Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 431: Kurama 8 Cloud Admissions

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For the next half month, Hokage was in a mess. Hiruza Sarutobi, Shikahisa Nara, Koharu Zhuanju, Mitomon En and Yun Ninja bosses were fighting every day, and they were crazy about the peace treaty. Never step back.

Of course, this is only on the surface. Secretly, both sides are testing each other's bottom line, and are doing their best to fight for the interests of their own villages.

Of course, these have nothing to do with sealing the fire.

However, he is not idle either. The leaders of Danzo and Yunin, he sent people to watch for 24 hours. Unfortunately, so far, there seems to be no close contact between the two parties.

'Have you been noticed? '

Sealing the fire was a little unhappy.

Danzo, the old fox, is really too cautious and cunning, and he really doesn't give any excuses to seal the fire!

On this day, Xi Hihong suddenly found her.

"Fenghuo, tomorrow is the opening day of the ninja school, let's go see Yakumo off."

"Yakumo? Kurama Yakumo? Is she going to the ninja school?" Feng Huo asked.

"Well, her father is temporarily busy, so Yakumo's mother sent her to the ninja school. I was a little worried, so I wanted to go with her." Yuhihong smiled.

"Well, speaking of it, it's been a while since I went to the ninja school." Feng Huo said with a serious face, and extended a salty pig's hand by the way.

Yuhi slapped off the salty pig's hand without changing his face, and ran away with a charming smile.

"People's hearts are not old, and the world is going downhill." Feng Huo sighed, what's wrong with people nowadays, don't you want to pay for help?

If things go on like this, when will unspoken rules develop?

The next day, Fenghuo and Yuhihong met Kurama Rin and Kurama Yakumo in front of Kurama's house, and went to the ninja school together.

Kurama Yakumo is 6 years old this year. He looks very cute, but his face is a little pale due to physical reasons, but his spirit is not bad. He holds her mother Kurama Lin with one hand and Kurenai Yuhi with the other, looking around from time to time, curious about everything.

A child of this age is already lively and active, but as the only Kurama Yakumo who has a special blood succession limit, she has been placed with high hopes since she was a child, so she is usually not allowed to go out if she is a baby, for fear of causing trouble. She, so strictly speaking, this is the first time she can be so far away from home.

"Mom, what's that?" Kuruma Yakumo suddenly rushed towards a stall on the left.

Kurama Lin and Yu Hihong hurriedly grabbed her hand and gently pulled her back.

Kurama Lin said: "That's fish balls, Yakumo, don't run around."


Kurama Yakumo responded, then looked up at Kurenai Yuhi, "Sister Hong, are the fish **** delicious?"

Obviously, she was hungry.

Yuhihong nodded and said, "Of course it's delicious."

As she spoke, she signaled to seal the fire with her eyes.

Feng Huo was taken aback, hurriedly ran to buy two strings of fish balls, then ran back happily, and began to send warmth.

"Yakumo, good boy, call me brother, brother will give you super delicious fish balls." Feng Huo smiled like a weasel who just greets a chicken for the New Year.

Kurama Yakumo glanced at Kurama Lin, and seeing her nodding, he called out sweetly, brother.

Feng Huo hurriedly passed over two strings of fish balls.

Kurama Yakumo let go of Kurama Rin and Yuhi Kurenai's hands, took the fish balls, and tasted the fish **** with eyes wide open.

"Delicious!" Kuruma Yakumo chewed, his eyes curled up with a smile.

"Thank you, seal the fire." Kurama Lin said.

"It's nothing, speaking of it, I learned illusion... theory from Kurama Congyun back then, and I was kind to your Kurama family, taking care of Yakumo is nothing." Feng Huo spoke righteously.

"Hong, you have found a good boyfriend." Kurama Lin said with a smile.

"What kind of boyfriend, he's not." Yu Rihong's face was instantly shy, she gritted her teeth and stared at Feng Huo, and said, "Stay away from me."

Feng Huo hides aggrieved next to Pommel Horse Lin, the woman's heart is on the bottom of the sea, and sometimes Xi Hihong loses her temper inexplicably, and he can't do anything about it.

Soon, a group of four came to the ninja school.

At this time, many parents and children gathered at the gate of Ninja School, which was very lively.

Fenghuo subconsciously poured Chakra into the ground and performed the Chakra Perception Technique. Soon, he discovered several familiar Chakra fluctuations.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Yamanaka Mako, Yume Shiwei, and Nara Shikahisa and the leader of Yunnin are also here.

Fenghuo looked and found that Nara Shikahisa and the leader of Yunin were whispering something, which should be to popularize the ninja education system in big cities for rural people.

There were a lot of people, Kurama Lin and Yuhihong guarded Kurama Yakumo on one left and one on the right, and Fenghuo opened the way ahead.

Coincidentally, Kurama Yakumo's homeroom teacher also happens to be Fenghuo's original homeroom teacher, Makoto Kiyono!

Feng Huo immediately mobilized his powerful connections, and in front of Kuruma Yakumo, he made connections with her, went through the back door, and asked Qing Ye Zhenduo to take care of her, exporting crazily.

Kurama Yakumo looked at him ignorantly, feeling... nothing at all.

It didn’t take long to put his name on Kiyono Makoto’s side, and Sarutobi Hiruzen boarded the temporary earthen platform~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and started the annual lecture on the will of fire, whether it’s brainwashing or education, it’s irreversible anyway!

Although Hiruzaru Sarutobi was getting older, his interest in talking remained the same. He stood on the earthen platform and talked for two hours. The children who had just entered school complained and stared at Hiruzaru Sarutobi with fierce eyes.

Faced with so many blank eyes, Sarutobi Hiruzen was very helpful, he laughed, and felt that Konoha's future was getting better and better.


Shikahisa Nara accompanies the leader of Yunin to appreciate the freshmen's entrance, and explains a few words from time to time, which has the potential of a soul guide.

But the face of Yun Nin's leader is not very good-looking.

The more freshmen there are in the Konoha Ninja School, the more ninjas they can train, and the more unfavorable it will be for them in Hidden Cloud Village!

If he could, he really wanted to kill all the freshmen present, no, the students of the entire ninja school. In this way, Konoha's ninjas will be in a precipitous decline after more than ten years, and by then...

Thinking of this, the leader of Yunin couldn't help being excited, but seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen on the earthen platform and Uchiha sealing fire not far away, he was discouraged for a while.

Hiruza Sarutobi is known as the strongest Hokage, proficient in various ninjutsu, even mixed ninjutsu, with amazing combat power.

Uchiha Fenghuo is even more perverted. He fought four generations of Raikage and Rabbi Eight Tails Jinzhu Riki a few times with the AB brothers. He is still alive and kicking. Others don’t know. As the elder consultant of Yunnin Village, he doesn’t know about AB. How scary is Brothers Teaming Up?

So, don't look at him being so contemptuous of Fenghuo when they met for the first time, but he knew in his heart how powerful Uchiha Fenghuo is. Faster than anyone else!

Yes, he is that good!

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