Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 547: One more step forward for the Lightning Shield

Danzo couldn't wait to eliminate the Uchiha clan, but this matter must have the consent of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and it will take a while to get in touch with the foreign aid from Orochimaru, so Danzo has to be honest Really returned to Konoha, and continued to provoke the tension between Uchiha and the village quietly.

He was already sitting on the roots, and now he has information from Uchiha Itachi, so he is like a fish in water when he does his hands and feet.

Although the supervision department of Fenghuo has been monitoring him all the time, Danzang is so cunning that he left the village grandiosely after a simple golden cicada escaped its shell, which shows how powerless the supervision of the supervision department is.

Moreover, Fenghuo himself was distracted by many things, Naruto, Bai, Xiaoli, and Kurama Yakumo, all of them were concerned about his heart, coupled with Sarutobi Hiruza's attitude, Fenghuo could only Hehehe.

On this day, Feng Huo was training Xiao Li with Kai, suddenly, Feng Huo's eyes widened suddenly, and then burst into ecstasy, and he looked up to the sky and laughed.

Kai looked at him with a strange face: "What's the matter, what is so happy?"

Feng Huo didn't answer, but looked at his left arm.

Kai also looked over subconsciously, and saw a fine purple lightning jump up from Fenghuo's left arm, and it disappeared in a flash.

"This is it?" Kai rolled his eyes.

In the next moment, a violent purple thunder covered Fenghuo's left arm, crackling and exploding!

"Raikiri?!" Kai heard from Kakashi that this is an S-level ninjutsu upgraded from Chidori, and there is also the possibility of infinite horizontal derivation, with unlimited potential!

"No, it's not Rachel!"

It's... the thunder protection body!

At the beginning, Fenghuo used Sharingan to copy a bit of the fur of the four generations of Raikage and Aire's shield, and then let the shadow avatar use this fur to find out the clues and deduce the Thunder's shield at any cost. Three or four years passed , he finally deduced the right-hand and left-hand versions successfully!

Feng Huo closed his eyes and felt carefully, he could clearly feel the progress of his left hand, but compared with his right hand, which he had started training a long time ago, the gap was very obvious.

Then Feng Huo put away the Lei Qilin arm, and separated a shadow clone to let him go home and continue to develop the Lei Dun body.

"Fenghuo, what kind of technique did you use just now?" Kai asked curiously.

"Thunder Escape Body!"

"What? It's the ninjutsu practiced by Raikage of Cloud Hidden Village?!" Kai was shocked.

This is the biggest reliance of Yunyin Village's past generations of Raikage in the ninja world!

How did Fenghuo do this technique?

"It's not the complete version, so don't make a fuss." Feng Huo shrugged nonchalantly, with a calm expression.

"It wasn't like that when you laughed just now." Kay snorted.

"Hey, hey, don't tell me when you swear at others, who did you learn from?" Feng Huo said dissatisfied.

"Not with..."

"I won't listen, I won't listen, I won't listen!" Feng Huo covered his ears and ran away.

Kai was hurt by his anger, and his eyebrows fell down.

Then he rolled his eyes and chased after him with a smile: "Feng Huo, didn't you say that you value Xiao Li very much!"

Over the years, Feng Huo has been very familiar with Kai, he knows what color of **** he is going to **** as soon as he takes off his pants, bah, bah, bah, it's too vulgar, it should be the one who knows the elegant meaning by hearing Xuan, um, that's the reason!

"You want me to pass the Thunder Dungeon to Xiao Li?" Feng Huo rubbed his chin and pondered for a while, then looked Kai up and down, and asked, "Don't you want to learn?"

Kai shook his head: "Eight Gate Dunjia is enough for me to practice for a lifetime, so I won't be distracted to practice Thunder Dungeon Body! And yours is still a broken version."

Speaking of the latter, Kai looked disgusted.

He was so angry that he blocked the fire and wanted to hit someone, but if he really started to fight, then Kai's wish would be fulfilled, so he could only bear it.

"In less than five years, I will definitely be able to derive all the Thunder Dungeon Body! At that time, hum..." Feng Huo sneered again and again, "Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't..."

"So, do you agree or refuse?" Kai interrupted Fenghuo roughly.

"..." Feng Huo is aggrieved, why did no one jump out to interrupt Xiao Yan when he said this, and it's my turn to...

no more.

Feng Huo sighed deeply, and said, "Tell it, why not pass it on. But..."

"But what?" Kai looked at him strangely, and snorted, "Reluctant?"

"If he cultivates Thunder Dunjia, it may affect his cultivation of Bamen Dunjia." Feng Huo frowned.

"What? You want to pass on Bamen Dunjia to him too?" Kai looked surprised.

Feng Huo looked at Kai's expression in bewilderment, it's really strange for you to say that.

The Bamen Dunjia was not passed down by you... uh, it was passed down by your future self.

No, Xiao Li is his disciple now, even if he passed on the Eight Schools of Dunjia, it would be passed on by him.

But although I have learned Bamen Dunjia, the unique moves of Bamen Dunjia from Mai Tedai are only up to the sixth door, Chao Peacock, and the powerful moves after that, such as day tiger and evening elephant, are all Kay made it.

This is embarrassing.

"Hey, Fenghuo, what are you thinking~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Kai frowned and said, "Bamen Dunjia is a forbidden technique, using it will cause a huge burden on the body, the burden will be heavier as you go to the back, the most important thing is , if you really decide to let Xiao Li practice Bamen Dunjia, then I don't think he needs to practice your incomplete version of Lei Dunjia at all. "

Why do I dislike hearing this so much?

Feng Huo squinted at Kai, and snorted, "After you say that, I don't believe this evil anymore!"

"Uncle Fenghuo, Teacher Kai, hehe..."

At this time, Xiao Li ran back from a distance out of breath, "I, I... have already run twenty or twenty laps."

"Well, very good, first do some recovery exercises, and then I will pass on your unicorn arm." Feng Huo said.

"Yes!" Xiao Li was quite excited.

Although he has been training with Fenghuo and Kai during this time, he has been exercising and exercising his body. Although he has no complaints, it would be great if he could learn a few powerful physical skills.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Li ran over vigorously, his eyes glowing, but the tight dark green combat uniform was very obtrusive.

"Uncle Fenghuo, what kind of physical skill is Qilin Arm?" Xiao Li asked impatiently.

As a result, when he asked, Feng Huo and Kai looked at each other and were stunned at the same time.

Strictly speaking, Thunder Dungeon is actually ninjutsu! It is also known as the Lightning Chakra Mode, which involves changes in the nature of Chakra, and Xiao Li's ninjutsu talent is simply horrible, and I am afraid that he will not be able to master it no matter how much time is given.

"This, cough, Xiao Li, you heard it wrong, it's not the unicorn arm, but the Konoha whirlwind." Feng Huo said with a dry smile.

"Hey hey." Kai smiled strangely beside him.

Xiao Li looked at Fenghuo and then at Kai, feeling inexplicably that he seemed to have missed something.

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