Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha's Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 180: It's Nice To Have A Hokage Wife!

Of course Uchiha Yusuke knew about Terumi Mei's departure.

It's just that since Terumi Mei wants to leave quietly alone, Uchiha Yusuke doesn't want to interfere too much.

Leave quietly, let's leave quietly, that's okay, so as not to feel sad about parting.

"Terumi Mei, she wants to leave alone, leave without saying goodbye, just let her go." Uchiha Yusuke, who was looking at the ceiling with his hands in his hands, said softly.

To be honest, Terumi Mei suddenly came to Konoha Village and broke into her life, and now she has confirmed her relationship as her own woman "287"

To be honest, Uchiha Yusuke was really unexpected at first.

Just started.

Yusuke originally didn't want to bother with Terumi Mei, but the other party came over and broke in in the middle of the night...

If I don't make a point of expression, it seems that I can't justify it.

Since he dared to post it upside down to test himself, then Uchiha Yusuke is not a vegetarian, so naturally those who came would not refuse to accept it.

"If you have time in the future, let's go to Kirigakure and take a look at Terumi Mei."

Inwardly, Uchiha Yusuke thought secretly.

Now that Konoha Village and Kirigakure have signed a series of joint cooperation items, the communication between the two villages will inevitably become closer.

So, there is a chance to go to Kirigakure.

Furthermore, Uchiha Yusuke really has never been to Kirigakure, the country of water far away from the land, but he also wants to see it.


Also, if Terumi Mei writes to herself in the future, she can't deal with it as hastily as before, and she should reply at least, otherwise, it will appear too cold and ruthless.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Yusuke also became cheerful.

To be proud of life is to indulge in joy, look down on the three thousand things in the world, and chuckle a few times when you are free.

Yusuke is not an indecisive, sentimental person.

Besides, this woman Terumi Mei is only going back to her natal family, and it's not about parting for life and death and never seeing each other again.

If you want to go, just go there.

Just think of the distance between Konoha Village, the land of fire, and Kirigakure, the land of water, and how far they are across the sea...

Uchiha Yusuke was a little apprehensive again.

It takes at least half a month to go back and forth this far.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Yusuke wondered whether he should learn a space-time ninjutsu so that he could travel easily.

"Well, let's find some time to practice Flying Thunder God Technique, the famous stunt of the 4th generation Hokage." Yusuke looked at the ceiling and muttered to himself.

Although the Flying Thunder God Technique is the door Forbidden Technique.

However, with Uchiha Yusuke's current status in Konoha Village, it is not too easy to learn this Forbidden Technique.

Any Forbidden Technique in Konoha Village can be learned if Uchiha Yusuke likes it.

At that time, you only need to mention it to your own woman, Master Fifth Hokage Tsunade,

Thinking of this, Uchiha Yusuke said to Tsunade who was about to leave by the door: "Wait a minute, Tsunade, don't go.

Tsunade, who originally wanted to leave, heard Uchiha Yusuke calling him back, thinking of his never-satisfied character of a little wolf, he couldn't help trembling.

Then, she said in a trembling and hoarse voice:

"You, what else do you want to do? Yusuke, you guys, don't mess around, didn't you make enough noise last night.

"Mom, my throat is still hoarse and sore..."

Seeing Tsunade's tender body trembling slightly and wanting to run away immediately, Uchiha Yusuke had somewhat guessed what she was thinking.

So, Uchiha Yusuke said angrily and amusedly:

"Where are you thinking, woman? Please be pure in your thinking. I told you that I have something serious to tell you. Don't think about it."

Hearing what Uchiha Yusuke5.9 said, Tsunade secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and his face regained a relaxed look:

"Tell me, what is it?"

Since it's not about torturing oneself, everything is negotiable.

Nothing at all!

Uchiha Yusuke: "Do you have the great scroll of sealing? Bring it to me and have a look."

It is good to have a Hokage wife, but for any resources in the village, you can just ask for what you want. .

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