Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 413: you're welcome, call me by name

"Master Sheyue, I'm not lying, these two ninjas from Konoha are really coveting the water of heroes, the sacred object of our Taki Ninja Village!"

In the night, in the house of Sheyue, the leader of Takinobu Village, Shisha knelt on one knee, screaming hoarsely, pouring dirty water on Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui desperately.

In fact, it is not considered dirty water, because the purpose of sealing the fire is indeed the water of heroes.

"Needless to say! Konoha and our Takinobu Village have a friendly relationship, I won't believe your words!" Sheyue scolded, "Also, don't say such things in the future, you know!"

Shisha lowered his head and gritted his teeth, before he said in a low voice, "Understood."

When the hookah left, Sheyue showed a tangled look. The friendly relationship with Konoha Hidden Village was something he had to maintain as the leader of Longin Village, but if these two Konohas really coveted the hero's water , he will never sit idly by.

After thinking about it, he called two Anbu ninjas and asked them to monitor Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui.

Seeing this scene, Shisha, who was hiding not far from the house, showed a sneer on his face. The reason why he sued was to create a rift between She Yue and Konoha Ninja, so that he could take advantage of it!

The next day, Shisha came to find Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui with normal expression.

"Uchiha rake, Mizushi, I..."

The shisha talk was interrupted by Fenghuo without saying a word: "Don't be so polite, just call me by my name."

Uchiha Shisui's face turned redder and redder, expressing that he was holding back very hard.

"...Me." Shisha's brows and eyes faintly twitched, he is such a witty person, he doesn't know that Fenghuo is using a pseudonym at this moment.

"That's right, it's called Rake." Feng Huo looked at him encouragingly.

Shisha gritted his teeth, wishing he could kill him directly, but when he thought of Sharingan, and the hero's water, he could only knock down his front teeth and swallow it in his stomach: "Rake rake, hehe."

"Call again." Sealing the fire made an inch of it.

"..." Shisha endured very hard!

"Forget it, let's go!" Feng Huo walked out disappointed with an expression that you really can't stand the joke.

Uchiha Shisui lowered his head, his shoulders trembled from time to time, and he endured it very hard.

Shisha's cheek muscles twitched faintly, he turned and walked in front with a blank expression, his heart was filled with murderous intent, and he vowed to get back the humiliation brought to him by sealing the fire!

From time to time on the road, I met people who knew Shisha and waved to him.

Shisha was very arrogant, nodding his head as a salute, without saying a word, silently led Fenghuo and the two out of Longin village.

At the same time, two Taki Ninja Anbe followed closely behind them.

Feng Huo and Uchiha Shisui looked at each other. These two Taki Shinobi who were following were found last night, but they didn't lose any hostility, so they ignored them.

Shisha finally spoke: "Let me take you to the waterfall outside first. It is the largest waterfall in my country of Taki, with a drop of 100 meters. You two must not have appreciated it carefully when you came in."

Feng Huo nodded: "Ah, indeed, there has never been such a huge waterfall in the Land of Fire."

The waterfall in the Valley of the End may be higher than the waterfall outside Taki Ninja Village in terms of height, but it is much inferior in terms of scale.

Soon, the three of them came to the huge waterfall. Looking around, the waterfall not only had a drop of 100 meters, but also stretched for half a mile. The majestic water flow fell from a height of 100 meters, splashing huge water vapor, Covering half a mile of water, the sun exudes a dense atmosphere, which is extremely dreamy.

Both Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui were attracted by the beauty and were amazed.

Then the three of them went directly into the water and walked close to the waterfall on the surface of the water. The sound of the falling water suddenly amplified more than a hundred times, making the three of them dizzy.

Feng Huo looked up, and felt the hugeness of this waterfall and his own insignificance.

Seeing the amazed expressions of Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui, Shisha felt disdainful in his heart, and secretly scolded the bumpkin, the country bumpkin, the little red guy.

The two of Fenghuo walked from one end to the other all the way, feeling the spectacular scenery brought to them by this waterfall at close range, but they still didn't feel satisfied.

Shisha smiled and said, "You two..."

Feng Huo interrupted him with a wave: "You're welcome, just call me by my name."


It's not over, is it?

Creak creak!

Shisha began to grit his teeth, and finally said as if resigned to his fate: "Rake, Shuizhi, we have a very dreamy attraction in Longin Village, I think you will be interested."

"Oh, what is it?" Feng Huo's eyes lit up.

"You will know when you arrive."

Shisha walked ahead with a sullen face.

Feng Huo rolled his eyes, and asked curiously: "I heard that there is a sacred object in Taki Ninja Village, drinking it can increase Chakra by ten times. I don't know if it is true or not?"

Uchiha Shisui's heart moved, thinking to himself, is this the purpose of the captain's visit to Taki Ninja Village this time?

Shisha was also shocked and angry, although he used this accusation to frame Fenghuo and Fenghuo at Lingsheyue in Longin Village, but it didn't mean Shisha could accept this fact.

The Water of Heroes belongs to him, and no one is allowed to covet it!

A fierce look flashed in his eyes, but he didn't rush to deny it, and said, "I didn't expect that even you have heard of the Hero's Water."

"Is there really such a thing? Chakra that has been increased by ten times is incredible." Uchiha Shisui glanced at Fenghuo, and then sent another look.

Fenghuo received and returned a blank stare.

"However, even in our Takinobu Village, the Hero's Water is a legendary existence." Shisha said.

"Has no one seen it?" Feng Huo asked.

Hookah said: "It is said that whenever a strong enemy invades the village, someone will stand up and drink the hero's water to repel the strong enemy, but these people have all disappeared after becoming the village's heroes, so there is no way to prove the identity of the hero. Does water really exist?"

The three continued to move forward, but Taki Shinobu Anbe, who was following them, was not calm.

"No, the direction they are going is the location of the holy tree!"

"Could it be that Konoha's ninjas really came for the Hero's Water?"

The two looked at each other, and one of them said: "I will continue to follow, you should go back and report to the leader!"

"be careful."

Back at Taki Ninja Village, Naanbe immediately reported the matter to Shezuki.

After hearing this, Sheyue's face was gloomy, but at least she was a village leader, so she held her breath and said: "Continue to monitor, don't act rashly, wait for Shisha to come back, let him come to see me immediately!"


"Wow, what is that?!" Uchiha Shisui suddenly pointed to a huge 'green mushroom' on the horizon and exclaimed.

Feng Huo jumped up to a ten-meter tall tree ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and looked away, feeling terrified.

What kind of mushroom is that? It is clearly a giant tree, the trunk is like a pillar of the sky, and the tree cover is even more luxuriant, standing on the ground like a canopy covering the sky and the sun.

At this time, Feng Huo and the others were still some distance away from the giant tree, but they were still amazed and shocked by the huge tree.

‘This is the giant tree that gave birth to the Heroic Water? '

Feng Huo's heart suddenly moved, the hero's water can increase the chakra by ten times, could this giant tree have something to do with the chakra tree?

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