Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 392: Kaleidoscope VS Reincarnation Eye!

Thick clouds as thick as black ink float over the Land of Rain, and stay there all year round.

In the heavy rain, a black-robed figure was moving fast.

After running for an unknown amount of time, finally, a dead and silent city appeared in front of him.

"Is this right here?" The man in black robe raised his head slightly, under the black hood was a mask full of spiral lines.

"Ah, that's right, it's here!" Hei Jue came out from his shadow and said, "I can only follow you up to this point. If we go further, he will find me."

"Hmph, if the other party's strength is not strong, those eyes will be mine!" The man in black robe, that is, Uchiha Shinkai laughed.

"Don't be kidding, in front of those eyes, your kaleidoscope has no chance of winning at all!" Hei Jue said, "It's better to act according to the plan set by the master."

"Hahahaha, it's not up to you!"

Shin Uchiha gave a strange laugh, and stepped into the city under the rain curtain.

The city has been completely deserted, and there are ruins everywhere, and the rainwater flows wantonly in it, like ugly snakes.

Unknowingly, Nobu Uchiha has come to the center of the city, and in front of him is a towering building with a strange aura.

Shin Uchiha was about to speak when he heard footsteps coming from the towering building.

Pain Liudao slowly walked out of the shadows and met Uchiha Shin.

"Sharingan, why did Konoha's Uchiha come here." Yahiko stepped forward, staring at Uchiha letter with a pair of samsara eyes without emotion, "Report your name and purpose."

Shin Uchiha narrowed his eyes, staring at the six people in front of him.


He noticed that these six people had plenty of chakra but no life, they were clearly six corpses!

A chill ran up his spine.

"I don't want to talk to a group of corpses, Nagato, I know you are manipulating them, come out, I want to see you!" Uchiha Shin yelled.

"You actually know my identity, who are you?" The words that came out of Yahiko's mouth were neither light nor heavy, neither salty nor weak, like ten thousand years of stagnant water, without the slightest ripple.

At the same time, the other five behind Yahiko stepped forward and surrounded Uchiha Shin in a semicircle.

"Me? My name is... Uchiha Madara!"

"Uchiha Madara is dead, you are lying." Yahiko said lightly.

"Don't be so sure, has anyone seen my dead body in this world? Hahaha." Uchiha Shin laughed, and then said coldly, "But I didn't come here to tell you this. Nagato, I Know the pain in your heart, know what this world has done to you, hehehe, I have a perfect plan here, which can help..."

"Shut up, I'm not interested in your plan." Yahiko said.

"Don't you want to hear it?" Uchiha Shin revealed a well of anger on his forehead.

"Not interested, get out, or die." Yahiko said.

"You! How dare you speak to me in such a tone!!"

Uchiha Shin's chest was full of anger. Since the battle with Fenghuo, his self-confidence almost swelled to the sky. How could he tolerate the contempt of these corpse-like things?

The three-pointed jade in his eyes turned into a scarlet kaleidoscope, and a layer of light blue light curtain slowly emerged from the ground, turning into Susano's bones and ribs to surround him.

"If you want to do it, you have to be aware of death."

Yahiko stretched out his hand, "Shinra Tenzheng."


A powerful repulsive force turned into a wave of non-casting air, directly blasting Uchiha Nobuo away, and countless cracks appeared on the Susanoo on his body.


Nobuhito Uchiha's power boiled, and Susano came to the fourth form in an instant.

However, Shura Dao in Payne's Six Paths has turned into a living arsenal, shooting all kinds of missiles and missiles at him.

Boom boom boom!

Numerous missiles and missiles exploded on Susanohu, and the terrifying shock force was transmitted wave after wave, making Uchiha Shin's chest tight and his throat sweet.

At the same time, the beast way also psychically produced all kinds of huge flying creatures, overwhelmingly biting the huge Susanoo.

Shin Uchiha laughed out of breath, pulled out the huge chakra knife at his waist, cut a dozen psychics in half with one knife, and then slashed directly at Tendo Yahiko, the head of the Six Paths of Penn.

"It's useless." Yahiko didn't even bother to move.

Hungry Ghost Road slowly stood up: "Chakra absorbs."

The huge chakra knife slashed Hungry Ghost Dao's hands. Under the huge force, Hungry Ghost Dao was knocked into the ground, but at the same time, a large amount of Chakra was absorbed by Hungry Ghost Dao along the chakra knife.

"What is this?!" Uchiha Shin had a look of hell.

With the large loss of Chakra, Susano in the fourth form quickly degenerated into the third form, and then the second form. It was not until the Chakra knife disappeared that Uchiha Shin escaped from the control of Hungry Ghost Road.

"How could this be?!" Uchiha Shin slowly fell to the ground, and the kaleidoscope was full of disbelief.

"Then, get ready to die." Yahiko slowly extended his palm.

"It's up to you?!" Uchiha Shin's kaleidoscope spun crazily, and the pupil technique hidden in his left eye was running instantly, and the iron rods on Pain Rokudao's body, including Yahiko, trembled rapidly.

"These iron rods should be the connection signal for you to control these corpses. As long as you control these iron rods, these six corpses are just for display!"

"You... unexpectedly... know..."

Yahiko spoke, but his voice was intermittent, and the rapid vibration of the iron rod did affect Nagato's control.

But in the next moment, the pupil power of Samsara Eye began to diffuse and boil, and the two pupil forces collided in the air, and there was a difference almost instantly, Uchiha Nobu's pupil power was suppressed!

At the same time, Uchiha Shin's pupil technique also slowly disappeared along with the collapse of his pupil power!

One after another, the black iron rods returned to Nagato's control.

Nobuo Uchiha was shocked and angry, but he also knew that this was not the time to be brave, so he quickly retreated in a hurry.

When he ran to the edge of the city, a huge suction force spread from the center of the city. Shin Uchiha paused his footsteps, and his whole figure was faintly uncontrollable. He was busy running the power of the kaleidoscope, and then gritted his teeth and used the earth escape to escape into the ground.

"Next time, it won't be so simple."

Yahiko's voice slowly came from the city.


Nobuyuki escaped directly from the ground before he dared to show his head from the ground.

In the next instant, Hei Jue's figure also appeared beside him.

"I told you a long time ago, don't mess with him." Hei Jue sighed, "Those eyes are the most powerful force in this world."

"Hmph, so what, these eyes will be mine sooner or later!" Shin Uchiha gritted his teeth.

"The premise is to introduce him into the urn." Hei Jue said, "But according to the current situation, our previous plan has failed, so we must change the plan."

"Just say what you have in mind." Shin Uchiha snorted.

Hei Jue smiled and said: "Since Nagato can't be made to act according to our plan, we can only follow his plan~www.wuxiaspot.com~What do you mean?" Uchiha Nobuo asked.

"Join Nagato, become his support, and wait for the opportunity to implement our plan." Hei Ze said.

"Can this work?" Uchiha Shin was a little displeased.

"There is only one way." Hei Jue said, "In order to dispel Nagato's vigilance, let me join his organization first."

"Hmph, I hope he doesn't find out, I won't save you!" Shin Uchiha snorted.

"It's really indifferent." Hei Jue sank into his body slowly, and said, "Then I'll make preparations first."

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