Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 346: Payne kills demigods

With Sand Hidden Village and Yan Hidden Village signing peace treaties with Konoha successively, the ninja world finally gradually calmed down. However, Yun Ninja in the north is still ready to move, and Wu Hidden Village in the Great Overseas is also isolated from the outside world because of the previous civil strife. contact.

Everything seems to be going in the right direction.

On this day, the Fourth Namami Feng Minato suddenly received a sharp letter from Kirigakure Village, accusing Konoha's Uchiha Fuhuo of arbitrarily capturing Mio of Kirigakure Village, not only asking Konoha to compensate for the loss, but also demanding Return Sanwei completely!

Regarding this letter, Namikaze Minato had expected it a long time ago, and immediately waved his hand and wrote a reply letter.

The letter stated that Mitsuo was thrown into the Land of Fire by Mist Ninja, and it was helpless to capture it. As for returning it? It's also possible, but it can't be returned until Jinzhuri Uchiha Fenghuo dies naturally!

In a word, it's just talking, it's doing Tai Chi, and it's just not wanting to be responsible.

After the letter was published, Namikaze Minato called Fenghuo, telling him to be more careful recently, so that the door would not be blocked by Mist Ninja.

Fenghuo was a little surprised: "Is the civil strife in Wuyin Village over?"

In the original book, it lasted for many years.

Namikaze Mizumon said: "Information shows that they have selected four generations of Mizukage, who seems to be a ninja named Goju Yakura, with excellent water escape ability!"

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat. In the original book, this man is Sanwei Jinchuriki. Unfortunately, the current Sanwei has been divided equally between him and Yuhihong.


"Brother Minato, what about the three generations of Mizukage?"

Namikaze Minato touched his chin and said, "It is said that due to civil strife, he was attacked by another faction of ninjas, and died shortly after being injured."

"That's it." Feng Huo recalled the original work, it seemed that the records about the Three Generations of Mizukage were so general that he had no memory of it at all, and it gave him a headache!

"I think the Fourth Mizukage will be able to quell the civil strife soon, and the issue of Mizukage will definitely be entangled at that time. However, there is Liuwei in Wuyin Village, so they will not start a war, but they may send ninjas. Assassinate you, so don't be careless." Namikaze Minato continued.

"Ah, I see. Although I know that you are going to be a father, it's not like you will become so long-winded all at once." Feng Huo said impatiently.

"You guys are really... Forget it, anyway, with your strength, even if you can't fight, at least you can run away." Namikaze Minato smiled wryly.

"By the way, do you have the latest information from Pharmacist's pocket?" Feng Huo asked.

It has been more than two months since the last time I sent warmth, Fenghuo thought about sending another wave.

"No, my mission in Tianzhi Country is not over yet, so Elder Danzo didn't recall him." Namikaze Minato smiled, "Don't worry, once he has a new mission, I will notify you as soon as possible. "

"Okay, then I'll go first." Feng Huo waved his hand and left the Huoying Building.

Downstairs, the handsome Xi Hihong was waiting for him.

"It's so slow, what does the fourth generation want from you?"

Xi Hihong is already fifteen this year, and it is the time when she is slim and graceful. Her delicate face, slender figure, and black beauty are the best years of a woman.

"It's not Sanwei yet." Feng Huo shrugged and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you."

"Hmph, I don't want your protection!" Yuhihong snorted, but her face was rosy, "By the way, we haven't done missions together for a long time."

Feng Huo is as good as others: "It's just right now, let's go together."

"Yeah!" Yuhi Hong laughed until her eyes rolled.

The two turned around and entered the mission hall of the Naruto Tower, and began to select missions.

At the same time, the yang attribute Sanwei in Fenghuo is complaining crazily to the yin attribute Sanwei in Yuhihong, slandering Fenghuo, scolding Fenghuo, and despising Fenghuo. Anyway, Fenghuo is in its mouth, completely turning into a heinous fried chicken bad Horny, the kind with sores on the top of the head and pus on the soles of the feet!

It's a pity that I complained for a long time and didn't get the slightest response.

Yang attribute Mio sighed, feeling very complicated.

In fact, when Mitsuo was in Kirigakure Village, she was also sealed in the body of a human being. At that time, in order to prevent it from going berserk, those kiri ninjas set up layers of seals in the human body to suppress it. It can be described as extremely miserable to be awake for two or three days!

It has reason to believe that the three tails of Yin attribute in Yuhihong's body must be suppressed to death by the seal, so there is no way to communicate with it.

Thinking about it this way, it's not unacceptable to be in Uchiha Fenghuo's body. At least, he can think freely, talk as he wants, and scold him as he wants...

It's just that the **** hurts two or three times from time to time, which makes the tortoise upset.

Sanwei sighed, and slowly sank to the bottom of the water pool in the seal.

The country of rain.

Dark clouds overwhelmed the top, and the heavy rain was majestic. Layers of rain curtains were hanging in the sky, boundless, and thick rain and fog filled the air, covering most of the manor.


In the midst of lightning and thunder, six ninjas wearing black and red cloud robes were killing wildly in the manor.

A man named Urenin was instantly killed, and the scarlet blood mixed with the rain quickly spread and penetrated into the ground.

Known as the demigod of the ninja world, Sansho Hanzo was lying at the foot of the wall in a state of embarrassment, soaked in blood, staring at the yellow man in front of him with cold eyes: "Who are you, you can make me..."

"Don't you remember my face?" Yahiko, no, at this time his name is... Payne said slowly.

"You... are Akatsuki's Yahiko, you should be dead, what's going on?" Hanzo stared at Payne in disbelief, "And your eyes, reincarnation eyes! I remember that these eyes are another Red-headed brat, why are you here?!"

"Back then you teamed up with Danzo, betrayed us, and only cared about your own power, but now you are nothing more than a piece of trash!" Payne ignored Hanzo's questioning, and walked towards Hanzo with a blank expression, "It's a shame that I used to admire you so much."

"Who are you, why do you have such great power!?" Hanzo kept struggling, wanting to stand up and continue fighting.

"Disappear, Hanzo!"

Payne slowly stretched out his right hand.

"Wait a minute, stop, stop, ahhh!!"

Hanzo's death did not stop Payne. Anyone related to Hanzo, whether it was a ninja or an ordinary person, whether it was the elderly, children or women, was ruthlessly killed by them and completely annihilated in this world.

"This is sanctions!"

Payne said coldly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and in the distance, Nagato who controlled Six Paths of Payne was already in tears: "Yahiko, I finally avenged you, with your own hands!"

"Nagato, your body..." Xiao Nan stood beside him with a tense expression on his face.

"Don't worry, just rest for a while." Nagato closed his eyes, "After all, the other party is a demigod, and his pupil power was used a little too much, hehe, it's okay, as long as he can avenge Yahiko, everything is worth it of.

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