Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 433: The entanglement of day to day difference

With the arrival of Anbu, Hinata Hinata, and others, the scene was finally under control, and the mutual feud between sealing the fire and turning to bed Koharu came to an end for the time being.

The ninjas from Anbu came up to check, and then all of them were shocked, even though they were all wearing masks.

"Cloud ninja leader?"

"How did he die here?"

"Who is the murderer?"

Hinata Hinata also came forward, and when he saw the corpse of the leader of Kumo Ninja, his scalp felt numb. He and Hinata Hinata grew up together, and the two often competed with each other. The injury on the leader of Izumo Shinobu was definitely caused by Hinata Hizuru's soft fist!

There was cold sweat on his forehead.

When Danzo saw it, he immediately said loudly: "Apart from the corpse of the leader of Yunin, only Uchiha Fenghuo is the only one at the scene. He is the most suspected at present. Of course, the injuries on the leader of Yunin are also very suspicious, and must be carefully investigated."

This is forcing Hinata Hinata to stand on his side and work together to convict Uchiha of sealing the fire!

But Hinata Hinata's character is very good, although he won't betray his brother, but he won't wrong others, he is in a dilemma, so he can only keep silent.

Danzo was a little upset.

Feng Huo said: "Danzo, are you trying to cover up Zhuanju Xiaochun and Mitomenyan? It is clear that they jointly killed the leader of Yunin, how can you not distinguish between right and wrong? Don't ask black and white? Your conscience is also It won't hurt!"

Danzo waved his hand and said, "Take Uchiha to seal the fire and hand it over to the third generation!"

The surrounding Anbu looked at each other in blank dismay.

They are all in one system. They know that Fenghuo is the head of the Anbu Supervision Department and one of the giants in Anbu. Without the order of Sarutobi Hiruzen or Hatake Sakumo, how dare they arrest Fenghuo?

Feng Huo looked amused and said with a smile: "Take Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mitomenyan for me, and hand them over to the third generation!"

Anbu was silent again.

All fools know that Zhuanju Xiaoharu and Mitomonyan are the elders' advisors of the village, and they are friends of the three generations of Sarutobi Hiruzane, so they would not dare to do anything wrong to these two.

At the end of the quarrel, everyone hijacked each other and flocked to the Hokage Tower.

Anbu had reported what happened here to Sarutobi Hiruzen, and at this time, he was sitting in the office with a livid face.

Fenghuo and Zhuanzhu Xiaochun, Mitomonyan, Danzo, and Hinata Nichizai came in one after another, and then the corpse of the leader of Kumo Shinobi.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a puff of his cigarette, his complexion became darker and darker, and the veins on his forehead were even more exposed.

It took nearly two months, and finally reached the final step of the peace talks, when such a thing happened, Hiruzaru Sarutobi couldn't remember the time to send it.

"Tell me, what exactly happened!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi closed his eyes and said solemnly.

Zhuanzhu Xiaochun stood up and was about to speak, but was preempted by Fenghuo.

"Reporting to the third generation, I found that the leader of Yunin was meeting with Danzo these few days. I was worried that there was some conspiracy, so I personally monitored it. Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that the leader of Yunin was so cunning that he used a golden cicada to escape from my shell. Watch, when I find him, he has already been beaten to death!"

Feng Huo burst into tears, pointing angrily at Zhuan Xiaochun and Mitomon Yan, "Third generations, the murderer is these two beast-faced guys! They don't sleep in the middle of the night, sneaking around the corpse of the leader of Yun Nin, they are clearly murderers. I wanted to destroy the body and traces after I became a person, but I destroyed it, so I wanted to directly blame me!"

Turning to bed Xiaochun said angrily: "Shut up, Uchiha seals the fire, it is clear that you killed the leader of Yunin, you bastard!!"

Feng Huo sneered: "Then why did you all appear at the murder scene by such a coincidence?"

"You're not the same!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun retorted, pointing at Fenghuo's nose.

"Didn't I say that? I'm monitoring the leader of Yun Nin!" Feng Huo said confidently, "What about you? Are you also monitoring the leader of Yun Nin?"

Mito Menyan hurriedly said: "Hizhan, Xiaochun and I couldn't sleep, so we went out for a walk, and it turned out..."

As a result, they heard a strange sound, followed the sound, and saw Feng Huo and the corpse of the leader Yun Nin!

Looking back now, the timing of that strange voice was too coincidental!

Mitomonyan looked at Zhuanzhu Xiaochun, who had already been furious and furious at the moment, how could he recall the strange things that happened before?

Danzo said lightly beside him: "Three generations, you might as well take a look at the injury of the leader of Yun Nin. I think it is a bit suspicious."

Hyuga Hinata's expression darkened, his lips were tightly pressed, his eyes swept back and forth between Fenghuo and Zhuanxiaochun.


Hiruzaru Sarutobi shouted, "Check his body!"


Hatake Sakumo walked up to the corpse of the leader of Kumo Shinobi with a solemn expression, and knelt down to check.

The increasingly tense expression on his face.

After half the payment, Hatake Sakumo stood up, walked to Sarutobi Hiruzen, and reported the situation to him in a low voice: "Thirdai, preliminary inspection, he should have died from a soft fist."

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned.

The Hyuga family?

He glanced at Hinata Hinata, and found that the latter had a bad complexion, and he looked a little guilty, but why did the Hinata family do such a thing?

When Sarutobi Hiruzen was in deep thought~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhuanshu Koharu said: "Hirzazen, the injury can be faked! Everyone knows that Uchiha's martial art is not only not bad, but even very good. After all, His Taijutsu was passed down by Matt Dai, and it is easy to fake the injury of the soft fist, so I think it was Uchiha Fenghuo who imitated the soft fist and killed the leader of Yun Nin!"

Turning to the bed, Xiaochun became more and more enthusiastic, "Everyone present knows how bad the relationship between Uchiha Fenghuo and the AB brothers of Yunyin Village is. For this reason, it even affected this peace talk!"

The scene of Feng Huo and Yun Nin's leader fighting each other at the beginning of the peace talks flashed across everyone's minds, and they couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

"So, Uchiha Fenghuo has sufficient motivation and strength to kill!" Zhuanzuo Xiaochun said firmly.

Danzo walked up to Hyuga Hizashi at this time, and said with a gloomy smile: "Isn't there someone from the Hyuga clan here? Why don't you let him see if the injury was caused by the Hyuga family's soft fist?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded: "Nichizai, then you should take a look at the injury."

Hinata Hinata nodded solemnly, then knelt down and pretended to check.

After paying half the salary, he stood up decadently and said, "Sorry, I can't see it."

Danzo immediately said: "That is to say, this injury may be caused by the soft fist, or it may be caused by other physical arts faked by the soft fist, the suspicion of Uchiha sealing the fire, and the dislike of the Hinata family, it is as big!"

With that said, Danzo looked at Hinata Hinata meaningfully.

Hinata Hinata's face changed, and he vaguely understood Danzo's meaning.

Either, the Hinata family admits to the crime, or finds a way to get Uchiha to take the blame.

How to do? !

Day to day difference into entanglement.

If you are day to day difference, how would you choose?

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