Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 501: Recent situation of Wuyin Village

Seeing Kai's appearance at this time, Feng Huo showed a slight smile, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Kai, the beheading knife has changed owners, so don't think too much about it."

"What?" Kai looked shocked, "How is it possible? Didn't that **** Loquat Juzo not bring a beheading knife when he defected from Wuyin Village?"

"Bring it, and then I killed it." Feng Huo said lightly, "There is also Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, who is also dead."

Kai's eyes widened, and he looked at Feng Huo in disbelief: "You... When did it happen?"

"It was the time when Loquat Shizang defected." Feng Huo briefly talked about the process, as for the deal with Zabuzhan and other things, he briefly said, "So, Uncle Dai's revenge has been avenged."

Kai stood there blankly, with tears in his eyes: "It turns out that you have finished your revenge, that's great."

But then he gritted his teeth again, clenched his fists tightly for a while, his veins were exposed, and loosened his fists for a while, and he came back to his senses after a while, but he complained to Feng Huo: "You are too serious, this kind of thing is so serious. Don't call me, next time I won't forgive you so easily!"

Feng Huo teased, "Huh? I can't tell you're quite arrogant."

"Bastard!" Kay yelled, jumping on his feet.

"Okay, okay, let's take a look at the situation here first." Fenghuo changed the subject.

"Since Loquat Shizang is dead, who got the beheading sword?" Kai asked.

"If you don't cut it, if you don't cut it, this is a ruthless person." Feng Huo sighed, but he got Bai in the deal, and from this aspect, he still needs to thank this ruthless person.

"Don't cut the peach ground again? Is it the ninja in Wuyin Village who killed all the graduates of the same period?" Kai frowned. With his personality, he really didn't like such a ninja, especially the **** scene in front of him was also very interesting. It may be the result of not beheading again.

"It's him. I remember that he is Kirigakure Anbu. I didn't expect to do such a thing." Feng Huo used Chakra perception to check the surroundings. Within a radius of six kilometers, there was no Chakra that would not be cut again.

"Did he defect? ​​Otherwise, how could he attack his own village?" Kai said, "Fenghuo, can you find him?"

Feng Huo shook his head: "Looking at the traces at the scene, he should have left long ago. It may take a few days to find him."

"That's it." Kai lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Okay, let's go." Feng Huo turned and left, "After all, this is the land of water, if someone sees it, they will think it was done by us, and then it will be troublesome."

Kay nodded and turned to follow.

Sealing the fire released Isota again, and then quickly left the kingdom of water while sitting on it.

At the same time, in the country of water, Wuyin Village, with Yagura's policy of blood mist, the atmosphere in the village is becoming more and more dignified, as if returning to the period of civil strife a few years ago.

For example, the crazy act of slaughtering the village directly in order to sharpen the knife so that the beheading knife can absorb enough blood can't even attract the attention of high-level officials.

Under tremendous pressure, the elder advisors went to see the Fourth Mizukage Yakura, hoping that he could change the policy.

But Yagura directly rejected their request with a strong attitude.

Today's Yakura is not only the fourth Mizukage, but also the Jinchuriki who has completely controlled the six-tailed rhinoceros, and is so powerful that those elder advisors dare not speak out, let alone stage a coup d'état.

You must know that in today's Wuyin Village, the once tyrannical Mizuki Clan and Kaguya Clan have completely declined, and the other Blood Successor Limit Clans have also withered talents, and even the original plan to re-elect the Seven Ninja Swords has come to an end for no reason. , In this case, the strength of the ninjas in the village is generally not high, which has led to Yakura being the only one, and no one in the huge Wuyin Village can compete with him, let alone resist.

However, there is one exception.

That is, ghosts and peaches will never be cut again!

Regarding the transformation of the Fourth Mizukage Yakura, other people dare not doubt even if they have doubts. After all, Yakura is a powerful Six-Tails Jinchuriki, but if he doesn't kill him, he will dare.

More than half a year ago, in the battle in the waters of the country of water, he saw Uchiha Fuho kill Loquat Juzo and Suikayama puffer ghost with his own eyes. Yakura fought with Kisame Kisame, but after Yakura came back, he kept silent about it, as if nothing had happened.

Zhan Buzhan went to find Gan Shi Gui Jiao, but the other party was also tight-lipped.

Coupled with Yakura's change, Zabuzhan had to wonder what was tricky in it.

Then, he remembered the sneaky man in black who was hiding in the dark during that battle.

Zabuzhan had some vague thoughts, but he felt incredible, but he was a bold person, in order to prove his conjecture, he was going to assassinate Yagura!

However, assassinating the fourth generation of Mizukage is not a trivial matter, so during this time, Zabuzhan has been sharpening himself, not only practicing crazily, but also recruiting younger brothers in Anbu everywhere to expand his power.

As for Kisame Kisame, he took over the position of Suikayama Puffer Ghost in Anbe, and then under the arrangement of Yagura, he took on a large number of black tasks, and he was in the abyss of killing, profit, and betrayal all day long.

And the black hand behind all this is naturally Uchiha Nobuyuki and Kurojue!

In the sea battle back then, when Fenghuo left, the fourth Mizukage Yakura was weak and was countered by the six-tailed rhinoceros. When the wills of the two sides were fighting in the body, Uchiha Nobuo descended from the sky and directly controlled the six-tails with the power of the kaleidoscope pupil, and then Completely overwhelm Yakura with Liuwei and control him!

If you change to normal times, Uchiha Shin’s kaleidoscope will never be able to do this even if it is inherited from Uchiha Madara, but Yakura first fought against Fenghuo, and then fought against Liuwei. Bo Xin grasped the timing of his shot really well, and this is the opportunity to take advantage of it and succeed in one fell swoop.

After controlling Yakura, Nobuo Uchiha followed Hei Zee's suggestion and desperately squeezed Wuyin Village. It seems that using the blood fog policy can sharpen powerful ninjas, but in fact it cuts off the promotion of most ordinary ninjas Break~www.wuxiaspot.com~This kind of abnormal development will definitely weaken the strength of Wuyin Village in the long run.

Moreover, the ninjas cultivated by the blood mist policy are cruel and can even kill their own companions, so how could they be loyal to Wuyin Village? In this way, as long as Yagura provokes a little, he will definitely defect out of the village, and then let the people from the Akatsuki organization come forward to take over, killing two birds with one stone, it is simply a perfect plan!

Among them, dried persimmon ghost shark is their key object of care.

Kikisame is cunning but very loyal. After Nobuo Uchiha gave him a 'shut password' through Yagura, he let him soak in the darkness of the village, quietly waiting for him to 'awaken'.

As for not beheading, this guy jumping up and down keeps forming cliques, which is also in the interests of Uchiha Nobuo and Heijue. Otherwise, if the entire Wuyin Village works together, then they are still playing tricks?

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