Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 344: send warmth

Back at his residence, just as Dou fell asleep, Chiba came.

"Dou, did you go to bed so early?" Qianye leaned on the door carelessly, and said, "Your name is important, but this is your best chance to act."

"Yes, I know, I will definitely find the secret room!" Dou said nervously.

Qianye sneered and said: "This is the best, Dou, you have to remember, I gave you everything about you, if you dare to betray me, you should know the consequences!"

"Yes, I, I will never betray!" Dou's teeth chattered, his heart cracked.

"Yoxi, that's it, sleep well, hahaha."

Watching Qianye leave, Dou seemed to have no bones, limp on the bed, and then wept silently while clutching the quilt.

He felt like he was about to collapse.

The task Danzo gave him was to collect information on the daimyo of Tanokuni and important ministers, and then he was assigned to this human trafficker organization. As a result, the leader of this organization, Chiba, was so heartless that he coveted daimyo's wealth. Go undercover with the daimyo, wait for the opportunity to find out where the daimyo hides the treasure, and then make a big deal!

Although this can allow him to complete the task better, the risk factor is greater.

After all, Chiba is a wandering ninja. After finishing this big ticket, he must wander to other countries, so he will not care about his life and death.

He was only seven years old. Although Feng Huo had taught him how to condense chakra, he had been groping around alone since then, let alone practicing ninjutsu. He is not even a ninjutsu until now, and he has no self-protection power at all!

Therefore, if he can't complete Danzo's mission before Chiba takes action, there is only one dead end.

Wept until midnight before Dou fell into a deep sleep.

At this time, Fenghuo entered Tianzhi Country and began to search for the human trafficker organization led by the wandering ninja Chiba.

According to the information given to him by Namikaze Minato, the human trafficker organization that Dou belongs to has always been in close contact with Root.

Fenghuo guessed that the 'materials' of the root and Dashewan's human experiments were obtained through this organization.

Of course, there must be more than one organization like this.

"The task of the bag is to collect information on the daimyo and the ministers of the Tianzhi country, could it be..."

After getting in touch, Orochimaru defected and established Yinnin Village in Tianzhi Country. Fenghuo seemed to understand something.

Except for the side bordering the Land of Fire, the land of Tian is on the left side of the Land of Tang, and on the right is the Land of Iron, backed by the sea, the geographical location is actually very good.

The Country of Iron is a country of warriors, and although the Country of Tang is a peace-loving country, it is not unreasonable for Orochimaru to establish Oto Ninja Village in the Country of Tana.

Feng Huo walked and thought, and soon came to a town, which he said was a town, but it was very dilapidated and desolate, and it was placed in a small mountain village in Konoha.

Although the third ninja world war did not affect here, the daimyo of Tian Zhiguo was not idle. While levying taxes in the name of war, he connived at Chiba human traffickers to organize the abduction and trafficking of children. His money-making skills have reached their peak!

Fenghuo grabbed a man and asked him about the traffickers.

As a result, he looked at him vigilantly, and ran away without saying anything.

Several times in a row, no one was willing to answer the question of sealing the fire.

"What the hell?"

Feng Huo couldn't figure out the situation, and then simply used Chakra perception to find it.

Dou has already condensed chakra, which can be regarded as a ninja, and can be detected with the Chakra perception technique, and the number of ninjas in Tianzhi Country is very rare, so the speed of finding it with the Chakra perception technique is very fast.

Seven days later, Fenghuo passed through five towns, but unfortunately he couldn't find a pocket.

"This is the capital of Tianzhi Country. It looks...really poor."

Seal the fire and go in, while walking, he poured Chakra into the ground through the soles of his feet, and searched for it with Chakra perception. After a circle, he found more than a dozen ninjas. There were not many Chakras in his body, and the most powerful one was only In the eyes of Feng Huo, who has experienced the third ninja world war, the level of Zhongnin is not aimed at anyone specifically, but all the ninjas in the city are weak chickens.

Wait until it is dark to seal the fire before starting to act.

After browsing the ninjas detected by the Chakra perception technique one by one, Fenghuo finally found the pocket.

At this time, the pocket is curled up in the bed, tossing and turning, it seems that he has suffered from insomnia.

Fenghuo sighed, of course he can directly rescue Dou back, with Namikaze Minato as his backer, he is not afraid of Danzo at all, but in this way, Dou can grow to the level of the later stage of the original book?

There is no guarantee of sealing the fire, so he can only follow the plot and let the pocket go with the flow.

And the only thing he can do is to send warmth.


Feng Huo came to the bedside with the instant body technique, and the moonlight outside the window just happened to illuminate his face clearly.


Dou nervously got up from the bed, saw the person coming by the moonlight, his eyes turned red immediately.

"Brother Fenghuo!" Dou jumped off the bed and rushed forward.

Feng Huo patted Dou's immature shoulder, and said with a smile, "Why are you crying? Ninjas can't cry."

"No, I didn't cry." Dou sniffed, wiped away his tears, and showed a strong look.

Feng Huo said with a smile: "This is what a man should look like! However, even though he is performing a mission, he must not slacken in his cultivation!"

Dou blushed: "But Brother Fenghuo, I don't even know ninjutsu."

Feng Huo said: "I can teach you."

"Really?" Dou Yiting showed excitement.

"Teach you the most basic three-body jutsu first." Feng Huo said, "Substitution, Transformation, and Clone. Master these three ninjutsu, as long as you don't encounter ninjas, you should have no problem escaping."

"Brother Fenghuo, teach me quickly, I want to learn!"

Douzheng was worried because of Qianye's plan, for fear that Qianye and others would directly rob Tian Zhiguo's daimyo and run away, leaving him alone as the head of the vat.

If there is the Three Body Technique close by, at least in terms of safety, it is guaranteed.

Sealing the fire is no nonsense, and I will teach it hand in hand immediately.

Perhaps it was because it was a matter of his own life and death, so Dou learned very quickly, and he had already mastered most of the three body skills in just half an hour. Second-rate.

"Dou, although Sanshenjutsu is a basic ninjutsu, it must not be sloppy. It must be practiced to a very proficient level. Also, you should condense chakra for at least an hour before going to bed every day, you know!" Sealing the fire severely road.

"Got it!" Douban solemnly promised with a small face and red eyes that he would do it.

For Dou at this time, the stricter Fenghuo was, the more moved he was. He only felt that when the whole world gave up on him, there was still a Big Brother Fenghuo who cared about him, loved him, and was willing to teach him. He was very moved. Ah~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When Feng Huo looked at Dou's eyes, he knew that this wave of warmth had been sent to his heart.

After secretly giving himself a 99-point praise, Feng Huo left gracefully.

Dou was so excited that he couldn't sleep, he simply sat on the bed and condensed his chakra.

After Feng Huo left, I thought of Tian Zhiguo's daimyo who disregarded the life and death of civilians, extorted money, and connived at human traffickers abducting and trafficking children, it was unbearable!

He looked up at the bright moonlight in the night, and decided to destroy it on behalf of the moon, bah, confiscate the property of Tian Zhiguo Daimyo!

Justice will prevail!

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