Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 491: you are enough

After finishing his work, he closed the fire and clocked out of get off work directly.

Back at the mansion, Naruto was chasing a shadow clone all over the yard with a broom.

Feng Huo hurriedly hid far away.

When I came to the backyard, I saw a dozen of my shadow clones working hard to cultivate, and Feng Huo sat happily on the wooden corridor, watching the clouds and clouds. It's gross, and there is a posture of going on strike and quitting.

Feng Huo looked at it, and hurriedly took out the scroll that sealed the Nine-Tails Chakra, showing a tangled expression.

Wait until the shadow clone no longer looks at him.

Feng Huo was relieved, but regarding this scroll, he did have some headaches. He could neither let Isata swallow it, nor return the Kyuubi in Naruto's body. If he kept it at home, he also had to worry about being stolen.

"You can't let me hide close to you all the time, can you?"

Suddenly, Feng Huo had an idea.

Then he immediately bit his finger, biting a small **** fiercely, blood dripping instantly.

"It's you, Pikachu!"


After satisfying his bad taste, the second chaotic round dance form emerged from the smoke.

At this time, the Snow Eagle stood more than three meters tall, with a wingspan of nearly ten meters. The sharp claws and beak all spoke of the ferocity of the Snow Eagle.


With a scream in the second form of Chaolun Dance, he wanted to fly into the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

The weather in the Land of Fire is gradually getting hotter, and the Chao Rondo II is very unaccustomed to it. It must use high-speed flight to dissipate heat, otherwise it will be heated to death.

Feng Huo didn't talk nonsense with it, and said directly: "Reverse spiritism takes me there!"

Then he unlocked the psychic technique and allowed the second chakra dance to go back to the depths of the snowy mountains in the Snow Country.

Soon, there was a powerful force acting on him in the void.

Feng Huo didn't resist, and followed this force to the snow mountain.

At the same time, all the shadow clones that Fenghuo left behind in Konoha instantly turned into smoke and dissipated.


In the icy and snowy world, Fenghuo hastily took out a wolf fur coat from the sealing scroll and put it on his body, blocking the stern cold wind like a knife, and only then did Fenghuo feel a little warmth.

Then he sat on the back of the Chao Rondo II and flew to the towering and steep snow peak. He came to the vicinity of the ice cave, sealed the fire and confirmed that the nearby seal was not broken before he let out a sigh of relief. Seal walked into the ice cave.

Nothing changed in the ice cave, Minakaze Minato was still hugging Kushina, the thin ice outside their bodies seemed to melt at the touch of a touch, and the faint fluff on their faces could be clearly seen.

Feng Huo stood in front of them, feeling very complicated.

Her voice and smile were just like in front of her eyes, but she didn't expect that four years had passed in a blink of an eye.

For half the salary, Feng Huo showed a smile: "Brother Minato, Kushina, Naruto is very good, very healthy, takes a bath every day, eats chicken every day, but he has few friends, but he is not glass-hearted, so don't worry about him becoming Being withdrawn...is always clamoring for news about you...ah."

Feng Huo blocked his throat, and then turned his thousand words into a sigh, and turned to leave.

After resealing the seal of the ice cave, Fenghuo jumped into the second chaotic roulette and left.

Afterwards, he dug a cave on the mountainside of the nearest snow mountain, and put the scroll that sealed the Nine-Tails Chakra here.

The reason why he didn't put it in the ice cave was because he was worried that this part of the Nine-Tails Chakra would break through his seal. Wouldn't Namakaze Minato and Kushina be killed by it?

So it's safer to keep it separate.

Put the scroll away, apply a sealing technique outside the cave, and seal the fire to unlock the reverse spiritism and return to Konoha.

Then he summoned twenty shadow clones and continued to live a happy life.

Guessing that when the ninja school was over, Feng Huo hurried to the school, and soon saw Bai and a group of little girls coming out chattering.

"Brother Fenghuo!" Seeing Fenghuo, Bai yelled joyfully, and ran over in a frenzy, halfway through the run, he turned his head and waved goodbye to the little girls who came out together.

It seems that his life in the ninja school is very nourishing.

It's just that Fenghuo, who saw this scene, put away the smile on his face, and waited until Bai approached before asking seriously: "Bai, why don't you... play with boys?"

Bai was taken aback, scratched his head and said in embarrassment: "They don't play with me, only girls are willing to play with me."

The muscles at the corners of Fenghuo's eyes twitched slightly.

While envious of his luck, he was secretly worried that he would be spoiled by those girls. If he became like the original book, wearing a kimono embroidered with cherry blossoms all day long and running around the world, how would he feel?

This evil trend must be nipped in the bud!

Seeing Feng Huo gnashing his teeth, Bai felt a little guilty.

"Go back first."

Feng Huo grabbed Bai, jumped onto the nearby house, and returned to the orphanage like lightning.

Then a large group of friends rushed out from the orphanage and surrounded Bai to ask for advice.

With a smile on his face, he selflessly shared the knowledge he learned today with them.

Feng Huo took the opportunity to find No Naiyu, and expressed his worries.

Pharmacist No Naoyu couldn't laugh or cry: "Feng Huo, so you are worried about Bai... Are you thinking too much?"

Bai is a person with a 'convicted record', but he can't say these words, it feels like his tongue is growing moss.

"Sister Yaoshi, in short, I'm begging you, teach Bai more about being a man, and don't let him turn into a mother, please!"

"Since you've said that, well, I'll give it a try." Pharmacist No Naoyu shook his head amusedly, and then asked him about his eyes.

"I basically don't use the kaleidoscope anymore, and my eyesight hasn't declined any more, so there shouldn't be any problems in a short time." Feng Huo said with a smile.

"If you really lose your light, you can transplant a pair of ordinary eyes first, and the operation can be left to me." After the pharmacist No Naiyu finished speaking, his mouth opened, as if there was something difficult to say.

As soon as Feng Huo rolled his eyes, he knew what she was going to say, and said, "Does Sister Yao want to ask about the situation?"

Pharmacist No Naoyu heaved a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Yes, I haven't heard from this child for a long time."

Feng Huo thought for a while, then said directly: "Dou is now in the Land of Rain, I saw him last time, he is fine."

There's no point in hiding it, it just complicates things.

"Really?" Pharmacist No Naoyu still liked to go around, and asked worriedly, "He, is he doing the task of root? Is it dangerous?"

Feng Huo nodded: "From his appearance, he should be on a spy mission, so I didn't recognize him."

"That's it." Pharmacist No Naiyu sighed, "He's still so young, alas."

"Don't worry, Dou is the person I like, uh, like, uh, pay attention to, I believe he can overcome obstacles and keep the clouds open to see the moonlight." Feng Huo Wenyi said, "Sister Yao, you have to treat He's confident."

"You're right, I should have confidence in him!" Pharmacist No Naoyu showed a gentle smile, "Just like in you."

Feng Huo hurriedly changed the topic: "Sister Yao, don't forget to cultivate Bai's manliness."

"Understood~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When did you become so wordy." Pharmacist Nonoyu said with a smile.

"You think I'm annoying? Friends, goodbye." Feng Huo turned and left arrogantly, then stopped in his tracks, turned his head hesitantly, and said, "Sister Yao, in fact, you are not young, don't wait all day. Looking at the group of brats outside, think about the important things in your life."

Pharmacist No Naoyu was startled, then widened his eyes, pointed at the door and said, "Go!"

"Sister Pharmacist..."

"Let's go?" Pharmacist No Naoyu was still bluffing when he put on a straight face.

Feng Huo shrank his shoulders and fled.

"Stinky boy!" Pharmacist No Naiyu snorted twice, then shook his head and laughed, and said to himself, "I, you are enough." Are you still troubled by the latest chapter that you can't find? Amway one or search hot/degree/network/article "Remember to remove "/" when searching or you won't be able to find it", here is a young lady to help you find books and chat with you!

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