Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 353: 2 pillars

As the day when Jiu Xinnai gave birth was getting closer, Feng Huo became more and more anxious.

This made Namikaze Minato very strange.

After all, Jiu Xinnai is his wife and gave birth to his son, so why is Feng Huo so nervous?

"Brother Minato, when sister Jiushina gives birth, something big will definitely happen, I have this premonition!" Feng Huo said in a deep voice.

Namikaze Minato nodded: "Indeed, when Kushina was the weakest at that time, Kyuubi's seal would also loosen. Although the war is over, we must guard against accidents."

Feng Huo suggested: "On the day of childbirth, why not let you, me, the third generation, and Zilai also guard sister Jiushina?"

In this way, even if Uchiha Madara came personally... I guess he would kneel, but at this point in time, Uchiha Madara should almost die of old age, right?

Namikaze Minato couldn't laugh or cry: "Fenghuo, you are exaggerating. Although Kushina may have an accident during childbirth, it will not alarm the third generation. Teacher Jiraiya, cough, he is out of the village, and I am afraid he will not be able to do it in a short time." Will be back."

Feng Huo's face darkened: Jiraiya is lustful and unreliable, how did he get into Sannin.

"Brother Shuimen, you can't be careless about this matter. I think the third generation should come out." Feng Huo insisted on his opinion.

Namikaze Minato looked at him strangely: "Fenghuo, do you know something?"

Feng Huo was startled, so he could only open his eyes and talk nonsense: "Actually, I've been dreaming recently that sister Jiushina gave birth, and I saw Jiuwei appearing!"

Namikaze Minato smiled wryly: "It's just a dream, Feng Huo, when will you believe in things in dreams?"

Fenghuo was furious, this is really the emperor not in a hurry to kill the eunuch!

"Don't worry, with me and you, Kushina will never have any accidents." Namikaze Minato smiled.

Feng Huo thought it was true. In the original book, there was only one person in Namikaze Minato, so this was an opportunity to take advantage of, but with himself...

Feng Huo suddenly remembered the Dragon Vein mission a few years ago.

Naruto recognized himself and called himself 'Uncle Blind', but facing Minato Namikaze... nothing, move, be, heart!

His heart sank suddenly, and sank again!

‘Did the plot not change in the end? '

It was as if there was an extra stone in Feng Huo's heart, which was heavy and dark, making his breathing difficult and extremely uncomfortable.

Leaving the Huoying Building, Fenghuo wandered the streets like a wild ghost, with a lot of thoughts in his heart.

Obito has not been blackened, but the Kyuubi Rebellion still occurred, indicating that Uchiha Madara has found someone to replace Obito.

And this person who replaced Obito was able to pull Kyuubi out of Kushina's body with the joint efforts of himself and Namikaze Minato, which shows that the opponent's strength, and even potential, may surpass Obito!

Of course, it is also possible that Danzo and Orochimaru intervened at a critical moment.

'What the **** is going to happen...'

The head of the fire is too big.

July 23rd.

In the backyard of Uchiha Fugaku's mansion, a group of aunts shuttled back and forth, busily busy.

The high-level elders of the Uchiha clan, and even the elite ninjas such as Uchiha Shisui were all present, ready to fight.

The young Uchiha Itachi walked up and down the corridor nervously.

Today is a big day, Uchiha Mikoto's second child, Nizhuzi is about to be born.

Uchiha Fugaku stood quietly outside the house with a calm face, but he was also very nervous in his heart. He and his wife were loving, and he didn't want to see something like dystocia.

"Itachi, don't walk around, the ninja can't be so restless." Uchiha Fugaku said lightly.

"Yes, Father!" Uchiha Itachi stopped respectfully.

He looked at Shisui Uchiha next to him, who smiled and nodded at him, signaling to be calm.

Not long after, there was a loud cry of a baby in the house.


Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Itachi breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time.

"Patriarch, it's a boy, it's a boy!"

From within came the midwife's cry.

"Sure enough, it's a boy!" Uchiha Fugaku laughed, "Then let's call him Sasuke."

"Father, can I go in?" Uchiha Itachi wanted to see his younger brother very much.

"Go in." Uchiha Fugaku nodded slightly, and then looked at the elders and others guarding the side, "Everyone, thank you! Let's eat here later!"

"Fuyue, congratulations!"

"Haha, congratulations."

The elders are all confidantes selected by Uchiha Fugaku after he became the patriarch. They are all elite Jōnin who have activated the Sangouyu, and they are powerful. Uchiha Fugaku called them here just in case.

Uchiha Fugaku walked into the delivery room after sending the elders to the front yard for dinner.

Uchiha Mikoto lay pale on the bed, tilted her head slightly, her gentle eyes fell on the face of a little baby next to the pillow, and the eldest son Uchiha Itachi was standing beside the bed, looking at the little baby with loving eyes .

"Mikoto, how do you feel?" Uchiha Fugaku walked over with a smile.

"I'm fine, Fuyue, look, this is our youngest son." Uchiha Mikoto smiled happily, "It looks like me."

Uchiha Itachi stuck out a finger and poked Nizhuzi's immature face, only to feel excited: "Sasuke, Sasuke, I am my brother, haha, Sasuke, I will definitely protect you and let you grow up happily!"

Uchiha Fugaku came over and touched Itachi's head, then looked at Sasuke with loving eyes, with a happy smile on his face.

At this moment, he felt that he was the happiest person in the world. Power, status, prestige, beautiful wife, beloved son, and the powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan were all in his hands!

Simply the pinnacle of life!

Uchiha Fugaku turned his head and looked at Hokage: 'If, if we can go one step further, it will be even more perfect! '

In the next few days, Uchiha Fugaku opened a banquet at home, and entertained all the ninjas of the Uchiha clan, as well as other small ninja families who had made friends with the Uchiha clan.

Kushina originally wanted to see her best friend Uchiha Mikoto in person, but unfortunately her stomach was getting bigger and bigger, it was really inconvenient to travel, so she had to pick a gift from Toba Feng Minato.

Namikaze Minato asked Fenghuo to give gifts.

Coincidentally, Feng Huo also wanted to meet this future second pillar, so he took Iluka, Sato and Qiudao Dingpeng together.

When Akimichi Dingpeng learned that he was going to have a banquet at Uchiha Fugaku's mansion, he threw away the potato chips in his hand at that time. He was so hungry that he went there excitedly for a long time.

Arriving at the front yard, as soon as Fenghuo entered, he saw Uchiha Shisui coming out to greet him.

"Fenghuo, the patriarch asked me to welcome you, please come in." Uchiha Shisui said with a smile.

"Zhishui." Feng Huo greeted, his heart skipped a beat.

At this point in time, is Uchiha Shisui's kaleidoscope open?

The strongest illusion technique, Bie Tianshen, this is a super pupil technique that can change a person's will silently.

Then he raised a faint vigilance, if Uchiha Shisui sent himself a "failure to the gods"...well, he should stay away from this guy in the future.

"Brother Fenghuo, I'm hungry!" Qiudao Dingpeng's stomach was already growling, which attracted many people's attention.

Fenghuo acted like no one was around, turned a blind eye, and acted like I'm not familiar with this little fat man, so please don't look at me like that or I'll be in a hurry with you, then followed Zhishui into the backyard.

"Wow, is that Lord Fenghuo?"

"Evolved Sharingan to Sangouyu at such a young age~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And Master Zhishui greeted him personally, it must be him."

"Being able to enter the back house, it seems that the relationship between Lord Fenghuo and Patriarch Fuyue is not as bad as the outside rumors."

Once upon a time, the Uchiha clan's attitude towards Fenghuo was extremely indifferent, and even took action to take back his Sharingan because he fell into the arms of the third Hokage. Hatomi took the stage, Uchiha's old and new elders alternated, and Uchiha's attitude finally changed.

The three of Qiudao Dingpeng were led by several servants to sit down and enjoy the banquet.

Because it was brought by Fenghuo himself, the seats of the three of them were quite close to the front, which was very eye-catching. Once Qiu Dao Ding Peng started to eat, it was even more eye-catching, and it was posted on the front pages of major websites that were properly in the previous life.

At the same time, Feng Huo finally saw Er Zhuzi!

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