Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 539: Xiao Li of the Rebel Organization

There is a steep cliff between Xingren Village and the outside world. Only Xingren who has mastered the peacock magic technique can come and go freely. You have to go up and down.

Taking the meteor down the cliff, Fenghuo dug a cave directly on the half wall, then sealed the meteor into a scroll, put the scroll in again, arranged the five-element seal and the gossip seal, and buried the cave.

Fenghuo has done all of this very skillfully. After all, he is a man who uses reverse psychic techniques every month to go to the snowy mountains of the Snow Country to bury detonating talismans!

Xia Rixing used the peacock magic method to form a pair of wings, monitored the whole process, and finally breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that there was no problem.

"In this way, although the village will be in turmoil for a period of time, it will settle down in the near future, and no one will die because of practicing the peacock magic technique. It's great."

Xia Rixing smiled and said, "Master Feng Huo, thank you very much."

Fenghuo entered Lilianhua state, stepped on the air and returned to the cliff, and then said to Xia Rixing who was flying lightly in the air: "For me, this is just a task, so you don't need to thank me specially."

Xia Rixing landed slowly, looked deeply at Fenghuo, and said, "Afterwards, I will leave with Ying Huxing and Smail, and go to... the Land of Snow."

Feng Huo said with a smile: "That country is very cold, if you really want to go, pay attention to wear two more clothes."

Xia Rixing nodded, and said, "Is there anything else to explain?"

"Be careful not to conflict with Xue Nin, those guys are very cautious." Feng Huo smiled again and said, "But with your peacock magic, even if you lose, running away is not a problem."

"I see."

Then, under the threat of sealing the fire, Xia Rixing left the village smoothly with the seriously injured Ying Huxing and the young little Smail.

Although the Xingren were sad and angry, they didn't have the guts to keep them, and could only watch them disappear from sight.

But when Fenghuo and the others left, these star ninjas went crazy and began to search for the meteorite. With the star ninja village as the center, they dug three feet in all directions, vowing to find the meteorite!

But all of this has nothing to do with sealing the fire.


Fenghuo psychically performed the second form of Chaolunwu, and then left on an eagle.

And Xia Rixing's family of three set off towards the Land of Snow.

In the center of a dense forest somewhere in the Land of Fire, in a secret underground research institute.

Danzo looked at Orochimaru who was doing the experiment with a cold face, and said coldly: "I have confirmed that there are only half of the nine tails in Naruto's body! That is to say, Namikaze Minato and Kushina couple are indeed not dead. Regarding this point, Don't you have anything to say?"

"That's what I said, but there are still many possibilities." Orochimaru said while doing the experiment.

His voice became hoarse, as if there were more than a dozen layers of gauze wrapped in his throat, which made people feel penetrating when they heard it.

"What do you mean?" Danzo asked with narrowed eyes.

"Although I don't have much friendship with the fourth generation, I still know his character." Da Shemaru stopped his hands and said with a smile, "At first I really thought that he had an ulterior purpose in hiding in the dark, but carefully Think about it, with his character, how could he watch his village fall into danger and ignore it? Hehehehe, heir to the Will of Fire, this is his biggest weakness."

Danzo showed a pensive look, and then said slowly, "You mean, although he is still alive, he no longer has the ability to intervene in the affairs of the village?"

"I'm going to ask Uchiha to seal the fire." Orochimaru narrowed his golden vertical pupils, and said with a light smile, "There are many secrets in him!"

At the mention of this name, Danzo's cheeks twitched slightly, and he snorted: "Uchiha Fuuhuo... This black sheep, if he is in one day, the village will not be able to prosper!"

"Don't worry, when his kaleidoscope loses its pupil power, it will be his death." Orochimaru sneered.

Back in the village, Feng Huo first went to the Hokage Building to deliver the mission, then received the reward for the mission, and then separated out twenty shadow clones to hand over their work.

Go to Hong to report, take Naruto home, go to Anbu to hand over the work of the Supervision Department, go to the orphanage to visit Shiro, clean the mansion, visit Kurama Yakumo...

Of course, the most important thing is to get back Xiao Li's right to direct training!

Naturally, Fenghuo himself was involved in this matter, otherwise, with Kai's character as a blue beast, he might not let it go easily.

After waiting for a long time in the grove where Xiao Li trained, Feng Huo finally saw Kai and Xiao Li coming hand in hand.

Seeing this, Feng Huo's eyes almost went blind!

"Kai...you bastard!" Feng Huo was so angry that his lumbar disc protruded!

At this time, Xiao Li's haircut in the middle has become a watermelon Taro hairstyle, almost carved out of the same mold as Kai. The most unbearable thing for Fenghuo is...Xiao Li's clothes!

"Yo! Fenghuo, you're finally back!" Kai stretched out a thumb, and the corner of his mouth slanted, revealing a gleaming tooth.

And Xiao Li actually did the same thing: "Uncle Feng Huo, you're finally back!"

Looking at Xiao Li's dark green tight-fitting combat uniform, Feng Huo's eyes turned black.

Before leaving, he threatened Kai repeatedly not to put his clothes on Xiao Li's head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Kai also acquiesced, but the reality in front of him was so cruel that Fenghuo couldn't bear it look straight at.

"How is it? Xiao Li's combat uniform suits him very well!" Kai laughed, "This is the color that represents youth!"

Xiao Li clenched his fists and shouted: "Teacher Kai is right, this combat uniform is really very comfortable, Uncle Fenghuo, when I have money, I will buy you one too."

I buy you uncle!

Feng Huo gritted his teeth, walked over and grabbed Kai and dragged him back.

Kai was still in a thumbs-up position, and he was dragged by Fenghuo as he was lying on his back. He didn't care, and asked, "Fenghuo, do you want to have a **** duel with me?"

"No, I just want to settle accounts with you."

Feng Huo said coldly.

Pulling Kai into the depths of the grove, he suppressed his anger and said, "Kay, you bastard! Didn't I tell you not to put that suit of yours on Xiao Li's head!"

Kai looked innocent: "Eh? But this is Xiao Li's own request and has nothing to do with me."


Take all precautions, house thieves are hard to guard against!

Unexpectedly, Xiao Li, who looks thick and big-eyed, would actually do such a thing of betraying the organization!


Fenghuo was so angry, the key was that there was no place to vent his anger.

"No, his clothes must be changed!" Feng Huo said firmly.

"I'll talk about this later, seal the fire, come on, I can't wait!" Kai's eyes lit up, and he jumped up with a kick, "Konoha whirlwind!"

Feng Huo suddenly raised his eyelids, retreated instead of advancing, turned around and ran away.

"Hey, Fenghuo, you obviously promised to fight me when you come back! You bastard!" Kai jumped and cursed.

Feng Huo waved his hand: "I have something to deal with, and I will fight next time!"

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