it?" Namikaze Minato looked up strangely.

"Yao Shidou was caught by Danzang as a spy." Feng Huo said, "That kid is very talented, and I am very optimistic about him, so I want to know his whereabouts and see if he needs help."

The most important thing is to send warmth, send enough, and send it well, so that he can help him heal his eyes in the future.

"That is to say, he is a root ninja." Minato Namikaze frowned, "Speaking of which, Elder Danzo was not present when I succeeded me. It seems that he still has prejudice against me."

"It won't be difficult, right?" Feng Huo looked at him nervously.

"Actually, there are ninjas in Anbu, and there are also ninjas in Anbu, but because of the curse seal, that person can't leak too much information to us, otherwise he will be discovered by Elder Danzo." Namikaze Minato pondered. , "If it's just the whereabouts of a spy, it shouldn't be too important information, but you have to be prepared to fail."

"Then thank you first, Brother Minato." Feng Huo heaved a sigh of relief.

Namikaze Minato sighed, then looked at him deeply.

Facing the affectionate eyes of the Fourth Hokage, one second, two seconds...

Goosebumps all over the turkey.

"Well, I'll leave first if I have nothing to do." Feng Huo left in a state of embarrassment.


Namikaze Minato sighed again.

There are many things that only Hokage is qualified to know.

Such as Kaleidoscope Sharingan!

Remembering that Fenghuo had been fighting with a kaleidoscope in the third Ninja World War, even though his eyesight had deteriorated without a single complaint, and he even kept it from him and others, Namikaze Minato felt moved and felt guilty.

So as long as the request is not too outrageous, Minato Namikaze will satisfy the fire seal.

In the evening of that day, the information about Yao Shidou was sent to Feng Huo.

"Tian Country?"

Feng Huo stroked his chin.

If he remembered correctly, this country should be where Yinnin Village is located.

"No, at this time, Yinnin Village has not yet been established."

After reading the information, Fenghuo destroyed it on the spot. That night, he went to Huoyinglou, picked up a random task, and left the village.

Country of Wind, Sand Hidden Village Hospital.

"Damn, how could this be? Why did my sister give birth prematurely!"

Yashamaru walked up and down the door of the delivery room irritably, his face full of anxiety.

Fourth Kazekage Rasa, elder advisor Chiyo, Ebizo, and others were all present, each with solemn expressions, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Yashamaru, don't turn around." Luo Sha shouted coldly, "Jaruluo will be fine!"

"Of course!" Yashamaru kept panting, more nervous than he was about giving birth.

Luo Sha sighed, feeling a little guilty in her heart.

At the beginning, Chiyo proposed to train the child in Garura's body as the new one-tailed Jinzhuli of Sand Hidden Village, and Luo Sha agreed.

This matter directly caused Garura to worry day and night, and she couldn't even sleep well. In addition, she had to take care of Temari and Kankuro at ordinary times, which made her physically and mentally exhausted, which eventually led to her premature delivery.

Premature births are often accompanied by dystocias, and Jiaruluo's heart-piercing roars in the delivery room already represent this situation.

Luo Sha and Yashamaru's expressions became more and more ugly.

After suffering until midnight, the baby's cry was finally heard in the delivery room.

Luo Sha, Yashamaru, and Chiyo rushed in together.

"Sister, sister!" Yashamaru shouted anxiously.

On the hospital bed, Jia Luluo was lying on the bed, and on the head of the bed was a premature baby with less than two palms.

Luo Sha glanced at the baby, and then put all her attention on Garula.

"How are you, are you okay?"

There was faint blackness on Jia Luluo's face. She ignored the concerns of her husband and younger brother. In their hearts, they only had the village and only interests!

She turned over with difficulty, and lovingly stretched out her hands to hold the red-haired baby.

Because of the premature birth, the baby's body is even thinner, like a kitten.

"Your name is... Gaara." Garura showed a sad smile, as if seeing his son's tragic fate in the future, "Gara, I love you..."

After saying that, Garura closed his eyes.

"Hey, sister, sister, what's wrong with you, wake up!" Yashamaru was so anxious that he didn't know what to do.

"Enough!" Chiyo shouted coldly, "Garura is dead."

"How is it possible? No, it's impossible!" Yashamaru couldn't accept it, but tears flowed down his face.

Luo Sha clenched her hands into fists, her eyes flushed.

He gently walked over to caress Jia Luluo's face, but he could no longer feel the slightest tenderness.

"All of this... is your fault!"

Of course, Luo Sha would not blame himself for Garura's death. After all, Garura died because of Gaara's dystocia, and Gaara was about to become a one-tailed Jinchuriki. Object!

Chiyo's eyes shifted from Karura to Gaara, with a bit of indifference in his eyes.

'For Sand Hidden Village, for killing Uchiha Fuu, all this is worth it! '

She stepped forward and gently hugged Gaara, no, Gaara is too thin and petite, it's more like holding than hugging.

"let's go!"

Chiyo turned and left.

"Stop, what are you doing? Where are you going to take Gaara!" Yashamaru cried.

Luo Sha pressed his shoulder and said, "Yashamaru, this is the decision of the village's senior management!"

"Decision? What?" Although Yashamaru had joined Anbe, he hadn't made it out yet, so of course he wouldn't know about Ichio Jinchuriki.

Luo Sha glanced at Jia Luluo, tenderness flashed in his eyes, and then was replaced by determination.

"Gaara... from now on, I will become the village's Injuriki and live!"

"What? Are you kidding me!" Yashamaru was in a bad mood, he jumped up and grabbed Luo Sha's collar like crazy, "I Gaara is your son, how could you treat him like this!"

"Everything is for the village! In this war, if Jinzhuriki can be used as a regular combat force on the battlefield, we will not lose the Battle of Kikyo Mountain!" Luo Sha pushed Yashamaru away and said coldly.

"So, you are going to sacrifice your own son?" Yashamaru fell to the ground, aggrieved.

"If it wasn't for him, Karura wouldn't have died, wouldn't he?" Luo Sha said to himself, as if answering Yashamaru, and seemed to be convincing himself.

Afterwards, Luo Sha turned and left.

Another room~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ichio Shukaku is still in a sealed state, the whole body is the size of a house cat, and Chiyo is holding his tail and shaking it in the air.

"Roar!!" Shouhe roared dissatisfiedly, struggling twice from time to time, with displeasure in his eyes.

"Don't waste your energy in vain!" Chiyo placed Yiwei beside Gaara, and then made a seal with both hands.

Luo Sha came in and watched Chiyo coldly seal Yiwei into Gaara's body.

"Wow..." The thin and small Gai Luo Wawa cried loudly, his hands were bluffed, as if he wanted to grab something to rely on.

"Fourth generation, you must train Gaara well in the future!"

After completing the seal, Chiyo picked up Gaara and handed it to Luo Sha.

"I see, I will teach him myself."

Luo Sha looked down at Gaara in his hand, and there was no trace of fatherly love in his eyes.

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