Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 565: There seems to be something wrong!

Outside the mansion, under the watchful eyes of many Gennin, Feng Huo, "Yaoshi Nonaiyu" and Bai Shishi ran in.

In the root ninja in the dark, a perception ninja frowned: "That woman's breath is a little strange."

"Is it Uchiha Shisui?"

"Impossible, if it was Uchiha Shisui, how could he throw himself into the trap?"

"I remember that she is the pharmacist No Naoyu, and she also stayed at the roots before."

"Danzo-sama sent to watch Uchiha seal the fire?"

"I don't know."

While they were still discussing, the three came out with Shikahisa Nara.

The perception ninja threw the perception ninjutsu over again, and what he perceived was exactly the same as before, and there was no abnormality.

"They're out."

"Do you want to stop them?"

"There is no target, Shikahisa Nara is here, and Danzo-sama's new order has not yet come, let's follow them and don't act rashly."

"Leave a part to continue to monitor Uchiha's home."

Genin's actions naturally couldn't hide the perception of Fenghuo and Nara Shikuhisa.

"I said, you dug a big hole for me." Nara Shikahisa murmured softly.

Feng Huo, who was walking beside him, said with a smile: "What Brother Lu Jiu is talking about, I don't understand at all."

"Ah, you are really a guy." Nara Shikahisa covered his head. As the monitor of the jonin class, the elite jonin, he had an intuition that there was something wrong with the 'Yaoshi Nonoyu' next to him, but he didn't point it out because he This trip was just to send Fenghuo and Bai out of the village, he didn't know anything about other things.

I have to say that Uchiha Shisui's transformation technique is very good, and may have incorporated illusion, not to mention Nara Shika for a long time, even Fenghuo, the person involved, almost thought that the "Yaoshi Nonoyu" in front of him was real Pharmacist Nonoyu.

Only by using the chakra perception technique can he find that his chakra fluctuations are completely different from those of the pharmacist Nonoyu.

But in the surrounding roots, although there are perception ninjas, it is absolutely impossible for a ninja who masters the Chakra perception technique to exist!

After all, the chakra perception technique is a forbidden technique recorded in the sealed scroll of Sarutobi Hiruzen. Even he himself was bestowed by Sarutobi Hiruzen for his great achievements. These Gennin are just the minions of Danzo. ?

And the fact is indeed the case, otherwise, these guys should have jumped out long ago!

Bai obediently held the hand of "Yao Shi Ye Naoyu" and followed Feng Huo. He didn't know that his "Sister Yao Shi" had been replaced, and he was still talking to her, looking around from time to time.

'Yaoshi Nonaiyu' smiled while dealing with Bai's question, and followed Fenghuo and the others towards the gate of the village with a calm face.

Genin kept falling behind them, but didn't jump out to stop them.

After all, Uchiha Shisui did not appear in this group of people, and, with the presence of Nara Shika for a long time, they did not dare to move lightly.

The squad leader of the ninja class is not just a squad leader, his power is as great as that of Anbe and Genmo.

For example, Jonin A wears a mask and is a root ninja, but when he takes off the mask, he has to accept the leadership of Shikahisa Nara!

To give another example, Jonin C wears a mask and is an Anbe ninja, but if he takes off the mask, he still has to accept the leadership of Shikahisa Nara!

In other words, if Shikahisa Nara is ambitious, he can completely infiltrate Anbu and Genbu, the two trump card organizations of Konoha!

Because of this, Danzo dared to hate the Uchiha clan, dared to assassinate Sarutobi Hiruzen, but never dared to attack the Nara family, because Nara Shikahisa could directly threaten his foundation: the roots!

And Danzo's caution and vigilance towards Nara Shikahisa naturally also affected the attitude of these Gennin. In addition, Danzo's order at this time was only to 'monitor Uchiha to seal the fire, and arrest Uchiha Shisui immediately', that's why No hands.

At this time, the real pharmacist No Naiyu had already disguised himself and walked out of the village gate ahead of time, and was hiding behind a stone not far away.

Feng Huo and Bai registered at the gate of the village, and Gen Ren was a little dumbfounded immediately.

"Are they leaving the village?"

"Is that woman really not Uchiha Shisui?"

A Genin immediately touched it quietly, and he was relieved when he saw that there were only Fenghuo and a child named Bai's name on the register.

But in an instant, he suspected that this child named Bai was Uchiha Shisui?

At the gate of Fenghuo's house, Hatake Sakumo, Danzo, Zhuanju Xiaoharu and Mito Menyan finally arrived, but they were a step late.

A root ninja reported the previous incident to Danzo, and Danzo's face changed slightly: "I actually found Shikaku Nara, what exactly did Uchiha Fuho want to do?!"

Hatake Sakumo said lightly: "Danzo-sama, please pay attention to your tone, Fenghuo is not a criminal yet!"

"Hmph!" Danzang snorted coldly, and then asked his subordinates, "Did there be anything unusual when they left?"

Na Genin hesitated for a while, and said: "Yi found that the aura of the pharmacist No Naoyu was a bit strange, but before she came..."

"It's definitely Uchiha Shisui!" Danzo was furious, "Stop them immediately!"

With a sullen face, Hatake Sakumo followed behind them without saying a word.

When they arrived at the gate of the village, they happened to see Shikahisa Nara and Nonoyu the pharmacist coming in from the gate of the village side by side.

how is this possible? !

Danzo's face changed slightly.

Yakushi Nonoyu, shouldn't it be Uchiha Shisui pretending to be it?


"Yo, it's really lively." Seeing the battle, Nara Shikahisa waved to Hatake Sakumo and the others with a smile.

"Shikaku, why are you here?" Hatake Sakumo asked with a smile.

"Ah, the guy who sealed the fire said that the atmosphere in the village is not very good recently, and he wanted to go out quietly, so he ran to me. I happened to be bored at home, so I came out to see him off." Nara Shikahisa said.

He is the squad leader of the ninja class. As a ninja, Fenghuo wants to do the task of "vacation" outside the village. Naturally, he has to tell this squad leader. Nara Shikahisa and Fenghuo have always had a good relationship, so they came out to see off He is also reasonable, so this reason is impeccable, let alone Danzo, even Sarutobi Hiruzen can't say anything.

"Then, Nonoyu, why are you here?" Danzo set his eyes on the pharmacist Nonoyu.

"Bai also left, and I'll see him off." Pharmacist No Naoyu said lightly, with a gentle smile on his face.

"White?" Hatake Sakumo's face changed slightly. As Sarutobi Hiruzen's absolute confidant, he knew the specialness of Shiro.

"Who is Bai?" Danzo asked.

Hatake Sakumo immediately shut up.

The pharmacist No Naoyu explained generously: "Bai is an orphan brought back from outside the village by Fenghuo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Orphan?" But he couldn't find any flaws. The key is Nara Shikahisa. With him standing here, Danzo can't do anything.

"If it's okay, I'll go back first." Nara Shikahisa smiled and waved, completely ignoring Danzo and the large number of Nenin around him, and left easily.

No one dared to keep him.

Yakushi Nonoyu also wanted to leave, but Danzo reached out and stopped her: "I still need your cooperation in the investigation regarding Uchiha's closure of the fire and leaving the village."

"Danzo-sama, Fenghuo is the village's jonin. Before leaving the village, he reported to Shikaku-sama and did not violate the village's regulations. Therefore, I have nothing to say about his leaving the village." Nai Yu said solemnly.

A fierce look flashed in Danzo's eyes, and he was about to explode, but was interrupted by Hatake Sakumo.

"Nonoyu, Hokage-sama and I also have something to ask you about Shiro."

Pharmacist No Naoyu nodded: "No problem."

"Then come with me."

Hatake Sakumo ignored Danzo's darkening complexion at all, and walked towards Hokage Building with the pharmacist Nonou.

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun and Mitomenyan stood beside him, and finally spoke at this moment.

"Danzo, didn't you say that Uchiha Shisui is hiding in Uchiha Fuho's house? It seems that your information is wrong."

"Do you still want to search his house?"

Danzo clasped his hands tightly, and his forehead faintly showed anger: "No, no, there must be something wrong! Damn it!"

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