Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 369: the game

The noisy night finally ushered in the long-lost light. When the sun rose, Muye Yin Village was once again full of vitality.

The dead ninjas were restrained and buried in the Martyrs Cemetery. The civilians whose homes were destroyed also received a lot of compensation. Under the command of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the damaged buildings began to be repaired immediately.

Naruto was sent to Hatake Sakumo's house by Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Konoha Baiga took care of him personally.

At the same time, the atmosphere at the top of the village became more and more tense.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sent Anbu to investigate the three-tailed rampage and the Uchiha man who controlled the three-tailed Uchiha, and at the same time summoned Sanju Koharu, Mitomon Yan and... Shimura Danzo!

"Hizun, you summoned us in the name of Hokage! Could it be that the fourth generation has returned?" Danzo was awe-inspiring and aggressive as soon as he came.

As the root leader, Danzo had already received information about the disappearance of Namikaze Minato and Kushina in the early hours of the morning.

"Danzo, you..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi was about to get mad when an Anbe ninja suddenly appeared.

"The elders are discussing matters, who allowed you to come in!" Danzo sneered at the Anbu ninja, but deliberately emphasized the word 'elder', implying that Sarutobi Hiruzen should not forget that everyone is now an elder advisor, and no one is better than him. Who is noble!

The Anbu ninja half-kneeled on the ground, and said solemnly: "Three generations, it's not good! The latest information just received, cloud ninja has invaded!"

"What?!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi stood up abruptly.

"How is it possible?" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mito Menyan looked at each other, their faces extremely ugly.

Afterwards, Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at Danzo fiercely: "It's you!"

Before Danzo and Orochimaru left the village at the same time, the latter went to Wuyin Village, on the surface to negotiate compensation after the war, but in fact brought Mizukage Mizukage back, and the former, Danzo, must have contacted Yunyin Village!

The more Hiruzaru Sarutobi thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case, otherwise, how to explain the disaster that happened last night, and the invasion of Yunin early this morning?

Coincidence is not enough to describe it!

The anger in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart was burning wildly!

These two bastards!

Danzo snorted coldly, how could he admit such a thing?

"Hizan, what are you talking about, what does this have to do with me?" Danzo pretended to be dissatisfied, and snorted coldly, "The top priority is to let the fourth generation come forward to deal with Yunnin! Also, last night, Sanwei went berserk and destroyed a lot of buildings , and killed a large number of civilians and ninjas, this matter must be investigated to the end! Kurenai Yuhi, who is the three-tailed Jinchuriki, must be judged!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's complexion is getting darker and darker, and the shameless person still dares to beat him up? !

Turning to bed Xiaochun said: "Ri Zhan, what about the four generations? So many things have happened, he must stand up!"

Mito Menyan also said: "Three Tails went berserk last night and indeed caused a catastrophe. Someone must come out and take responsibility for this matter!"

"There is also Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Kushina, although he didn't show up in the village last night, he must have gone berserk too!" Danzo said coldly, "Tailed beasts are our important combat power, and they run away one after another, even Nine-Tails, Mitsuo doesn't matter, I suggest changing to Jinchuriki!"

"Absolutely impossible!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi patted the table and stood up and glared, "Danzo, you know what you have done, you..."

"Hizun, if there is no evidence, it is best not to talk nonsense, so as not to affect the unity of the village!" Danzo interrupted him, confident, "The two tailed beasts in the village ran away one after another, the fourth generation disappeared, and the cloud ninja invaded, hehehehe , everyone, I suggest that the Fifth Hokage be elected now!"

Koharu and Mito Menyan were shocked when they turned to bed.

Sarutobi's face darkened: "Impossible! The fourth generation has not come back yet, and the fifth generation must not be elected!"

"It's up to you." Danzo looked at the sleeping Koharu and Mito Menyan, and said, "Xiaoharu, Monyan, you have also seen how long Minami Namikaze has succeeded, and so many big things have happened in the village ! I seriously doubt the leadership of the fourth generation!"

Turning to sleep, Xiaoharu and Mitomonyan looked at each other, each silent.

"Hizan also said before that during the period of war, Orochimaru was an undoubted genius. Now that Yunin is invading, and the war is about to start, we need the leadership of Orochimaru!" Danzo boasted, "So, I recommend Orochimaru becomes the fifth generation!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi clenched his fists tightly, wishing to smash Danzo's ugly face, but now the situation is secretive, Danzo, Orochimaru, and Uchiha clan are stirring up the wind and rain inside, and Yunin is aggressively invading outside, if at this time he After rectifying the runaway of the tail beast, I am afraid that Konoha Yin Village will be seriously injured immediately, how can it resist Yun Ren?

And don't forget, there are still five or six thousand ninjas in Yanyin Village in the land of earth staring at Konoha!

The whole body is moved by one hair, at this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen was pressed to the ground and rubbed against the ground by Danzo again because of the overall situation!

And Danzo kept attacking, why did he want to change Churiki, judge Kurenai Yuhi, want Orochimaru to take over, want this or that, all he wanted was to disrupt the rhythm of Hiruzaru Sarutobi and make him focus on one thing and lose another!

But Hiruzaru Sarutobi is worthy of being an old politician, after suppressing his anger, he quickly sorted out all his thoughts!

He said that the tailed beast in Kureni Yuhi's body ran away because it was controlled by the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, and it was not Kuren Yuhi's fault.

Danzo sneered: "Since the Uchiha clan is involved in this matter, we must investigate to the end. I have said long ago that this clan is the biggest factor of instability in the village and should be eradicated as soon as possible!"

Hiruza Sarutobi gritted his teeth ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "I believe that only a few people from the Uchiha clan participated in it, so we must not pursue it with great fanfare!"

Then Hiruzaru Sarutobi set aside a piece of land in a corner of the village for the Uchiha clan to let them live together, so as to facilitate Anbu's supervision and investigation.

Danzo was noncommittal.

Immediately afterwards, Hiruzaru Sarutobi said again: "Before the fourth generation returns, I will temporarily take over the government affairs of the village until the fourth generation..."

Before he finished speaking, Danzo jumped up like a cat whose tail had been trampled on: "Sarutobi Hiruzen, you have resigned from Hokage, so now, is it possible that you still want to take the position of Hokage?!"

"No, this is just a stopgap measure. When the fourth generation comes back, I will naturally return everything to him." Hiruzaru Sarutobi finally felt relieved seeing Danzo's panic-stricken appearance.

This time it was Danzo's turn to be furious.

After doing so much, he didn't want Hiruzaru Sarutobi to come back!

"Hiichi, you have to consider the consequences!" Danzo threatened coldly.

"This is the best solution at present!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said in a deep voice, "I will go to Daimyo tomorrow and accept the appointment!"

Danzo narrowed his eyes, with murderous intent, and then left with a cold snort and brushed his sleeves.

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