Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 544: The Avengers?

Early in the morning, Feng Huo rushed to the ninja school with Naruto with his arms folded and a reluctant expression on his face.

"Uncle, to be honest, I really don't want to go to school." Naruto said in an adult tone, "It's a complete waste of my time."

"Are you afraid of being beaten?" Feng Huo hit the nail on the head.

Naruto was so anxious that his eyes were red, and he showed off his biceps brachialis and retorted loudly: "How is it possible! I will not be afraid! Those guys are not my opponents at all!"

Under the special training of Fenghuo in the past few years, Naruto's physical skills have progressed well. Fighting with those little **** outside has always won more wins than winning. When they came, all those children glared at Naruto, which showed how crazy his usual behavior was.

If it's a one-on-one fight, Naruto can pick two, but in the ninja school, there are dozens of children holding hands at every turn. How can this make Naruto feel bad?

So, whether to go to school or not to go to school... right?

Naruto twitched and pulled Fenghuo's hand, hehehe said: "Uncle, why don't you be my teacher, I don't think the teachers in Ninja School can compare to you!"

"That's flattering!" Feng Huo snorted, "You don't learn well at such a young age! Who did you learn..."

Little Naruto said loudly: "You!"

"It's so good!" Feng Huo hurriedly changed his words.

"Shh~" Naruto squinted at Feng Huo with contempt on his face.

"Okay, going to school is essential, if you don't go to school, you have to go!" Feng Huo patted his head and said seriously, "Naruto, I know you are worried that your classmates will scold you and beat you, But you must take a long-term view, look around, and you can always find your companions! Only this, you must believe!"


Little Naruto seemed to be moved by Fenghuo's talk, he couldn't help but look around, back and forth, up and down...




"Smelly fox."

Xiao Naruto looked at Feng Huo aggrievedly: "Uncle, you lied to me."

"Cough cough." Feng Huo coughed dryly twice, feeling a little embarrassed, "It's also a coincidence."

"Hmph, hum, hum, hum!" Naruto kept humming.

But no matter how much he hummed, he couldn't change the fate of enrolling.

At the gate of the ninja school, Feng Huo met many acquaintances.

Nara Shikahisa brought his son Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Choza brought his son Akimichi Choji, Yamanaka Kaiichi brought his daughter Yamanaka Ino, the Inuzuka family, the Aurome family, etc., all present.

"Fenghuo, long time no see." Kai Yamanaka greeted with a smile.

"It's such a hassle to start school!" Nara Shikahisa put his hands on his hips, with a look of lovelessness on his face.

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo came up and patted Feng Huo on the shoulder fiercely, and then introduced his son Qiu Dao Ding Ci to Feng Huo, asking him to call him uncle.

Feng Huo smiled and exchanged greetings with them, then pulled Naruto over and asked him to play with the younger generation Zhuludie, but it seemed that Naruto was not very happy.

Fenghuo remembers that in the original book, Naruto met Zhuludie when he was very young, but in this life, with Fenghuo's shit-stirring stick, the little Naruto has lived a chic and unrestrained life in recent years, and sometimes gallops on horseback , seems to have missed the opportunity to get to know Shikamaru and the others.

"It's so troublesome." Nara Shikamaru imitated his father, stood by the side and looked up at the sky.

Choji Akimichi stood there eating potato chips in a daze, without stopping his mouth.

Yamanaka Ino stared at Naruto with great interest, and then asked, "You are Uzumaki Naruto, the demon fox in the village?"

Naruto gave her a sideways look, and said domineeringly, "Are you going to fight?"

Ino Yamanaka ran up behind her father, only showing half of his head: "It turns out that the rumors about you are true, brawler."

Naruto looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle: "Even if you say that, I won't show mercy."

"Hmph, I don't want to fight with you."

Yamanaka Ino ran to Choji Akimichi, trying to grab two potato chips, but was rejected.

Choji Akimichi was unwilling to share, making Yamanaka Ino blush.

Naruto laughed loudly beside him.

Feng Huo and the others stood on the side and looked at each other.

"Well, the relationship should get better in the future... right?" Nara Shikahisa held his forehead.

Educating children or something is really too troublesome!

"Wow woof!"

Inuzuka Claw's Ninja Dog Black Tooth circled around Fenghuo non-stop, playing cute tricks, and stretched out a leg to urinate on Fenghuo to leave some smell.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." There was also a little white milk dog who also ran to Fenghuo's side, imitating the example and stepping out a leg.

Feng Huo took two steps back with a dark face.

"Akamaru, come quickly." Inuzukasuke's son Inuzukagama squatted and called the little milk dog, afraid that Fenghuo would be angry and bully his Akamaru.

There are more children, and things will come. If Fenghuo is not paying attention, Xiao Naruto will get into a fight with a few brats. You push me and you push you. It looks like a big fight at the school gate.

Feng Huo grabs Naruto by the collar and pulls him back.

Naruto kept kicking his legs, shouting: "Uncle, let me go, I want to teach these nasty **** a lesson!"

"It's alright, alright, today is the start of school, you have to calm down, if you want to fight, wait until you get to school, and I will guarantee that you will be beaten every day!" Feng Huo persuaded~www.wuxiaspot.com~Uncle, are you really good? Is it my dear uncle? "Little Naruto said.

"Nonsense, of course it's not a kiss." Feng Huo said happily.

At the same time, Hiruzaru Sarutobi finally came to the school, he looked at this from a distance, the expression on his face was both happy and sad.

Time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye, the babbling little kids have all grown up and reached the age of school, thinking that they will soon become the successors of the will of fire, Hiruzaru Sarutobi feels old Great comfort.

The principal of the school has already made all kinds of preparations. As soon as Hiruzaru Sarutobi arrives, he can immediately go to the podium on the playground and start working!

Hiruza Sarutobi lived up to expectations, and it will be two hours of output of "Will of Fire". Heck, this time I may have seen Naruto, Shikamaru and other younger generations, so I am very interested. Hiruza Sarutobi said that he can still speak for a while Hour!

Naruto stood below, looking around restlessly, grinning in a certain direction from time to time, making a ferocious wolf cub expression.

Feng Huo sneaked a look over there, but found that there were also a few little brats glaring at him viciously, they were friends who had formed an indissoluble bond with Naruto before.

Feng Huo doesn't care. Compared with the original book, Naruto's condition is much better. Although he is still racially discriminated against by some brats, at least he doesn't have to eat expired instant noodles and drink expired milk all year round. There are also new clothes to wear, and the well-off life is happy.

So, what's the deal with fighting a whole village of brats?

It’s really a guilty conscience to think about sealing the fire in this way: What if the brats who were bullied by Naruto in the ninja school form some kind of Avengers alliance... that would be a good show!

This is so hot, tsk tsk tsk.

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