Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 537: Lord Fenghuo, please act!

Feng Huo was enjoying watching the play, but suddenly he was stared at by the leader of the other party's Anbu, and he felt shy.

"Konoha Ninja Sealing Fire? Hehe, so what if you come from the No. 1 Ninja Village, you don't understand the power of Peacock Magic, hahaha, go die!"

The leader of Anbu shouted loudly, clasped his palms together, and a huge flying bird soared into the sky, passed through the defenses of Xia Rixing and Ying Huxing, and suddenly landed on top of Fenghuo.

"What?" Xia Rixing was stunned, and the souls of the dead came out, "You bastard! What are you doing!"

Ying Huxing also felt cold in her heart, turned around and looked, and saw Feng Huo in a strange posture, with one palm facing down, and one hand kneading the formula in front of her, only to see a golden light rising into the sky, accompanied by a murmured female voice, There seemed to be countless golden lights flickering in the sky, instantly smashing the flying bird near him into nothingness.

Ying Huoxing immediately shouted: "Lord Fenghuo, please be merciful!"

"Be careful!"

Xia Rixing beside her saw a huge tiger claw whizzing towards her husband, and changed color again.

Even though Xia Rixing and his wife have practiced the Peacock Art to the highest level, there are dozens of Xingren facing them, including many Anbu elites, how can they be distracted?

Ying Huxing was almost instantly beaten by several chakra-shaped beasts, his mouth and nose were bleeding, and his figure was crumbling in the air.

Xia Rixing wanted to rush over, but how could Xingren next to her do what she wanted?

"Sparrow Feathered Beast-Langtu!"

"Sparrow Feathered Beast - Wingspan!"

Countless attacks came violently, shackling Xia Rixing in place, and he could only watch Ying Huanxing being submerged by countless attacks.

"No, no!" Xia Rixing screamed, and the surging Chakra turned into a huge peacock outside her body, the bird's tail swayed, and the huge force swept away all the nearby star ninjas!

"Xia Ri Xing, I will never let you get what you want!" After the leader of Anbu missed Feng Huo, he moved his target to Xia Ri Xing, "Sparrow Feathered Beast-Sky Strike!"

His Peacock Magic Technique was already inferior to Xia Ri Xing's. At this time, Xia Ri Xing's battle with Xia Ri Xing was very exhausting. At this time, he was waiting for work with ease, and instantly blocked Xia Ri Xing in the air, and he could no longer get close to Ying Huo Martian.


At this time, Xia Rixing's eyes were red with anxiety, if she didn't go to the rescue, her husband would die!

She suddenly turned her head and looked behind her, only to see Fenghuo put his hands in his pockets after blocking the blow from the leader of Anbu, the old **** was watching, even though Yinghuaxing was submerged by the attack, he still didn't move at all.

"Master Fenghuo, you..." Xia Rixing was interrupted by Fenghuo just as he spoke.

"Don't worry, Xia Rixing, I will abide by our agreement, as long as they don't attack me, I won't attack them either!" Feng Huo proudly pointed at the crumbling Yingxing, "Look, your husband is about to be beaten to death." I didn’t even make a move! So please rest assured!”

"I...I, you..." Xia Rixing's chest was blocked, he was wronged and uncomfortable, wanted to cry and wanted to die, and wished to rush forward and tear his mouth open.

It's such a time, to say such sarcastic remarks.

But after thinking about it again, isn't this the couple's cocoon?

They only thought that if Uchiha Fenghuo, who is famous in the ninja world, made a move, the entire Xingnin Village would be razed to the ground, but they didn't expect that with just the two of them, how could it be possible to suppress the entire Xingnin Village's ninjas?

They think too highly of themselves.

"Master Fenghuo, please...take action!" Xia Rixing said through gritted teeth.

Feng Huo hummed twice, shook his head and said, "If I knew this earlier, why bother?"

But feeling Yingxing's weakening breath, he still decided to save him.

After all, he feels at home in his house these days, and there is a kid named Smail playing with him, and there is no disrespect to him. The key is that he really wants to rub those **** on the ground!

The kind of friction that bleeds!

So he stretched out his hands again, pressed down with one palm, squeezed the formula with his hands, and at the same time said to Isata in his heart: "Isata, two catties of chakra!"

Isota rolled his eyes, and with his three tails curled up, a huge wave of chakra suddenly surged into Fenghuo's body frantically.

"Come and welcome - Thousand Hands Kill!"


A golden beam of light as bright as a big sun centered on Fenghuo, swept in all directions in an instant, a 100-meter-tall golden Avalokitesvara Buddha statue sat vacantly, and a grand sound of scriptures poured into the hearts of everyone present as if they were real. Chi swaying, can not help themselves.

"what is that?"

"A monster? He summoned a monster!"

"Don't be afraid, with the strength of all of us, we can definitely defeat him!" Seeing that everyone was in poor condition, Chi Xing quickly jumped out to cheer and cheer.

Standing in front of the 100-meter Buddha statue, Feng Huo was as insignificant as an ant, but when he opened his mouth, he attracted everyone's attention: "All living beings are like ants. When they see my Buddha, they still don't kneel down and call Dad!"

After the words fell, Feng Huo stared, and in an instant, countless golden lights whizzed down behind him.

"kill him!"

"Sparrow Feathered Beast-Spike Fang!"

"Sparrow Feathered Beast-Tiger... Ahh!"

Countless golden light palms whizzed and hovered around Fenghuo, the speed became faster and faster, gradually forming a golden tornado, covering all Xingren!

The leader of Anbu frantically drives Chakra into a beast to resist the golden palm of light, but the speed of the palm of light is too fast, dozens of palms of light descend every second, and it is impossible to stop it!

Boom boom boom!

With one palm after another, the mask of the leader of the Anbu was smashed to pieces, and then his nose was bruised and his face was swollen with blood, like duckweed under a storm, he could only drift with the tide and be beaten.

As the golden tornado got bigger and bigger, even the surrounding buildings suffered, like tofu dregs being smashed into pieces~www.wuxiaspot.com~ turned into dust and flying.

In just five breaths, there was no more star ninja who could stand on the field!

Feng Huo felt that something was wrong, quickly withdrew his supernatural powers, blinked his eyes twice, and tentatively called out: "Xia Ri Xing? Ying Xing Xing?"

no respond.

...Oops, how embarrassing.

Feng Huo was in a cold sweat, he just got up from the fight, and forgot these two people for a while, and he didn't know if he was beaten to death.

cough cough.

After half the payment, the leader of Anbu finally stood up staggeringly, but at this time, he had been beaten into a pig's head, and he was already dizzy just standing up.

Feng Huo took a look, almost blinded by the ugliness, and quickly looked away in disgust.

"You, who are you, are you... who?" the leader of Anbu asked with difficulty.

Feng Huo is not interested in talking nonsense with him, so he can only briefly introduce himself: "Yes, I am the coexistence of beauty and justice, appearance and talent, the embodiment of love and peace..."

Before he finished speaking, the leader of Anbu couldn't hold on anymore and fainted to the ground.

Feng Huo was so angry that he rushed forward and kicked him hard.


The body of the leader of Anbu hit a ninja lying dead, and the ninja lying dead couldn't help but yelled.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Fenghuo's mouth: "Hehe, isn't this Chixing? Come on, stand up and tell me, who killed your Master Xingying?"

Feng Huo lifted him up roughly, his eyes flashing fiercely.

Chi Xing was trembling all over, his teeth couldn't fit together with excitement.

"You, you... devil, you are a devil!" Chi Xing screamed.

But in the next moment, his eyes suddenly burst into a murderous light, "Go to hell!"

A sharp bit of bitterness pierced through the void like a shooting star, and pierced straight into Fenghuo's heart!

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