Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 372: return

In the land of snow, in the depths of the endless snow-capped mountains, a steep snow-capped peak pierces the sky like a sharp sword.

On the top of Xuefeng Peak, a massacre is going on.

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

Feng Huo sat on the back of Lunwu Ershi, frantically slaughtering the big snowbird on the peak.

Brother Lunwu was so excited that he quacked and yelled, feeling elated and overjoyed.

Feng Huo's face was a little pale, and his eyes were even more lifeless, almost blind.

Two days ago, he forcibly took Namikaze Minato and Kushina across a distance of thousands of miles with reverse psychic skills. During this period, he transformed the chakra of the yang attribute Mio Isoto into a tailed beast coat to protect the three of them, and even used a kaleidoscope Susano, but the oppression of the space is really violent, even with double protection, the three of them were still seriously affected.

Kushina, who was on the verge of death, was even weaker. If Minato Namikaze hadn't transported his own chakra there at the critical moment, he might have died immediately, but after arriving at the snow mountain, he only had his last breath and fell into a comatose shock.

Namikaze Minato didn't get any better, the more serious his chest injury was, the blood had already dyed the ninja vest red, and he consumed his own chakra to help Kushina, which made the seal in his body loosen a little, and the yin attribute Kyuubi immediately Start a rebellion, crazily attack the seal!

As for Fenghuo, not only was his Sharingan almost blind, but even Mio Isoto fell into a deep sleep because of too much chakra consumption!

But no matter what, the three finally came here smoothly.

Afterwards, they sat on the second form of round dance and rushed to this snow peak. When they entered the ice cave, Jiu Xinnai was already on the cliff of death, as if he would die completely in the next millisecond.

At such a juncture, even a second of delay could lead to Kushina's death. Namikaze Minato held Kushina in his arms, and in a hurry, he ignored Fenghuo's instructions and rushed directly to grab the ice sculpture of the giant snake.

In an instant, the cold air penetrated quickly along Namikaze Minato's hand, and one could see that his hand was sealed inch by inch at a speed visible to the naked eye. This process seemed slow, but in fact it was extremely fast, but it was because of the writing sharingan that sealed the fire. The illusion of slowness is only possible with dynamic vision.

When the cold air was about to freeze Namikaze Minato's head, the latter slowly turned his head, showing a faint smile: "Stop the fire, Naruto will..."


In the next second, the two hugging each other were completely frozen, and a thin layer of ice wrapped them, as if they were covered with a layer of snowflakes, and they could still clearly see their voices and appearances!

Fenghuo felt dizzy for a while, and passed out directly.

When he woke up, it was already too late.

Of course, he can use ninjutsu to cut off the layer of ice debris connecting Namikaze Minato and the giant snake ice sculpture, and then put Kushina and the giant snake ice sculpture together, but he is afraid that Kushina, who is already at the limit, will not insist Stop such an operation.

Therefore, Fenghuo struggled for a long time, but finally did not do so.

Then he sat there for another day, while recovering his chakra, he kept perceiving the vitality of Namikaze Minato and Kushina, but maybe his perception skills had not yet been mastered, no matter how he sensed it, he couldn't perceive it. The vitality of the two.

This made him a little frustrated, but thinking that the worst outcome would be death, what else could he not let go of?

When his Chakra recovers a bit, he will start to clean up these huge snowbirds on the top of Xuefeng!

Although these huge snowbirds are the tyrants here, they are not enough for Fenghuo and Lunwu brothers who are gradually controlling Fengdun.

Half a day later, one man and two eagles completely dispersed the snowbird flock, killing as many as possible and escaping as much as possible. After that, he began to arrange sealing techniques. Not only the ice cave, but even Xuefeng set up a seal to prevent any powerful The beasts crashed here.

Then he communicated with the Lunwu brothers, telling them to settle down on this snow peak in the future and stop running around.

Although the Lunwu brothers were very excited when they killed the snowbirds, they were a little reluctant to accept the arrangement of Fenghuo, but fortunately, Namikaze Minato saved them when they were young. Brother Wu should go down.

Afterwards, Fenghuo was afraid that something might happen to the ice cave, so he checked again and again, which annoyed Brother Lunwu, so he directly canceled the reverse spiritism and sent Fenghuo back to the Fire Land.

As soon as Feng Huo appeared, the Anbu ninjas around him spotted him and rushed up immediately.

"It's Lord Fenghuo!"

"Great, it finally appeared."

"What about the fourth generation and the fourth wife?"

All the Anbu ninjas were very excited.

Feng Huo heaved a sigh of relief. Since there are Anbu ninjas here, Naruto should have been saved, so he said, "Let's talk about it when we go back."

But, what should I say when I go back?

Once the state of Namikaze Minato and Kushina is known to conspirators and careerists like Danzo and Orochimaru, God knows what they will do.

Fenghuo thinks differently, if he is Danzo, he must try to kill Kushina and Namikaze Minato!

Moreover, this ninja world is not only Danzo and Orochimaru, but also Akatsuki, as well as the plan executors of Kuroze and Uchiha Madara, and the ab brothers of Kamo Ninja, and the third generation of Tukage.

You know, the prestige of the yellow flash was erected on the corpses of countless ninjas. It is not an exaggeration to say that the enemies of Minamito Namikaze are all over the ninja world.

Therefore, I must keep it a secret.

Just treat them as dead.

Feng Huo looked at the gate of Muye Village and sighed silently.

At this time, Hiruzaru Sarutobi had already left the village for a day, and there were three people in the village who were in charge of affairs, Xiaoharu Mitomon, and Danzo.

As soon as Feng Huo came back, he was called in by the three elder advisors for questioning.

The old **** Danzo squinted his left eye, staring at Fenghuo coldly.

Turning to bed Xiaochun took the lead to ask: "Uchiha Fenghuo, where is the fourth generation and the fourth wife Kushina?"

Feng Huo said lightly: "Dead."

"What did you say?!"

Turning to bed, Xiaoharu and Mitomonyan stood up in disbelief, "How could Sidai die?"

"Sister Jiushinai is dead, and brother Minato died in love." Feng Huo said directly.

"Are you kidding, he is the fourth generation, how could he die for a woman!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun said angrily.

She is a woman herself, but she strongly disagrees with Feng Huo's statement.

This time the Tailed Beast rioted, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's wife also died, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi didn't see Hiruzaru Sarutobi die or live?

So she didn't believe Fenghuo's nonsense at all.

Danzo has been sitting by the side, and said at this time: "Since the fourth generation and Nine-tailed Jinchuriki are dead, what about their bodies?"

"That's right, Kushina is Kyuubi Jinchuriki, if she's dead, what about Kyuubi?" Mitomon Yan also asked.

Feng Huo's heart moved, did they not know about Naruto's transformation into Jinzhuriki?

He didn't point it out, and threw the ball directly, saying: "This, I have to ask three generations."

"Kyuubi is in the hands of the third generation?" Danzo's expression changed.

Feng Huo glanced at him and said, "I would like to ask Elder Danzang, where were you and where were your roots when the tailed beast ran away?"

Danzang's face changed, and he reprimanded: "Shut up, is this something that you, a mere Jnin, can ask?"

"People are doing what the sky is watching, Danzo, you are too incompetent as an elder." Then he didn't wait for Danzang to speak, and said directly to Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mitomen Yan, "You two elders, you also watch Arrived, before the third ninja world war, Genbu has been hiding in the village and can't get out of it. It is called protecting the village, but the tail beast rampage that happened a few days ago is so important, Genbu still turns a blind eye~www.wuxiaspot .com~ What use is the existence of this department to the village? I suggest... revoke the root department!"

"Shut up, Uchiha Fenghuo, what qualifications do you kid have to say such a thing?!" Danzo was furious, and with a wave of his big hand, a dozen Gennin jumped out, "Take him down for me, and force him to find out the fourth generation and the ninth generation. The whereabouts of Ojinchuriki!"

After half a year, I finally stopped streaking, and I have a recommendation!

It is said that it has been more than half a year since this book was written, ┭┮﹏┭┮

Let me alone excited meeting!

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