Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 408: assassinate

After Fenghuo and Zhishui entered Tian Zhiguo, they went straight to a gentle **** along the coast according to the information. The gentle **** was full of tall and strange rocks, scattered in disorder.

"Master Fenghuo!"

"Master Feng Huo, you are here, this is where our current secret research institute is located!"

The members of the three groups of the Supervision Department gathered together when they saw Fenghuo, and introduced the scene when they were here.

"Master Feng Huo, after knowing that you are coming, the three of us are waiting here, and the rest of us have already gone to the country of soup to check the whereabouts of Orochimaru."

Feng Huo frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong, and then jumped onto a strange rock, looking into the distance, he suddenly felt his heart widened, the blue sky and the sea seemed to be two blue gems reflecting each other, it was too beautiful to behold.

"Dashewan has a good eye." Feng Huo said in amazement.

Uchiha Shisui said: "This is also the reason why he gave up this secret research institute."

Afterwards, Zhishui secretly winked at Fenghuo.

Feng Huo was taken aback, then nodded with a smile.

Indeed, the scenery here is so beautiful that it will definitely attract tourists for sightseeing. If there are too many people, there are no secrets.

But, why is Shisui Uchiha winking at himself?

Do you want to have a shot on this beautiful day?

Huh~ Shameless!

"Go, go to his research institute."

Fenghuo waved.

"Master Feng Huo, this way!"

An Anbu ninja wearing a vulture mask led the way, and said at the same time, "Master Fenghuo, we have been investigating carefully in the research institute for the past few days, and we have not found any useful clues so far."

"Call..." Feng Huo showed an impatient look, but he realized something in the next moment, and changed his words: "There is no research data or experimental subjects left?"

"Yes, we found a few corpses, but they were all decomposed." The ninja in the vulture mask said.

Saying that, several people came to a huge rock.

This gigantic rock is two stories high, and compared with other strange rocks, it immediately stands out from the crowd.

There is a flat narrow passage below the giant rock, which leads directly to the ground.

Vulture mask ninja leads the way.

Feng Huo glanced at Zhi Shui secretly, the latter understood, and his pupils rolled slightly.

Afterwards, the two followed the vulture masked ninja down, followed by the other two Anbu, who followed closely behind them.

The underground passage under the rock is very short, and soon a few people came to the end. In the dark underground space, there are four torches in the four corners, emitting a dim orange light. Under the light, several walls of the underground space can be seen On the top, there are sheets of... detonating symbols!

It really is a trap!

Fenghuo and Zhishui looked at each other, sneered and remained silent.

"Master Fenghuo doesn't seem surprised." The ninja in the vulture mask said strangely.

Zhishui said: "Actually, Fenghuo, no, the captain likes his subordinates to call him captain. If you are really a member of the third team of the Supervision Department, you should know this!"

"So that's it!" The vulture ninja sneered, "Since we have already spotted us, why did you follow us down?"

Zhishui showed a weird smile: "Sorry, we didn't come down with you!"


Vulture Ninja was taken aback.

The two ninjas in charge of the rear of the palace shot Kunai and Shuriken at Fenghuo and Shisui in an instant, but in the next moment, Kunai and Shuriken passed through their bodies and nailed them straight to the ground!

"No, it's an illusion!" Vulture Ninja was shocked, "It's Shisui Uchiha! Damn it!"

Uchiha Shisui is known as the only genius ninja in the Uchiha clan who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Fenghuo. His name is very famous, but in the eyes of others, including the boastful Uchiha clan, they all feel that Uchiha Shisui is no match. Seal the fire.

But only Fenghuo himself agrees with this point.

Anyone who underestimates the instant body and still water will not end well.

The three masked ninjas leaned together immediately after realizing that they were under the illusion, each placed their left hand on the other, and then circulated chakra.

Three kinds of chakra fluctuations flowed in the three people, and Uchiha Shisui's illusion was quickly deciphered. Then they saw the blue sky and white clouds, the beach and the sea, and seagulls flying over their heads, leaving piles of colors Brightly colored bird droppings.

"how is this possible?!"

"Still in illusion? Damn, this Uchiha Shisui's illusion is too strong!"

When the three of them were huddling together, suddenly three misfortunes fell from the sky and forced the three of them away.

The ninja in the vulture mask said coldly: "In that case, let's die together!"

As he spoke, he was about to activate the detonating symbol on the wall.

After sealing the fire, it's okay?

In a hurry, he rubbed a ball and imprinted it on his face, directly suffocating him to death!

On the other side, Shisui has also killed the remaining two ninjas cleanly.

After confirming that the detonating talisman was fine, Fenghuo was relieved, and then looked deeply at Zhishui.

Before, even he himself didn't notice the abnormality of these three people, but Uchiha Shisui noticed it through a small detail. This delicate thought is really surprising.

Of course, there is also his illusion.

"Shisui, your illusion is really terrifying!" Feng Huo feels that these three ninjas are all special ninjas, who can instantly make three special ninjas fall into illusions and cannot extricate themselves. Uchiha Shisui's illusion ability can be seen One spot.

"Fenghuo, it's really no problem to kill them all, don't you already know who is behind the scenes?" Zhishui asked.

"Call the captain!" Feng Huo said angrily, "I offended only a handful of people, and they were all in the same group, so whoever he is, it's not wrong to hang on to them anyway!"

Although he said it lightly, Feng Huo couldn't help but sink in his heart.

These ninjas who assassinated him undoubtedly came from the roots, that is to say, the intelligence transmission of the newly established Supervision Department has been penetrated by the roots!

You know, the duty of the supervision department is to monitor Danzang, but he infiltrated him in reverse under his nose, and Feng Huo's face turned slightly red.

Sure enough, the traverser is not omnipotent, and he is absolutely no match for this old native in terms of being a spy.

‘After we go back, we have to rectify the department. '

At the same time, a figure emerged from Feng Huo's heart.

Masaichi Yoshida, it's not the guy who leaked the intelligence from the surveillance department, right?

Although there is a vicious curse mark that he personally planted, there is no guarantee that Danzo will not have some perverted means to deal with his vicious curse mark.

However, he will know all this when he goes back!

Afterwards, Feng Huo stared at the detonating symbols on the four walls!

"It's rich, it's rich!"

The detonating talismans on the wall are one on top of the other, and one on top of the other, densely packed, leaving no gaps in sight!

"Captain, it seems that the people behind the scenes are really going to kill you." Seeing so many detonating symbols, Zhishui was also slightly startled, and then his face turned bitter.

But he saw that the fire seal in front of him was already lying on the wall and detonating the detonation talisman.

Although the value of so many detonators is indeed amazing, will it be too cheap if you do this?

Uchiha Shisui covered his eyes and couldn't bear to look directly.

Feng Huo also quickly realized this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so he formed a seal, summoned twenty shadow clones, and asked them to buckle the detonating talisman.

After half a day, the twenty shadow clones finally took down all the detonating symbols and filled three wooden boxes!

Then he took out three sealing scrolls and sealed the three boxes.

"Let's go."

After finishing everything, Feng Huo stretched happily, and said, "Since we've all come to Tianzhi Country, let's take a good look around and see if there are any other clues."

Zhishui naturally has no reason to refuse.

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