Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha's Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 130: A Woman Doesn't Hit The House For Three Days!

Mabui, Secretary of Fourth Raikage Ai.

Moreover, according to the information we have...

Uchiha Yusuke also knows that she is calm-headed, capable in dealing with things, especially good at judging and analyzing the battle situation, she is a very intelligent and talented woman!

In particular, she also has ninjutsu that can teleport any object to any place at the speed of light—

"Heaven sent Technique"!

For such talents, Uchiha Yusuke, who has always been eager for talents, appreciates them very much.

Thinking of this, Uchiha couldn't help being a little envious of Fourth Raikage.

It's really lucky to have such a beautiful, eye-catching and capable secretary.

But when he thought of his newly appointed secretary Yuzuki Uzuki.

Uchiha Yusuke feels that his own is not bad either...

Mabui didn't expect that he could be noticed by Uchiha Yusuke just by watching the other party from a distance.

What a keen insight of "One Zero Zero"!

But when she wanted to look away, she found it was too late.

However, Uchiha Yusuke and Azabui looked at each other, nodded slightly and then looked away.

While making Mabui's better face turn reddish, he felt a little sad for no reason.

"Is it because I don't look good?..." Mabui couldn't help thinking wildly.

Next to the Cloud Shinobi Village seat is Iwagakure.

Similar to Cloud Shinobi's group, Iwagakure's group's complexion is also extremely ugly.

Rock Shinobi didn't expect that Konoha would look down on them so much. You should know that the representative who came this time is Third Tsuchikage, the son of Onogi, Huangtu.

Facing Konoha's contempt, the calm-tempered Huang Tu was not provoked, and sat quietly on a chair as an audience.

Seeing this, I was angry and dissatisfied with Rock Shinobi, so I had to suppress the anger in my heart.

Like Azabui, Huangtu also noticed Uchiha Yusuke in the distance.

It's just that he did a good job of concealment and was not noticed by anyone.

Looking at the charming Uchiha Yusuke, Huang Tu couldn't help sighing secretly:

"Is that the 'Konoha Flame Ghost' Uchiha Yusuke? He is so young and promising. No wonder Kuroto is so obsessed..."

Thinking of this, the king became more firm in that law:

Decided not to let my daughter see Uchiha Yusuke, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable!

very quickly,

The Hokage succession ceremony has begun.

Wearing a ninja hat on his head, the 5th generation Hokage, Senju Tsunade looks heroic and confident.

At this time, she was standing on top of the Hokage building, with her back against the Hokage rock on the mountain behind her, and a large group of Konoha Village villagers looking forward and cheering for joy...

A gust of wind blows, blowing Tsunade's sleeves, and her light yellow hair.

Tsunade stared ahead, his bright eyes shone with luster, he took off the Hokage hat on his head against the sun, and swore confidently with one hand on his hips:

"Starting today, I will govern Konoha Village. I am the Fifth Hokage!..."

Below the Hokage building,

The villagers of Konoha Village, who gathered together in darkness, suddenly boiled up......

The streets and alleys of Konoha Village were full of singing and dancing, and it was once extremely lively!

Looking at the lively scene, Kuroyuki who was sitting next to Uchiha Yusuke couldn't help sighing: "It's really lively."

It was the first time she had encountered such a lively scene.

At the same time, looking at the heroic Tsunade on the top of the Hokage building, Kurenai Yuhi is very envious:

"Miss Tsunade is really majestic."

Hinata, who was sitting next to Yuhihong and watching, also nodded her head in agreement with curiosity and excitement on her small face.

She also admires Tsunade a lot.

As the apprentice of "Konoha Yanki", Hinata would visit Yusuke's house from time to time, and had a good relationship with Tsunade.

Tsunade also likes Hinata, a cute, sensible and shy little girl. …

At this time, Uchiha Yusuke looked at Tsunade with a heroic appearance on the top of the Hokage building, but thought in his heart:

When I go back tonight, how should I punish this woman, Tsunade?

As the saying goes: women don't get on the house for three days.

This makes sense.

After the Hokage ceremony.

Uchiha Yusuke and Yuhihong went back first.

The crowd dispersed gradually, and life in Konoha Village gradually returned to normal.

Tsunade has to continue to deal with a lot of tedious work that makes her headache.

"Master Tsunade, Cloud Shinobi Village and Iwagakure said they are going to leave the village today and go back. I hope you can approve and agree. This is their application for leaving the village."

The little secretary Shizune stepped forward.

"Huh? Are you ready to leave so soon?" After listening, the corners of Nashou's mouth raised slightly.

Just after attending the Hokage Succession Ceremony, the representatives of Cloud Shinobi Village and Iwagakure have expressed their intention to leave...

Apparently, the Hokage succession ceremony this time made them very frustrated...

There is anger in my heart but I dare not express it in person, I can only express my dissatisfaction and protest with this behavior!

Tsunade was not surprised by the departure of Cloud Shinobi Village and Iwagakure.

It's Terumi Mei and his group from Kirigakure. I don't know how long they will stay in Konoha Village before they are willing to leave.

Nade gritted his teeth at the thought of Terumi Mei's shameless woman leaving with Uchiha Yusuke after the succession ceremony...

Simply, Tsunade took the application form for going out of the village, ticked it off, and approved it.

After Shizune left the office, Tsunade continued to be busy with the seemingly endless work at hand.

Konoha Village gate.

After getting the approval to leave the village, Iwagakure left Cloud Shinobi Village one step ahead of him.

After leaving the gate of Konoha Village, Mabui couldn't help but stop and look back, with some inexplicable expectation in his eyes.

This is her first visit to Konoha Village, and even though she was treated unfairly by Konoha, she can't bear any disgust in her heart.

This is very abnormal!

Mabui originally thought that if he came to Konoha Village by himself, he would only need to complete the tasks arranged by Master Raikage, and nothing would happen.

However, now she doesn't have the calmness that Shiru came to Konoha Village.

Heart, a little messed up.

And all these changes happened quietly after I and the Uchiha patriarch looked at each other at the Hokage ceremony...

4.9 "Mabui, what are you doing?" Seeing that Mabu stopped suddenly and turned to look at Konoha Village, Darui, who was walking in front, couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Mabui turned his head.

She shook her head: "It's okay."

In his heart, Mabui couldn't help but feel amused by his superfluous and strange behavior.

When did I become so naive?

"Let's go Darui, return to the village as soon as possible, presumably Master Raikage has long been looking forward to our return..."

After finishing speaking, Mabui with a silver shawl and beautiful hair stepped forward quickly, abandoning the slightest thoughts of regret and nostalgia in his heart.

This trip to Konoha is just a trip!

For the rest, don't think too much about it.

Seeing Mabui walking away quickly, Darui felt very baffled, and breathed a sigh of relief:

"Hey, it's really boring..."

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