Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 402: Seal fire, bring soil, stop water...

Throughout the original works of Hokage, from Sage of the Six Paths to Kaguya Otsutsuki, from Senjujuma to Uchiha Madara, from Namakaze Minato to Orochimaru, it perfectly interprets what it means to say that good people don't live long, and that evil will last for thousands of years!

Especially Otsutsuki Kaguya, this guy really left behind thousands of years later!

And now, Danzo is coming back with his roots, and he seems to be eager to respond to this old saying.

After leaving the Nara clan, Fenghuo was quite discouraged.

In his view, Uchiha's ambition to be superior is immortal, and a coup will happen sooner or later, but Sarutobi Hiruzen really doesn't have the power to check and balance Uchiha?

Anbe led by Konoha Shirato Hatake Sakumo definitely has this strength!

Hyuga Haozu, who is comparable to Uchiha, also has this ability!

The three Ikacho families are vertical and horizontal, and they can also press Uchiha firmly and rub happily!

However, Hiruzaru Sarutobi chose Kifushimura Danzo and Nemo!

What a stupid and... wise decision!

I say stupid because Fenghuo has read the original work and knows how many disgusting things Danzo has done behind the scenes. It is not an exaggeration to say that Sarutobi Hiruzawa's decision is to let the tiger go back to the forest and help the tyrant.

But wise, there are also some.

From Sarutobi Hiruzen's point of view, Danzo and Genbu were revived, and you can watch from the sidelines, watching Uchiha and Danzo dogs bite dogs, and you can preserve the strength of Anbe and the major ninja families that support Sarutobi Hiruzen, the so-called There is nothing better than this when the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's benefit.

Moreover, as Hokage, Hiruzaru Sarutobi had to maintain his reputation, such dirty work, if someone was willing to take the blame for him, Hiruza Sarutobi would naturally not refuse.

Coupled with the fact that Danzo exchanged peace with the two Yumuren and Kumo Shinobi, this made Sarutobi Hiruzen unable to refuse.

And from the scene where Danzo talked with Zhuanzhu Xiaoharu and Mitomonyan, it is not difficult to guess that these two elder advisors definitely did not say anything good about Danzo!

As for Namikaze Minato's death... the dead is really gone!

Although Feng Huo thought of this, he couldn't accept it emotionally!

Back at his mansion, Fenghuo separated 20 shadow clones and asked them to practice individually, while he lay on the wooden corridor in the backyard, resting his head with his hands, looking at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky.

He remembered Tsunade.

I was a little envious of her, she just walked away with a little loli in such a grand manner, traveled around the world, gambled and lost wherever she went, and in just a few years, she broke into a huge "legendary big fat sheep" The title of 'is simply a day that gods don't change.

At the same time, in Hiruzen Sarutobi's office, Kakashi was staring at a ninja standing next to him with both eyes, no, one eye.

"A!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi laughed while smoking his pipe, "From now on, you will be a member of Anbe."

"Yes." A replied indifferently.

As Konoha's only Mudun user, Jia has a high status in Danzo's heart, and he is regarded as a confidant. Hiruzaru Sarutobi's several requests were rejected by him!

But at this moment, A appeared here, but he was not abandoned by Danzo, but was sent to Sarutobi Hiruzen as one of the important exchange conditions for Danzo's comeback.

"Kakashi, you will take the armor from now on, remember to take care of him, you know." Hiruzaru Sarutobi said earnestly.

"I see, Hokage-sama!" Kakashi said solemnly.

Ever since he saw A's Mu Dun, he really wanted to be teammates with A, and now that his wish came true, Kakashi was naturally excited. Of course, if he recruited Fenghuo again, it would be even more perfect!

Then Hiruzaru Sarutobi called an Anbu to come in and asked him to take A to Anbu to register.

"Kakashi, have you ever heard of the name Shisui Shisui?" Sarutobi Hiruzen then asked Kakashi.

Kakashi was stunned, nodded solemnly and said: "It's thunderous, among the Uchiha clan, the only super genius who can be compared with Fenghuo! I heard that his illusion and instant body art are already the strongest in Uchiha, and even the best in Konoha. Stronger."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a puff of cigarette, nodded and said: "That's right, I have seen this child, his talent is extraordinary, but, more importantly, he is a descendant of Kagami."

"Mirror?" Kakashi naturally didn't recognize it.

"Mirror, is my teammate, full name Uchiha Kagami, a member of the Uchiha clan who inherited the will of fire!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi revealed the color of memory, and then continued, "And this child also inherits the will of fire." The will of fire, so I want to recruit him into Anbu!"

Kakashi snorted.

Seeing that he did not object, Sarutobi Hiruza became a little unhappy: "Don't you have any objections?"

"Why should there be?" Kakashi looked surprised. Among the Uchiha clan, Fenghuo and Obito are both his friends. What's so strange about the appearance of another Shisui who inherited the will of fire?

But having said that, sealing the fire, bringing the soil, and stopping the water, is there any close relationship between the elders of these three guys? Otherwise, why do people... care about their names together?

I didn't feel anything when we separated.

Seeing Kakashi's constipated expression suddenly, Hiruzaru Sarutobi lost interest in talking, waved him away, and not long after, he called Sakumo Hatake to continue the chat just now.

"Recruit Uchiha Shisui into Anbu?" Hatake Sakumo was very steady, and pondered, "But the relationship between Uchiha and the village is already very tense. At this time, will it be possible to recruit members of the Uchiha clan into Anbu? With unpredictable consequences?"

"Are you worried that Shisui will become a spy?" Hiruzen Sarutobi smiled, "This child is a descendant of Kagami, who inherited the will of fire. I believe he is on the side of the village."

"But it's still too risky to do so." Hatake Sakumo chose to reserve his opinion.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a puff of cigarette, Konoha Baiga was his confidant general, so he had to respect the attitude of the other party.

"Since that's the case, then set up a peripheral organization outside Anbu and recruit Shisui. If his performance is qualified, he will be included in Anbu and given an Anbu number!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi thought of a compromise.

Hatake Sakumo thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

"I want Kakashi to bring Shisui, what do you think?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked again. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Hatake Sakumo shook his head: "Three generations, Uchiha Shisui is a strong Uchiha comparable to Fenghuo. Even if there are elements of Uchiha exaggeration, it is still not something that Kakashi can suppress. I am worried that he will Anti-customer-oriented.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed: "It's a pity that Fenghuo doesn't want to enter Anbu, otherwise it would be most appropriate for him to bring Shisui."

Hatake Sakumo nodded upon hearing that.

Compared with Uchiha Shisui who inherited the will of fire, Hatake Sakumo obviously believes in Uchiha Fusui who grew up watching him.

Hatake Sakumo's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly said, "Maybe we can try again."

"Do you have a way to let Fenghuo enter Anbu?" Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes lit up.

"Should be six or seven points sure, it's worth a try!"

Konoha Baiya's eyes flashed with a sharp light!

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