Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 420: 1 to 1 to 1!

The gate of Taki Ninja Village.

A large number of takinin were staggered and scattered all over the ground, their eyes were dizzy and drooling, all of them were unable to extricate themselves from the illusion.

In the arena, only three elite johnin could stand awake and confront Uchiha Shisui.

"Uchiha Mizushi, don't forget that you are a Konoha ninja. Once this news gets out, the Third Hokage will never let you go!" Taki Ninja Anbe saw Uchiha Shisui's powerful illusion and teleportation. In the end, he no longer had the slightest chance of taking him down by force, and only hoped to put some pressure on him through the relationship between the two villages.

Uchiha Shisui smiled wryly and said: "Well, actually my name is Uchiha Shisui, and Shuizhi is a pseudonym given to me by the captain. Sorry, I lied to you before."

The three Anbu looked at each other, thinking there was something interesting.

"Uchiha Shisui, you have to think clearly!"

"That's right, our Takinobu Village and Konoha Hidden Village have been friends for generations. If you attack us today, your three generations of Hokage will definitely not sit idly by."

Uchiha Shisui sighed, why didn't he know this?

It's just that there are some things that he can't help himself.

In the final analysis, who asked him to be such a captain?

"This matter, I will give you an explanation." Uchiha Shisui took a deep breath, turned around and ran towards Taki Ninja Village, he wanted to find Fenghuo, and figure out all the ins and outs of the matter, if he did all of this Yes, he must stop Fenghuo!

"Stop, where do you want to go?"

"Damn it, stop him!"

The three elite jounin joined forces to launch the water escape ninjutsu, and the violent water waves set off tens of meters of spray and smashed towards Uchiha Shisui.

However, Uchiha Shisui's figure suddenly blurred, flickered twice like a mirage, and disappeared there.

"What a powerful instant body technique!"

"Damn it, he ran away!"

"What should we do? We can't catch him at all!"

This is the first time for the three elite jonin to face such a difficult opponent. The powerful illusion makes Uchiha Shisui not afraid of gang fights at all, and the unparalleled instant body art allows him to advance and retreat freely in any situation !

Such a difficult ninja is also from the Uchiha clan. If he cooperates with those sharing eyes, I am afraid...

"I'll stay here to unravel other people's illusions, you two go to remind Lord Sheyue to be careful!"

"Understood, pay attention to safety!"

Outside the cave where the Water of Heroes is sealed.

After Shisha drank a few gulps of the hero's water under the moonlight, changes appeared in his body instantly.

"Ugh! Ahh, ho!!"

The chakra in Shisha's body is getting bigger and bigger like a snowball, becoming more and more violent, and the whole body will be filled with chakra!

He roared up to the sky, and with the roar, the excess Chakra turned into an invisible air wave and swept in all directions, the ground cracked, dust flew, Shisha's eyes were red, and he looked at Fenghuo with disdain.

"Hahahaha, you actually made me drink the water of heroes, Uchiha... kid, you are so naive, hahaha, as the price of naivety, I accept your Sharingan! Hahaha..."

Hookah's hands quickly formed seals in the air like phantoms, "Water Escape-Waterfall Whip!"


A huge water whip as thick as a person's waist turned into a dragon spinning and flying in the air, 'biting' at Fenghuo from a tricky angle.

"How dare you say such big words at this level?"

The three-hook jade in Feng Huo's eyes slowly rotated, and instantly formed the same seal: "Water escape-waterfall whip!"

"Idiot! Even if you have a jounin-level chakra, you can't compare to me who drank the water of heroes. Go to hell!!" A fierce look flashed in Shisha's eyes, but the next moment, his whole body It's all bad.

I saw that the water whip thrown by Feng Huo was one meter in diameter, which was twice as big as his water whip!

"You're talking nonsense!" She Yue, the leader of Taki Ninja Village who was paralyzed on the ground and was about to get his lunch, almost stared out.

What's up with this Uchiha?

How could he have such a huge chakra?

Is he the tail beast of Uchiha's coat?

"Are you kidding me?!" Shisha bit the tip of her tongue fiercely, "Illusion, this is definitely an illusion!"


In the next moment, Fenghuo's water whip had directly defeated Shisha's water whip, blasting him into the sky without losing momentum.


Shisha spat out a mouthful of old blood in the air in embarrassment.

"It's not an illusion? Damn, what's going on here?"

Fenghuo didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, but carefully felt the chakra in Shisha's body.

'After drinking the hero's water, the chakra in his body began to boil, and then surged, and did not form the magic chakra due to the addition of natural energy. Isn't it natural energy? No, Immortal Chakra is formed by fusing physical energy, spiritual energy, and natural energy in a one-to-one ratio. Hookah directly fuses Chakra and natural energy. How can it be possible to form Immortal Chakra? '

"Hey! Who are you!"

Shisha quickly stood up from the ground, wiped the blood from his mouth, and stared fiercely at Fenghuo.

"Didn't I tell you my name a long time ago?" Feng Huo folded his hands on his chest, raised his head at a forty-five-degree angle, let the cold moonlight pour on his handsome face full of collagen, and the corner of his mouth slowly drew a light smile. Laughing, he said, "Uchiha Rake, that's right, I am Uchiha Rake, hookah, you haven't called my name yet!"


Shisha was furious, and without saying a word, he took out a gourd and poured it fiercely.

"Stop it, **** it, stop him quickly, this is the water of heroes that has been accumulated for hundreds of years!" Sheyue's five sense organs were all tangled in distress.

That is the background of Taki Ninja Village!

Although Takinobu Village has never been invaded by other countries in the past few decades, it does not mean that there are no ninjas who have the idea of ​​attacking Takinobu Village. Going back to Longin Village to fight the autumn wind, if it weren't for the hero's water, Longinin Village would have been riddled with holes by him alone.

"As long as you stop him, no matter what the conditions are, I will agree to you!" Sheyue shouted at Fenghuo excitedly.

"It's over if you say so earlier."

Feng Huo's eyes lit up, he broke directly into the third door of the Eight Dunjia, smashed through the air, quickly approached the hookah, and instantly rubbed a ball with his right hand.

"Fire escape-helix pill!"

"Don't underestimate me!!"

Shisha felt the fierce chakra in his body like a stormy sea, and roared again and again, "Water escape-water curtain!"

A layer of water curtain burst out in front of Shisha, separating him from Fenghuo.


The fire-attributed spiral pill bombards this thin water curtain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it seems to be bombarded on the space diaphragm, the blazing high-temperature fireball crazily rotates in front of the water curtain, and the ripples with sparks layer after layer are crazy Spreading, turning into an invisible air wave, cutting a deep crack in the ground on the left and right sides.


The hookah roared desperately, the chakra in the body poured into the water curtain crazily, and the bloodshot eyes became more and more bloodshot, as if it was about to open and awaken Sharingan.

Fenghuo continued to observe while mobilizing chakra from Isota, and he found that the chakra in Shisha's body had stopped growing, and the meridians in his body were convulsed to varying degrees, as if the backlash of the hero's water had begun.

Shisha's face was full of veins, and his expression became more and more ferocious, like a devil.

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