Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 440: Yibo Yuntian Yu Zhibo seals the fire

Sarutobi Hiruzen is very sensitive to the advancement of ninjas. He has paid close attention to every step from graduating from the ninja school to becoming a genin, from the genin assessment to become a zhongnin, and then to the zhongnin assessment to become a jonin. This year is no exception.

All the ninja teams participating in the assessment must come to him for record and pass, otherwise they are not allowed to participate!

So Fenghuo reported the three-person list of Iruka, Akimichi Thobo, and Sato, but Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately rejected it with a black face.

Feng Huo was quite surprised: "Three generations, what kind of operation are you doing?"

Fenghuo stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen's fingers, as long as he dared to rub his fingers, Fenghuo would report him to the Fire Country Daimyo for corruption and extortion!

Seemingly feeling the malice in Fenghuo's heart, Sarutobi Hiri chopped off the blue veins on his forehead, revealing the well of anger.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, ever since you became the guide of the three Iruka Jonin, apart from letting them do tasks every day, how have you ever taught them! How could they pass the Chunin exam in such a state!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi pointed at Fenghuo's nose and roared, "What's even more exaggerated is that you even took away all their mission rewards!"

"Half and half, not all, three generations of you are so old, why are you so angry? Come and smoke a big cigarette to quench the fire, this kind of thing gets used to it, let's not get angry." Feng Huo said with a shy face laughed.

When Sarutobi Hiraku heard this, he became even angrier.

Still used to it?

Get used to your face!

"Anyway, I don't agree! You are too irresponsible as a mentor!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said.

"Three generations, as the saying goes, practice is the best way to test ninjas. Even if I teach them every day, it is far worse than letting them grow quickly in the practice of missions! So I don't teach despite thousands of infamy, just because I am afraid of affecting their minds. The future!" Feng Huo burst into tears, "What's more, I've been so busy since I entered Anbu, how can I have time to teach them?"

Seeing his bleak expression that I wholeheartedly do them good but you have wronged me like this makes me feel so sad, Sarutobi Hitomi was blown away.

After joining Anbu, which day didn't you drink tea with your legs crossed?

She's ashamed to say that she's too busy!

You are not allowed to insult the dog like this!

Fortunately, Hiruzaru Sarutobi knew that he was still Hokage, so he couldn't point to Fenghuo's nose and swear at the street like the aunts on the street. After suppressing his anger, he said coldly: "Why do I think you are shirking responsibility!"

Feng Huo immediately put away his tears, patted the table and said, "Three generations, if you don't believe me, you will know if I'm telling the truth if you let them take the Chunin exam?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi rolled his eyes and said with a sneer, "It's no problem to let them take the Chunin exam, but if they fail, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

"What do you want?" Feng Huo covered his chest with both hands, "Go to the women's bathhouse and rub your back, no matter how much money you pay!"

"Good idea!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi gritted his teeth, and then felt that it seemed inappropriate to say this, but he didn't bother to correct it, and said, "If the three of Iruka can't pass, hehe, I happen to have a mission here that is very suitable for you .”

Feng Huo sensed Sarutobi Hiruzen's deep malice towards him, and subconsciously wanted to refuse.

Sarutobi Hiraku saw that Fenghuo's expression was wrong, and immediately made a decision: "Okay, then it's decided!"

As he spoke, he directly wrote down his name on the application form, then handed it to Feng Huo, and said, "The Chunin assessment is scheduled for five days later, you should go back and prepare well."

Feng Huo took the application form, stunned, and said, "No, I didn't agree either? Also, can you let me know about the task?"

"I'm very busy, so I don't have time to talk to you." Hiruzaru Sarutobi buried himself in his work, and drove away directly, "You can leave now."

Feng Huo left Huo Ying Lou with a feeling of apprehension.

Downstairs, Iruka, Akidou Dingpeng and Sato are all there.

"Brother, uh, teacher, has the application been approved?" Qiudao Dingpeng asked expectantly.

"Agreed." Feng Huo nodded, remembering what Sarutobi Hirizhan said, he felt guilty for a while, so he said sternly, "Listen well, you three, if you fail this Chunin exam, I will break your legs! "

Qiudao Dingpeng patted his E-mask fat chest, and made a strong promise: "Teacher, don't worry, we will definitely pass the assessment and become Chunin!"

"It's best like this!" Feng Huo just wanted to leave, but felt that this was not good, after thinking about it, forget it, let's guide the three of them well.

Bring the three of them to the training ground, seal off the fire and let them perform Kunai and shuriken throwing techniques.

The three of them used it one by one, and it was generally quite satisfactory.

Then I checked their taijutsu and ninjutsu, and they were all the standard version of Uuuuuuuu, a proper set of three tricks.

Seal the fire with grief and indignation.

Sarutobi Hiruza taught Sannin, Jiraiya also taught Nagato, Konan, Yahiko, Shidai, and Naruto, Orochimaru taught Yakushido, Sasuke, and even the gambler Tsunade After Mute and Haruno Sakura, why did they come to me?

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Seeing that Feng Huo's expression was not very good, Iruka felt a little worried.

"It's nothing." Feng Huo sighed, and said weakly, "I'm going to give you special training for the next five days, so be prepared!"

"is teacher!"

The three of them spoke in unison, feeling turbulent, and thought to themselves that they would finally accept the special training guidance of Mr. Uchiha Fenghuo, who is famous in the ninja world.

But the next day they despaired.

"Come on, come on, line up one by two, from high to low, align left and right, stand at attention, look left, look right, look forward, can't Cao Nima tell the difference between front, back, left, and right!" Feng Huo held A whistle whistling wildly, punching and kicking from time to time, regardless of the rhythm~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When he was finished, he shouted directly, "Turn left, run around the village ten times, if you can't finish, hit a thousand times Fist!"

The three of Iruka were dumbfounded.

"Ten, ten laps?"

"Teacher, can't you?"

Feng Huo sneered and said, "If you can't complete a thousand punches, then kick five thousand times!"

"If you can't finish the side kick, skip the rope 10,000 times!"

Feng Huo turned into Maite Dai II, and thoughtfully passed on the suffering he had suffered to the three of Iruka.

In just one morning, the three of Iruka had been drilled to the point where they had only half their lives left.

"O-sensei, I, we, don't, don't learn ninjutsu...?" Iruka asked, sticking out his tongue.

Feng Huo said righteously: "Physical arts are easy to learn but difficult to master. For ninjutsu, it is the fastest way to increase strength. As for ninjutsu? Humph, five days is enough for you to learn an e-level thousand hand killer. For what? Stand up for me and continue exercising!"

The three of Iruka looked at each other, sighed and got up and continued running.

In the past two days, Taki and Kusanagi, who participated in the Chunin exam, also came to Konoha one after another. They were accompanied by several caravans from the Kingdom of Taki and the Kingdom of Grass, each with a large amount of land. Specialty products, looking for trading cooperation.

As the head of the Supervision Department, Fenghuo was established originally to monitor Danzo and the Uchiha clan, but since there are outsiders, he can't do nothing, so as not to be caught by Hiru Sarutobi, so he started from a group, The second group drew some Anbu out to be responsible for tracking these foreign ninjas.

Two days before the Chunin Exam, the captain of Taki Ninja Village suddenly came to the door, giving gifts and seeking relationships, and his posture was so low that he almost wrote on his face that I have something to ask you, please do me a favor and help me out. Great compassion saves the suffering and rescues Ali Gadot.

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