Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 577: trapped in tangled land

After dismissing Kai's light bulb, Fenghuo and Kuron Yuhi stayed for a while before asking about Naruto's situation.

After Naruto left Fenghuo's house, he moved into Yuhihong's house. He thought it was the same as before, just staying for a while, so he didn't have much emotion.

"Naruto has indeed worked harder. He has been training every day. He has almost mastered the three body skills, and his physical skills have also improved." Yuhi Hong smiled, "Recently, he has been challenging Uchiha Sasuke every day at school, and he is very active."

"He didn't get beaten again at school?" Feng Huo asked in surprise, what about the "Avengers Alliance" formed by those little kids who were beaten by Naruto before in the ninja school?

"It seems that Iruka got involved, and I'm not very clear about the specific situation." Kurenai Yuhi smiled, "Speaking of which, Iruka is still your student."

"Iruka's ninja talent is average, so I didn't teach him any powerful ninjutsu. I mainly taught him some principles of life. With these, it should not be difficult for him to become an excellent teacher." Feng Huo said to himself Putting gold on his face, he asked again, "How is Yakumo?"

"She's fine, and she's in a good mood every day, but she's been asking when you can fulfill what you promised her." Xi Hihong was a little worried, "It's not good for you to lie to her like this?"

Feng Huo said: "How is it possible, I will definitely heal her body."

After chatting for a few more words, Feng Huo couldn't control himself anymore, and the salty pig's hand desperately took advantage of it.

Yuhi blushed and was very shy, but did not expect that at the critical moment, Didala coughed loudly and walked over the wooden corridor in the backyard, then walked over, walked over, and walked over again...

Xi Hihong hurriedly broke free from her embrace, jumped over the wall and ran away.

Feng Huo's face was like a black cloud pressing down on the city, and when he was about to explode, Didara ran away.

It was noisy until night, and the house gradually quieted down.

But at the climax of the moon, someone sneaked in again.



Feng Huo was wondering, but he heard someone calling his name softly.

"This voice is... Obito?"

Fenghuo was surprised and delighted.

Since the relationship between Uchiha and the village has become more and more tense a few years ago, Obito has not met him again, so as not to affect the three generations and their views on Fenghuo.

But now that Fenghuo has been dismissed by Sarutobi Hiruzen, Obito naturally doesn't have those concerns.

"Obito, it's really you!"

I haven't seen him for a few years, and Obito has grown a lot taller. The innocence of his childhood has disappeared, replaced by a calm temperament.

But his half-disfigured face is really lethal at night.

"Of course it's me, Fenghuo, are you okay, why were you suddenly dismissed by the third generation?" Obito cut to the chase as soon as he arrived, "Is it because of Uchiha?"

Feng Huo shook his head and said: "It's about other things, it has nothing to do with Uchiha. What about you, diving in Uchiha these past few years, it hasn't suffocated you."

A few years ago, Fenghuo played a good show with Kakashi and Lin, which stimulated Obito to open Sharingan to Sangouyu, but in view of the increasingly tense relationship between Uchiha and the village, Fenghuo and the others suggested bringing Soil diving, don't reveal the secrets of your Sangouyu, so as not to be reused by Uchiha Fugaku and do things that go against his heart.

Uchiha Obito sighed, and said: "Fenghuo, actually, the previous family gathering really scared me. If it wasn't for Shisui's sudden disappearance, Patriarch Fuyue might really be planning a coup."

Feng Huo asked: "Now, Uchiha Fugaku...shouldn't give up so easily, right?"

Obito nodded and said, "Not only the patriarch, but also other elders, as well as the vast majority of the clan, hope to launch a coup to seize power in the village and improve their own situation, so even if Shisui disappears, it can only temporarily delay the family coup. Time, at most one year, the patriarch will definitely launch a coup again, when the time comes..."

Obito's tone was heavy, but his face was calm. Obviously, he has experienced a lot in the past few years and grown a lot.

Before letting it go, I'm afraid I'll be jumping and cursing.

"No one can stop the family from launching a coup." Obito sighed.

Feng Huo asked: "Based on the comparison of Uchiha and the village's strength, once a coup is launched, it will definitely be suppressed bloody, and even implicate countless ordinary people! What are your plans?"

"I don't know either." Obito lowered his head, showing a tangled expression, "I don't know whether I should help the family, or protect the village and seal the fire. If it were you, what would you do?"

Feng Huo said: "It's nothing more than doing your best."

"What do you mean?" Obituary asked.

"If you decide to help the family coup, then you will do your best to help the family succeed in the coup, even if the end is death. If you stand on the side of the village, you will do your best to suppress Uchiha, even if you kill the blood of the clan .If...you decide not to help each other, then do your best to protect the people who are close to you and get out of this...death vortex!"

Uchiha Itachi chose the second if, and Fenghuo was the third.

"I had a quarrel with my family when I was very young, and now I have been kicked out of the Anbu by three generations, so I will not help in both aspects." Feng Huo said, "If you find it difficult, I can take you out of the village~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Obito showed a tangled look, and said, "Fenghuo, I don't know what to choose. I can't bear to part with my tribe, but I don't want to be an enemy of the village. If the two don't help each other, I can't bear it even more. "

Feng Huo sighed, if he had chosen to stay in the Uchiha clan and got along with him for many years, he would probably be the same as Obito.

After all, people are not machines, and emotions cannot be controlled.

Otherwise, how could Yakushi No Naoyu, Obito, and Shisui change the established trajectory of their lives?

It wasn't caused by Fenghuo's emotional leakage.

"Obitu, no matter what choice you make, I respect you!" Feng Huo said.

But respect is respect. If Danzo takes action against Obito in the future, Fenghuo will definitely save him.

After Obito left, even Fenghuo couldn't sleep.

The current situation is that the Uchiha coup cannot be stopped, Danzo naturally has enough reasons to destroy the Uchiha clan, so what role should he play in this matter?

Although he decided not to help each other, this does not include the immortal Danzo.

Feng Huo silently draws the key points in his mind.

One, to regain the kaleidoscope of Zhishui.

Two, disgusting Danzo, the more disgusting the better.


Wait, for the current Danzo, taking Shisui's kaleidoscope back should be the most disgusting thing for him, right?

Feng Huo rubbed his chin and pondered.

Last time he blatantly shot Danzang and didn't kill him. Now Danzang is in a state of panic, with a lot of roots everywhere. It is unlikely that Fenghuo wants to seize the kaleidoscope.

But on the night of the Uchiha's extermination, Genbu must send a large number of ninjas to participate.

This may be an opportunity.

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