Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 625: Zhu, Nan

With the idea of ​​the Yang seal, the next step is the issue of development.

Feng Huo sat down with a dignified expression, while observing the immortal chakra in his body, while thinking seriously, sitting for a while, he blinked innocently twice, only feeling that his brain was blank and he had no clue.

"Looks like I have to ask Tsunade about the Yin Seal first."

With the yin seal as a reference, it should be easier to develop the yang seal.

At this time, after the efforts of many shadow clones to seal the fire, the pupil power of the kaleidoscope has almost been replenished, and the affairs of Takinobu Village have also come to a successful conclusion. Nesting in this tree, I really want to become a birdman.

Moreover, it might be a good thing for him to leave Taki Ninja Village at this time.

Although it was fun to kill Kakuto, but he is a member of the Akatsuki organization. I believe that at this time, Kakuto has 'disappeared', and even news of his death has reached Nagato's ears. All may come!

Thinking of this, Feng Huo became more and more uneasy.

If people from the Akatsuki organization came at this time and handed in their hands, once the recovery of his kaleidoscope pupil power was exposed... With the IQ of the people in the Akatsuki organization, I am afraid that they will soon be associated with the sacred tree of Takinobu Village!

Thinking of this, Feng Huo immediately jumped off the holy tree.

Through the chakra perception technique, he quickly found Sheyue.

"Lord Fenghuo, what happened?" Seeing the serious expression on Fenghuo's face, Sheyue's heart shuddered inexplicably.

"You can't wait for three days, you have to leave here immediately!" Feng Huo said directly, "The organization behind Jiaodu may come here at any time, if you let him know that you have mastered Di Yuanyu, they will definitely avenge Jiaodu !"

Sheyue was stunned: "Lord Feng Huo, are those words that Jiao Du said before he died, are they all true?"

Feng Huo nodded: "This organization does exist, and it is very powerful. We still don't have the strength to confront this organization head-on."

"But if I leave, what if the organization angers the village?" Sheyue was anxious, "Shiki and the ninjas from Anbe, can they stop that organization?"

Feng Huo sighed: "I can't stop it, even I can't do it, so we have to leave. Don't worry, if people from that organization really come, it should be easy to find out the truth!"

"the truth?"

"Yes, the truth." Feng Huo showed a strange smile, "The truth about Jiaodu's death."

"He died at the hands of Lord Kakashi." Sheyue said subconsciously, and then reacted abruptly, with an incredulous expression on his face, "Master Fenghuo, are you going to...set the blame, oh no, Kakadu originally He killed it, but wouldn't it be inappropriate for us to do this?"

"Then you're going to take the blame?" Feng Huo squinted at him.

"This..." Sheyue hesitated for a third of a second in her heart, and immediately agreed to the proposal to seal the fire.

The organization behind Kakuzu found out that Kakashi died in the hands of Kakashi, so naturally they would not anger Taki Ninja Village.

As for Kakashi, his father is Konoha Shirato who is well-known in the ninja world, and he himself is a copy ninja who has become famous in the ninja world, and he is backed by the strongest Naruto Sarutobi Hiruzen, so his safety does not need to come to the moon at all. Worry.

"I know, I'll give orders now, and then...leave here!" Sheyue sighed slightly, having lived here for decades, she never expected to leave like this.

"be careful on the road!"

Feng Huo gave some instructions, and then left too.

Then Feng Huo immediately went back to the hotel to find Didara, the two simply packed up and saluted, and then left directly.

"Hey, are we leaving now?" Didara was very dissatisfied, and snorted, "Isn't it going to Konoha? I hate that village, eh!"

"It's not going back to Konoha, this time I'm looking for someone."

Fenghuo laughed.

The ninja world says big or small, so it is not easy to find Tsunade, but also because of this, if people from the Akatsuki organization chase after them, I am afraid it will not be so easy to find them.

Think of it as tourism.

Fenghuo thought so.

On the third day after Fenghuo, Didala, and Shezuki left Takinobu Village

Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Kisame in black-bottomed red cloud trench coats came here.

"Hahaha, interesting, this Ninja Village is actually hidden in the waterfall, Itachi, if it weren't for you, I really wouldn't be able to find it here." The dried persimmon ghost sneered, with a stern arc on his face like a shark. face murderous.

"Although Taki Ninja Village is not one of the Five Great Ninja Villages, its strength should not be underestimated. If there is a conflict later, I will resolve it." Uchiha Itachi said.

"Understood. However, if we really meet Uchiha Fenghuo, I still hope to fight him!" Kisame Kisame stretched out his hand and touched the shark muscle wrapped in white linen behind his back, his eyes flickered intensely To the explosive fighting spirit.

Uchiha Itachi was noncommittal, and took the lead to walk ahead.

Soon, they came to the entrance of Longin Village.

The common people of Takinobu Village who came and went paid attention to the arrival of these two strangers, and then some people's expressions changed.

"The clothes of the two of them are exactly the same as that rebellious one in Kakuzu!"

"Look at their ninja foreheads!"

"It's rebellious, they are all rebellious!"

"It must be an accomplice of Jiaodu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hurry up and inform the leader!"

In the chaos, many civilians ran away without a trace.

Kisame Kisame sneered silently, and said, "Itachi, it seems that Kakuzu has also been here, what a coincidence."

Uchiha Itachi's eyes narrowed slightly, and after a moment of pondering, the black pupils instantly turned into Sangouyu Sharingans.

His figure turned into a dozen crows, screaming and rushing into the village, and then captured two civilians.

"Tell me about Kakuto." Uchiha Itachi's sharing eyes shone slightly, like a black lamp, instantly reflected into the deepest hearts of these commoners.

"A few days ago, Mr. Sheyue, the former leader of our village, passed on the position of leader to Mr. Shemu. There was trouble in Kakuzu, and then he was caught by some ninjas from Konoha." A commoner replied with a dull look.

"It should be Uchiha Fenghuo and Didara!" Kisame Kisame watched from the side, admiring Uchiha Itachi's illusion.

Uchiha Itachi looked at another civilian: "How many ninjas are there in Konoha, where is Kakuzu now?"

The commoner said, "There are three ninjas, Kakuzu is said to have been killed on the spot."

"Did Uchiha seal the fire?!" Kanshiki Kisame sneered, "This is fun, should we also do Orochimaru and Zetsu's mission?"

Uchiha Itachi completely ignored Kisame Kisame, and asked the commoner some details. Unfortunately, although the commoner was present at the time, he was just watching the crowd, and he ran away without a trace, so that's all he knew.

"It seems that we need to negotiate with the ninjas in this village to know more specific information." Uchiha Itachi said.

Dried persimmon ghost suddenly smiled coldly: "They are here."

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