Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 385: Learn more about Obito's body

After a few days of spreading dog food with Xi Hihong, Fenghuo received a sad news.

Kurenai Yuhi was actually recruited by Nara Shikaku, and she will go to the battlefield to fight Yunnin immediately!

Not only her, Kai, Shiranui Genma, Ibixi, Lin and others were all recruited.

No need to guess, this must be Sarutobi Hiruzen's idea.

Feng Huo could even guess his intentions.

Although the third ninja world war lasted for several years, only Fenghuo really transformed into a super strong in this war, while Yuhihong, Lin and others have been in the logistics department, so naturally they did not get the most cruel force on the battlefield. Grinding and baptism, so Sarutobi Hiruzen is going to use this battlefield to sharpen these young people.

Hiruza Sarutobi originally didn't want to send Kurenai Yuhi, after all, she is Jinchuriki of the Three Tails, but her father Makoru Yuhi strongly demanded, and on the battlefield, all of them are ninjas of the Naruto line, so they can protect Yuhi to the greatest extent. Red, Hiruzaru Sarutobi reluctantly agreed.

When Fenghuo and Kakashi sent them out, Fenghuo discovered that Obito was not there.

"Why don't you go with the soil?" Fenghuo asked Kakashi.

Kakashi said lazily: "Ah, yes, Sandai didn't let him go."

"Why? And I haven't seen him these days, what happened?" Feng Huo asked with concern.

"Don't you know? Let me tell you, you really don't care about us at all after getting red!" Kakashi said sarcastically, and then sighed, "After Obito was rescued, he used a strange The cells repaired his right half of his body, but this kind of repair is not permanent. Once he suffers a heavy blow, his right half of his body will fester. Although our medical ninja can barely repair it, it can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. That is to say, with This guy, I'm afraid he won't be able to be a ninja in the future."

Feng Huo pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose, his eyes narrowed slowly.

The one who rescued Obito was naturally Uchiha Madara, there is no doubt about this. As for the cells on the right side of Obito's body, they should be Baijue's cells.

In the original book, although Obito also transplanted the cells of the first generation Senjujuma, that was after he became the executor of Uchiha Madara's plan.

Feng Huo touched his chin.

Although the current Obito seems useless, don’t forget that he is a member of the Uchiha clan. His awakened Kaleidoscope Hitomijutsu is a rare space-time ninjutsu. Even Namikaze Minato praised this time-space ninjutsu in the original book Above him and the second generation!

If you let it go, the loss is a bit big.

Therefore, to help Obitu awaken the kaleidoscope, Fenghuo thinks it is possible.

As for how to awaken, there is already a 'full version of the tutorial' in the original book, and Feng Huo only needs to copy it once.

But even if Obito awakened the kaleidoscope, it seems that there is no way to repair his right half of the body.

Do you want to get some first-generation cells?

But soon he dismissed the idea.

Because about cell transplantation, I have no idea about sealing the fire. Should I eat it, inject it, or sew it with catgut?

He was completely clueless.

Moreover, there is no medical ninja in the village that he can trust and is capable of performing operations such as cell transplantation.

Although Yakushi Nonoyu is also a medical ninja, she is only good at medical ninjutsu. When it comes to advanced human experiments such as cell transplantation, she probably has to be caught blind.

Moreover, there are many unpredictable factors in the transplantation of the first generation of cells, such as rejection, such as... Hiruza Sarutobi?

"Hey, what are you thinking." Kakashi looked at Fenghuo and said, "It's getting late, let's go eat ramen for lunch."


Fenghuo nodded, and followed Kakashi to Yile Ramen with his head down.

The owner of Yile Ramen is the middle-aged man in the original book, but at this time he is still very young, about thirty, and his daughter is only about ten years old, very naughty and cute, seeing Fenghuo and Kakashi Regular customers, brother long and brother short shouted.

Kakashi greeted her with a smile.

Fenghuo rested his chin and continued to wander.

In the roots of Danzo, there must be medical ninjas who are proficient in human experiments such as cell transplantation. Since there are roots, what about Anbe?

Although Hiruzaru Sarutobi flaunts the light and pays attention to the rules, but this kind of words can also deceive the little kid and the hot-blooded young man like Kai. After all, the existence of Anbu itself is darkness!

Therefore, there must be human experiments in Anbu, but the 'material' should come from ninjas from enemy countries, or rebels.

Thinking about it this way, Feng Huo instantly felt that Sarutobi Hiruzen was terrifying.

Then he remembered Kakashi's words again, Obito's right half of his body had festered before, but was repaired by the medical ninja.

How did you fix it?

You can't re-paste the rotten meat, right?

Fenghuo himself knows how to heal ninjutsu, and even mastered the palm fairy technique, but he couldn't rely on the palm fairy technique to re-paste Obito's festering body.

Therefore, it is almost certain that Anbu's medical ninjas acted to seal the fire.

‘So, this guy Obito has become an excellent experimental material for Anbe? ’ Fenghuo Zhizhi was amazed.

At this moment, the ramen noodles came, and Feng Huo ate every bite.

"Since Anbu's medical ninja made a move, then..."

Feng Huo felt that he could wake them up.

The first-generation cells are too sensitive, so let’s lower the regulation, um, the cells of the Qianshou family can understand.

Thinking of this, Feng Huo was in a good mood, and then he noticed that the bowl in front of Kakashi was empty.

Looking up, Kakashi just put on the mask.

"I said, you look so evil, as for this." Feng Huo couldn't help complaining, and stretched out his hand to pull, "Come, come, pull it down and let the master see your beauty."

Kakashi leaned back and dodged backflips to escape the fire-sealing pig's hands, and then left in a leisurely manner: "Today's meal is yours."

"Huh? Why me?"

"Who kept you distracted." Kakashi snorted.

"Wait a minute." After paying the bill, Fenghuo hurriedly ran out to stop him, "I have some suggestions about Obito's right half of his body."

Kakashi is from Anbu, and he is also the team leader of Anbu, so it would be best to pass the words through him.

"What suggestion?" Kakashi asked curiously.

"Cells! Since Obito's right half of his body was restored with a strange kind of cells, then~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can we add other cells in it to balance and help him stabilize his body? For example, Cells of the Thousand Hands Clan!" Feng Huo said softly.

"Ah?" Kakashi looked confused, he was a complete layman for this.

"I told you that you don't understand, you just need to report it." Feng Huo waved his hand.

Kakashi thought for a while, and said, "Yes, but why the Thousand Hands?"

"Those from the Hatake family are also fine." Feng Huo said decisively.

"Ah, the weather is nice today." Kakashi turned around and left.


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