Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 389: 3rd generation request

After throwing twenty shadow clones in the mansion to practice, Fenghuo's main body ran out in despair.

I really can't get along.

It really **** to argue with twenty of yourselves!

Afterwards, Fenghuo came to a training ground hidden in the dense forest. This is the devil training ground opened up by Matt Dai seven or eight years ago, specially training Fenghuo and Kai.

However, after the third ninja war started, Fenghuo never came again.

He looked around and found that the furnishings here hadn't changed much, and the friction marks on the wooden stakes and other objects were not very old. It should be that Kai often came here to train.

"Speaking of which, since I opened the third door of the eight-door Dunjia, I haven't practiced physical skills much. I feel sorry for Uncle Dai."

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes.

In fact, Fenghuo also came here with a golden finger, that is his special physique.

No matter how horrible the exercise is, as long as he gets a good night's sleep, he will be full of vitality the next day. Therefore, after practicing Bamen Dunjia with Mai Tedai, Fenghuo has been far ahead of Kai until the second day. After the three ninja world wars were over, Kai came from behind and opened the fourth door first!

The golden finger of Fenghuo is really suitable for practicing Taijutsu, but he is a member of the Uchiha clan. He has Xueji Jikai Sharingan, and after turning on the kaleidoscope, he directly goes to heaven. How can he calm down and practice Taijutsu?


Feng Huo pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose and sighed.

Without the kaleidoscope, his strength really dropped a lot.

And he came here today with only one purpose: to practice physical skills!

Take out the prepared weight-bearing metal from the sealing scroll, wear the sealing fire on the calf, arm, waist and abdomen one by one, and then start running.

‘Run a hundred laps around the training ground, and punch a thousand punches if you can’t finish the run! '

'If you can't finish it, kick it a thousand times! '

'How can a man's youth just give up like this, run, Sao Nian! '

Matt Dai's voice and smile kept emerging with the sweat of Fenghuo, and he was already crying unconsciously.

He ran from morning to sunset, with the bright red sunset glowing on his face, Feng Huo staggered and fell to the ground, breathing like a cow, he was so tired that he didn't want to move.

The weight-bearing metal on his limbs and waist and abdomen was even more shockingly heavy at this time, as heavy as an iron pillar inserted into the ground, nailing Fenghuo to the ground.

"If Uncle Dai is still here, he will definitely scold me, hehe, since you are gone, I will sleep, just sleep, haha."

Feng Huo laughed and cried, then lay there and fell asleep.

Immediately afterwards, the twenty shadow clones in his mansion also turned into smoke and dissipated as his consciousness fell asleep, and the twenty cultivation memories also rushed back to Fenghuo's brain immediately.

When Fenghuo woke up, a crescent moon hung over the night, casting a faint silver glow, and in the night sky, there were even more bright stars shining all over the sky, which was so beautiful that it couldn't be compared to the world.

After Feng Huo slept for a while, his physical strength recovered very well, and he also had a lot of training memories in his brain.

He smiled wryly, knowing that he was too anxious, exerted too much force, and couldn't keep up physically.

Then he separated twenty shadow clones again and asked them to go back to the mansion to practice.

The main body continued to exercise against the sky full of stars.

Time passed, and another two months passed.

On this day, just as Feng Huo was preparing to clone himself, he saw an Anbu descending from the sky.

"Uchiha seals the fire, three generations welcome!"

"Okay, I'll go see him right away."

Fenghuo tapped his toes, and quickly rushed towards Hokage Tower.

After two months of physical training, Feng Huo's body looks the same as before, but he has trained his chest muscles and eight-pack abdominal muscles to be sharp.

In addition to physical skills, the cultivation of shadow clones is uneven. The most obvious improvement is naturally the chakra perception technique, which can now sense the chakra of creatures within a range of five kilometers.

The second is Chidori, which successfully developed the Chidori style, which can fill the whole body with lightning, no longer limited to the hands, but use the Chidori with the whole body.

Then there is the technique of dark practice. Although he has not practiced to Wuyin, the speed of seal formation has been compressed to less than two seconds.

Learning the sealing technique requires accumulation, so there is no rush.

As for mixed ninjutsu, Raikiri, and Laiying-Thousand Hands Kill, there is no progress at all.

And because of the danger of mixed ninjutsu, the backyard of the fire-sealed mansion was blown to pieces, which made him feel distressed.

When he came to Hokage Tower, Fenghuo felt Sarutobi Hiruzen's Chakra on the roof of the building.

With a light leap, he came to the rooftop and landed beside Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

"Master Hokage, do you need me?" Feng Huo asked with a smile.

"I do have something to trouble you, but it's a private matter." Hiru Sarutobi kept his mouth shut, with a somewhat lonely expression on his face.

Feng Huo discovered that after two months of absence, Hiruzaru Sarutobi had more gray hair.

"Master Hokage, please give me instructions." Feng Huo sighed.

"It's about Asma." Hiruzen Sarutobi said, "A few days ago, Anbu discovered that Asma appeared near the Temple of Fire, so I would like you to go there and check~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to confirm Is Asma in danger?"

"I see!"

Poor parents in the world.

Just rush here, and Fenghuo has to agree.

Well, by the way, I asked Kong Shan, the abbot of the Temple of Fire, to borrow a few Buddhist scriptures.

"By the way, Hokage-sama, is Lao Zi still in the Temple of Fire?"

The last time I sealed off the fire and went to the Temple of Fire was because Lao Zi suddenly appeared there. After such a long time, he should have left, right?

Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "Lao Zi turned into a wandering monk and left after staying in the Temple of Fire for half a month. Last month, he traveled to the country of Taki."

Feng Huo nodded, since Lao Zi was not there, then Asma would not be in danger, not even frightened.

However, considering Sarutobi's mood, Fenghuo didn't stop there, and immediately left the village and headed towards the Temple of Fire.

Because of Namikaze Minato and Kushina, there are no special circumstances. Fenghuo doesn't plan to have the Psychic Chaolunwu brothers come on the way, so as to avoid accidents there.

After a few days, Fenghuo successfully arrived at the Temple of Fire!

Asma's appearance here reminded Fenghuo of Dilu, and this guy would also come to greet him—Thousand Hands Killer, and later became the abbot of the Temple of Fire. He thought he had some ulterior relationship with the current abbot, Kongshan.

Do you want to find out about illegitimate children?

Although Buddhism and Taoism in the ninja world are not popular, there are still many believers near the Temple of Fire. At this time, the sun was shining in the sky, and it was the hottest time of the day, but there were still a large number of believers walking up the stone steps step by step, with pious faces.

Fenghuo walked up step by step with many believers, using Chakra perception while walking, but did not find Asma's Chakra.

'It seems that we still have to go to the back mountain to have a look. '

Feng Huo turned around, walked towards the dense forest next to the stone steps, and then circled into the back mountain.

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