Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 567: Sarutobi Hiruzen in exasperation

The Kingdom of Fire, Konoha.

In Naruto's office.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's cheeks twitched faintly, and the veins on his forehead were even more exposed.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, this bastard, what exactly do you want to do?!"

He slammed the pipe in his hand on the desk with a bang, and his nose was smoking with anger.

"He actually took Bai away, you bastard!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was so angry that his endocrine became out of balance, "No Naoyu, why didn't you stop him!"

Pharmacist Nonoyu stood aside respectfully, lowered his head, with a gentle smile on his face: "Sorry, Hokage-sama, I didn't know you valued Bai so much."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's breath was blocked, he couldn't say anything, it was uncomfortable!

"Call me Kakashi!" he yelled, patting the table.

"Master Hokage, if it's okay, I'll take my leave first." Pharmacist Nonoyu said.

Hiru Sarutobi nodded.

When she left, Hiruzaru Sarutobi hesitated for a while, finally sighed, and said to Sakumo Hatake next to him, "Send someone to watch her, and don't let people close to her."

"Yes." Hatake Sakumo left immediately.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi picked up his pipe and took a puff of smoke. Yakushi Nonoyu used to be a member of the Roots, and it was Tsunade who made her leave smoothly. If Tsunade came back one day, he found that Yakushi Nonoyu was killed by the Roots , then how could he have the face to face this disciple?

After a while, Kakashi came to his office.

"Sandai, you call me." Kakashi knelt on one knee, his expression could not be seen clearly with a mask on his face.

"Kakashi, do you still remember the mission I gave you!" Hiruzen Sarutobi snorted.

"Mission?" Kakashi was a little taken aback, and then asked tentatively, "Three generations, is it about Shiro?"

Sarutobi Hiruzachi said: "So you still remember!"

"What's wrong?" Kakashi said innocently.

"The **** Uchiha Fuu took him out of the village!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi gritted his teeth.

Bingdun Xueji Boundary, if Feng Huo never returns, or if something unexpected happens to Bai, this loss... heartache.

Kakashi froze for a moment, isn't this a big deal?

Bai was brought back by sealing the fire.

But seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen's face, he wisely didn't say anything.

"Kakashi, you go out of the village immediately to find Shiro's whereabouts, and you must bring him back!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi ordered.

"Yes." Kakashi agreed and left decisively.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen was the only person left in the office, he sat down decadently, recalling what happened in these years in his heart.

Danzo came back, the roots restarted, and Fenghuo seemed to be getting further and further away from himself.

Like, like his three apprentices.

Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochimaru.

In the end, he didn't even keep one of the three apprentices.

Now shut down the fire again...

'Did I really do something wrong...'

While Hiruzaru Sarutobi was reflecting, there was another knock on the office door.

This time, Danzo, Zhuanju Koharu and Mitomenyan came.

Danzang said: "Hizan, Uchiha sealed off the fire and left the village. I suspect there is something tricky about it. Please allow me to take the pharmacist Nonoyu away!"

Turning to the bed, Koharu said: "Hi Zhan, according to Nara Shikahisa's words, Uchiha Hienhuo may leave the village for a long time this time, so I suggest sending another person to take care of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki!"

Sarutobi Ri's decapitation was even bigger, but facing the three elder advisors, he had no choice but to endure his irritability and said: "I have my own opinions on these matters, you guys go down."

"Hi-Zhan!" Turning to Sleep Koharu wanted to say more, but Sarutobi Hi-Zan had already closed his eyes.

"All right."

On the top of a high mountain in the Land of Fire, Fenghuo, Uchiha Shisui and Shiro are camping.

This trip to the Snow Country was accompanied by two 'weak and disabled' people, so they couldn't get up to speed, so they had to rest and replenish their strength after flying for a while.

The second form of Chaolun Dance has released the psychic spell, and went back to the Snow Country Snow Mountains to hunt and eat to satisfy hunger and rest.

Bai happily picked up dry firewood nearby, while Fenghuo created several shadow clones to work instead of him.

As for Uchiha Shisui, he is blind and can't do anything.

Suddenly, Feng Huo's heart moved, and he took out a scroll from his pocket.

In the scroll, it is impressively the spoils he got by killing Qing of Wuyin Village: Baiyan!

Feng Huo squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then decided to transplant his white eyes to Uchiha Shisui!

"Zhishui, it's not that kind of thing to be blind, let me transplant one eye for you first." Feng Huo said.

Uchiha Shisui was startled, and asked strangely: "Captain, where did you get your eyes?"

"It's a spoil from the previous mission." Feng Huo said with a mysterious smile, "Okay, be good, lie down and spread your legs..."

Uchiha Shisui felt a chill.

Eye transplantation is very difficult, but for Fenghuo at this time, it is not so difficult.

Half an hour later, Feng Huo successfully transplanted the white eye to Uchiha Shisui's left eye socket.

Afterwards, he used Zhangxianjutsu to restore the meridians of the eyes, and soon, Shisui Uchiha was able to see things around him clearly.

"Good clear vision."

Uchiha Shisui blinked his eyes twice, looked around, only felt that everything within a radius of several kilometers seemed to be reflected in his eyes in every detail.

He sensed something was wrong, and immediately replaced it with a water polo. The water polo reflected his face. When he saw it, I was shocked!

"Captain, white, white eyes?!"

Uchiha Shisui couldn't believe it, "How is it possible?"

The Hyuga branch family all have the seal of the bird cage curse, even if they die, it is impossible to reveal the white eye, that is to say, this white eye is the eye of the Hyuga clan!

"Captain, don't you think Hinata..." Uchiha Shisui couldn't accept it.

Feng Huo said: "What are you thinking! This supercilious eye~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was poached by an unlucky guy from the Hyuga clan during World War Three. After the war, I met it by accident and snatched it away .”

"So that's it." Uchiha Shisui breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately felt that this was inappropriate, "Captain, if the Hyuga clan finds out..."

"You are going to the Snow Country, how did the Hyuga Clan find out?" Feng Huo waved his hand, "When you arrive in the Snow Country, if someone asks you, just say you are from the Hyuga Clan, who will doubt it?"

"Captain, what you said makes sense." Shisui Uchiha blinked his eyes twice, speechless.

Feng Huo smiled and said: "You look like this, it seems that you still can't let go of Konoha, and you can't let go of the Uchiha clan?"

Uchiha Shisui nodded his head as a bachelor: "How could it be easy to let go."

"Then give me back the eyes, and I'll take you back." Feng Huo rolled up his sleeves to dig.

Uchiha Shisui quickly stepped back: "Captain, don't make trouble, things have come to this point, I can't go back."

Once they go back, the Uchiha clan and Danzo will have no chance of turning around, and there will be direct and violent conflicts. Uchiha Itachi will also become a must-kill target for Danzo. Let him go back, it is better to die directly.

"After that, don't make that expression again. I sent you away, not to make you feel sorry for yourself and others!" Feng Huo snorted.

"Captain, I'm not complaining, I'm just worried." Uchiha Shisui said.

"You still dare to talk back?" Feng Huo was furious, "Give back your eyes."

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