Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 643: Descendants of the Hyper Rondo Brothers

When he came under the sacred tree, Feng Huo immediately jumped onto the sacred tree, and then separated out his shadow clones, ordering them to absorb natural energy and refine the magic chakra!

Then he himself sat down cross-legged, projected his spirit into the sealed world in his abdomen, and checked the sealing technique of the Yang seal.

These sealing formulas are all taken from the Yin seal, and copied, but after recording these sealing formulas in this sealed world used to seal the three tails, these sealing formulas seem to have undergone some subtle changes, as if they are slowly blending into the world. This sealed world.

Although Feng Huo could feel it, but because the change was very subtle, he couldn't be sure whether the change was good or bad.

But that was the end of the matter, and he wasn't going to wait.

After fighting with Itachi Uchiha, it is impossible to conceal the recovery of the pupil power of his kaleidoscope sharing eyes. Theoretically speaking, this holy tree is no longer safe, so he must buy time to extract enough immortality checks carat!

As for the future, even if the sacred tree is really destroyed, at worst he will go to Jiraiya, and then go to Mount Miaomu to absorb natural energy.

Half an hour later, most of the surrounding shadow clones were in a state of petrification, and with bursts of bangs, traces of fairy chakra crazily poured into his body.

Sealing the fire will immediately guide these fairy chakras into the sealed world.

In the sealed world, Misao Iso was sinking and floating in the pool, stretching out his tortoise head, looking solemnly at the traces of golden fairy chakra above with one eye.

In the next moment, Fenghuo's spiritual projection also appeared on Isota's tortoise's head, and began to guide these celestial chakras into the yang seal's technique.


With the influx of celestial chakra, the yang seal technique trembled slightly, as if it couldn't bear the powerful energy of celestial chakra.

Feng Huo frowned slightly. If these sealing techniques collapsed, then these fairy chakras would slowly dissipate even if they stayed in the sealed world.

These sealing techniques have been trembling, like a steel wire being stretched to the extreme, any slight wind and grass can make it tremble, but no matter how it trembles, the steel wire never breaks.

Finally, all these celestial chakras were absorbed into the sealing technique. At the same time, a golden prismatic crystal appeared above the navel of Fenghuo's abdomen.


Feeling that the magic chakra in the sealing technique did not disappear, Fenghuo was overjoyed.

He immediately frantically summoned two hundred shadow clones and continued to refine the magic chakra.

Half an hour later, Fenghuo harvested a large number of Immortal Chakras again. Just after sealing these Immortal Chakras into the Yang Seal, Fenghuo's brain was suddenly 'starved of oxygen'.

That feeling, as if the computer crashed, and it was difficult to move the mouse.

It took a long time before the fire was sealed to slow down.

"This feeling...why does it seem like petrification? But I obviously use a shadow clone."

Feng Huo was taken aback for a moment.

Yes, shadow clone!

After the shadow clones dissipated, apart from the celestial chakra, even the petrified memories came back. It was okay before, but now the petrified memories of two hundred shadow clones flooded into his brain, making his brain subconsciously think that he had been petrified. Only then did this weird 'hypoxia' state appear.

Feng Huo smiled wryly, but he didn't dare to be careless anymore. He only summoned fifty shadow clones to refine the magic chakra each time. Memories are doomed.

A few days later, Feng Huo found that he still had enough strength, so he separated seven or eight shadow clones to practice under the holy tree, or continued to develop the Thunder Escape Body, or practice Lei Qie-Lei Chuan, in short, there are training tasks .

Day after day, he integrated the celestial chakra into the Yang seal. In just half a month, Feng Huo discovered that the golden prismatic crystals on his abdomen became brighter and more transparent, like the sun, containing extremely powerful energy.

Even Sanwei Isota was always on tenterhooks, for fear that the Yang seal would explode and endanger its existence.

And in the past half a month, the technique of the Yang seal is still undergoing subtle changes, and it seems that it is really slowly merging with the sealed world, but it doesn't feel like it, at least Isata has not felt the changes in this sealed world .

On this day, Feng Huo was quietly waiting for the shadow clone's "offering of love", when he felt a strange tearing in the void.

Feng Huo was stunned, then raised his brows, hastily explained the shadow clone, and then followed the pull from the void to escape into the void.

At the same time, in the depths of the Snow Mountains in the northern part of the Snow Country, at the peak of the Qingtian Bingfeng where the Namikaze Minato and his wife were frozen, the figure of Fenghuo appeared here like a spiral.


As soon as Fenghuo came out, he felt a burst of extreme coldness, and hurriedly took out the wolf fur coat from the scroll and put it on.

He turned his head to look, and it turned out that it was him who had been psychiced by Brother Chaolunwu with reverse psychic technique.

"What did you call me here suddenly?" Feng Huo looked around, the place was covered with ice and snow, and there were towering icebergs as far as the eye could see, but he didn't find anything unusual.


Chao Rondo II let out a triumphant chirp, then flapped its wings lightly, creating a gust of wind. Under its huge eagle claws, two furry little guys with squinting eyes rolled involuntarily in the breeze.

Feng Huo stared blankly at the two little guys, then his eyes lit up: "Second, are you happy to be a father?!"


Chao Rondo II let out a triumphant cry.

Feng Huo went up and gently picked up the two little guys who had just broken their shells. They were fluffy, with a touch of warmth, and their little wings were fluttering unconsciously, just like the Chaolunwu brothers when they were young!


Chao Lunwu Sanshi suddenly called out, and not to be outdone, he also slapped a little guy under his feet.

The poor little Snow Eagle rolled twice on the ice and shrank into a ball.

Feng Huo hurriedly picked up the little Snow Eagle too.

This one, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com should be the child of Chao Rondo Sanshi.


In the sky, two snow eagles with a wingspan of seven or eight meters were hovering and screaming, with a trace of anxiety and fear, obviously they were the mother birds of the Chao Lunwu brothers, the mother of the three little snow eagles.

"Let me give them a name first."

Fenghuo points to whoever is, "You are Ah Da, you are Ah Er, you are Ah San!"



The Chaolun Dance brothers screamed in unison, and the sound was like a wave.

"Look, how much your father likes the name I gave!" Feng Huo didn't even look at the contemptuous eyes of the Chao Lun Wu brothers, and nervously examined the three little snow eagles.

After pouring a trace of chakra into Ah Da's body, Feng Huo immediately showed joy.

He felt the presence of Chakra!

Then he checked the other two, all of them had chakra!

In other words, these three little snow eagles have been Ninja Eagles since they were born!

Their starting point is a bit higher than that of the Chaolun dance brothers!

"good very good!"

Feng Huo was in a sour mood. After waiting for so long, the Ninja Eagle Clan was officially born today!

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