Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 435: Let's have a snack, 3rd generation

After the peace talks, the ninjas of Yunyin Village did not stay in Konoha too much and left on the same day.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi finally breathed a sigh of relief, but before he completely let go, trouble came.

"Nichizane, I propose to remove Uchiha Fuhuo from Anbu's position. At the same time, as the three-tailed Jinchuriki, I think he should be strictly guarded, and he must not leave the village without the consent of the higher-ups!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun said with a straight face. .

Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a puff of cigarette, smiled wryly and said, "Xiaoharu, isn't this bad?"

Turning to the bed Xiaochun snorted coldly, with a sharp voice: "Hi Zhan, don't forget that Sanwei is the tail beast of Wuyin Village! Although Wuyin Village was defeated and experienced a civil war, its strength still exists. If Uchiha Fenghuo went out wantonly and was caught by them Living here is a great loss to the village, and as an elder advisor, I request that he be banned from going out!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned: "With the strength of Fenghuo, if you want to catch him, unless Wunin dispatches seven ninja swords, but..."

Turning to the bed, Xiaochun said coldly: "However, the long-knife stitches, the blunt-knife pocket cuts, the explosive-knife droplets, the thunder-knife teeth, and the double-knife flounder have already been captured by us in the battle of Maitedai, is that so?"

Hiru Sarutobi nodded and said, "That's right, as long as Kirinin doesn't take back these ninja swords... Wait, is there something wrong with these ninja swords?"

These ninja swords have been psychic, and if there is no owner, they will be psychically returned by Mist Ninja. Therefore, when he got these knives, Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked Anbu's sealing team to set a seal , to prevent being psychically returned by Mist Ninja, a few years have passed in a flash.

Turning to bed, Xiaochun nodded her head: "That's right, just last night, someone broke the seal, and these ninja knives have all been psychically returned by Mistnin!"

"Who?! Who broke the seal! You bastard!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi was furious. Back then, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen had killed countless Konoha ninjas on the battlefield. Finally, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen with Matt wearing a death battle, Injured them hard, I didn't expect...

Turning to the bed Xiaochun said: "There is no clue left at the scene, so I don't have a clue for the time being. I have already notified Hatake Sakumo to investigate this matter."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat down slowly, took a puff of cigarettes to suppress his shock, and muttered: "After the civil strife in Wuyin Village, even if you have all seven ninja swords, it is impossible..."

"Nichizane, don't be so naive. In the huge Kirigakure Village, can't you get together seven elite Jōnin? Once the Seven Ninja Swords regroup, they will definitely attack Sanwei Jinchuriki Uchiha to seal the fire and take back Sanwei Isota. !" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun said with a selfless expression, "You must have thought that I wanted to avenge my own personal revenge, hmph, now you understand my good intentions, don't you?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi smiled wryly, "Fenghuo will definitely not agree."

"This is beyond his control!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun snapped.

"I know about this matter." Sarutobi Rizai brought tea to see off the guests.

After Zhuanju Koharu left, Hiruzaru Sarutobi immediately called Sakumo Hatake and asked about the five ninja swords.

"Sorry, there are no clues yet." Hatake Sakumo said discouragedly, "The other party was very cautious and did not leave the slightest trace at the scene."

"Have you asked the people in the sealing class?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked.

Hatake Sakumo nodded, hesitated for a while, and said: "I have already asked, and they think that the ninja who broke the seal is probably not the Mist Ninja."

"That is to say, someone deliberately broke the seal!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi half-closed his eyes and muttered.

Being able to do this is definitely a powerful force!

Danzo, the Hyuga clan, and the Uchiha clan all have motives. Who is it?

Hiruzaru Sarutobi thought for a long time and had no idea, so he could only ask Sakumo Hatake to continue the investigation. Then, he called Fenghuo and told him about the five ninja swords being sent back by Kirinin.

Hearing Fenghuo, he felt bad all of a sudden.

Seeing his appearance, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed: "It is true that the guardian was negligent this time, and someone broke into the secret room to break the seal, alas."

Feng Huo slapped his thigh fiercely, and said angrily: "Explosive knife droplets!! Why didn't I think of it, dammit, I lost a lot!"

Feng Huo was so distressed that he bled!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was taken aback for a moment, and the muscles at the corners of his mouth slowly began to twitch.

Explosive Knife Droplet, as the name suggests, has explosive power. It is very lethal and very dangerous, because this knife is basically equivalent to a large scroll, which contains countless... detonating symbols!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi stared at Feng Huo's remorseful expression, very angry.

This guy clearly wanted to tear off the detonating talisman on the explosive knife spray to fill his detonating talisman warehouse!

Sarutobi Hiruza said angrily: "Fenghuo, as far as I know, you have used all the dividends from the fried chicken shop to buy detonating charms, don't you think it's not enough?"

Feng Huo wept bitterly: "The detonating talisman is money, and money is the detonating talisman. Who can think that money is too much, right?"

It made a lot of sense, Hiruzaru Sarutobi couldn't keep his mouth shut, and was choked hard.

So he was ashamed, no, old shame turned into anger, and said: "Now Kirigakure has collected seven ninja swords. Once the owner is found, who do you think the newly established seven ninja swords will choose as the target?"

Feng Huo is not stupid, he quickly guessed the purpose of Sarutobi Rizai calling him here.

The three tails in his body are the three tails of Kirigakure Village. Since the Fourth Mizukage came to power, he has sent several letters asking Konoha to return the three tails, and he has never given up. For the first goal!

But, is this really going to happen?

Feng Huo, who had read the original book, sneered ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "Three generations, these seven ninja swords are not something ordinary ninjas can control. Even if we can gather seven people together, it may take a few years to get used to it. Now, the civil strife in Wuyin Village has not completely ended, how could someone be sent against me?"

"But as long as there is this possibility, you will always be in danger!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

"Three generations, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are powerful, but can they be stronger than the third Tsuchikage Onoki? Or is it stronger than the combination of the Eight-Tailed Jinchuriki and the Fourth Raikage?" Feng Huo laughed, "I will come to the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood." Are you still afraid of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen? For the third generation, if I guessed correctly, there must be some villains who are afraid of chaos in the world, standing on the highest point of morality, holding a sign for your own good, and mentioning some In response to your opinion, hehe, I have seen this kind of person a lot, in the final analysis, it is just jealousy, it is narrow-minded, and it just cannot achieve great things!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi couldn't let go of his old face, he snorted, "Shut up, what do you know?"

"For three generations, ninja is a dangerous profession. Every ninja who accepts a mission and leaves the village may die due to various accidents. Is it because of this that all ninjas should stay in the village? Isn't this because of choking? "Fenghuo said earnestly, "Let's have some snacks, three generations."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi turned from embarrassment into anger, his face flushed red: "Get out!"

"Hi hi."

Feng Huo shrugged and ran away.


Hiruzaru Sarutobi was very angry.

But Fenghuo's words are indeed reasonable. If you are really afraid of death, what kind of ninja are you going to do? Wouldn't it be safest to be an ordinary snail and breastfeed a child at home?

But when I think about it carefully, I feel that there is something weird.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi rubbed the center of his brows, his head was getting bigger.

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