Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha's Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 210: Shizune Who Won't Refuse!

not far away,

Sisters Hinata and little Hyuga Hanabi also watched closely what happened to Naruto and Sasuke.

When they saw the two being knocked out, the two sisters subconsciously became worried and concerned.

Especially when Jiraiya said that their right hand bone was broken, and they might even lose their entire right arm, they felt unbearable.

How do you say that everyone is from the same school, so it is necessary to fight to the death so viciously "807"?

The two Hinata sisters are extremely puzzled.

"Well, the fight between the two is over, and it seems that it has finally calmed down." Uchiha said so authentically.


Dare to love you, as a master, to watch the whole show.

"Okay, the next step is to deal with the aftermath, why don't Jiraiya go over there. 11

But Jiraiya looked disgusted: "Really, don't call me on such troublesome things, just slip away..."

Seeing that Uchiha Yusuke wanted to let himself deal with those troublesome things together, Jiraiya resolutely walked away.

If I have the time, I'd better go soak my feet and talk about feelings with those close big sisters Ouba.

Seeing a few Jiraiya who disappeared in a flash, Uchiha Yusuke didn't care, and then went towards Naruto and Sasuke.

Just at this time,

"Master Yusuke..."

Following the reputation, it turned out that it was Tsunade's cute little secretary and nanny, his old friend Shizune.

"Shizune, you're here. I just want to trouble you later." Seeing Shizune coming, Uchiha Yusuke greeted with a smile.

Since there is free labor coming, it is natural to use it.


Hearing what Uchiha Yusuke said, Shizune was stunned for a moment, his little head was a little dazed, and he didn't know what was going on.

In front of Uchiha, his head will naturally slow down a bit, and Shizune, who will not refuse so much, subconsciously replied:

"Okay, okay, Yusuke-kun."

For a while, Shizune forgot to tell Uchiha Yusuke about what Tsunade told him to come.

When Shizune led by Uchiha Yusuke came to the side with Sasuke and Naruto.

Looking at Naruto and Sasuke, who were rolling on the ground, holding their right arms tightly, and screaming in pain, Shizune was taken aback, then frowned:

"This...what the hell is going on? How did Naruto and Sasuke get hurt so badly?"

Shizune, who is a medical ninja, can naturally tell that Naruto and Sasuke have suffered serious injuries on their right hands at this time, and the bones are probably broken a lot

"It's nothing, it was caused by two people fighting with each other." Uchiha Yusuke said casually.

"Huh... fight?"

After hearing that, Shizune was really stunned: "Yusuke-kun, is there any enmity between Naruto and Sasuke? Why are you shooting so hard?"

Shizune was very puzzled.

After all, Sasuke and Naruto are both masters and apprentices, and they are partners in the same class. It can be said that they grew up together since childhood...

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be so bad.

"Young people are proud and arrogant, and they like to compete without admitting defeat." Uchiha Yusuke explained in this way.

Hearing this, Shizune also believed it: "So that's the case. 5.4"

"Yusuke-kun, I gave birth to Naruto and Sasuke to treat the wounds

With that said, Shizune came to Naruto and performed medical ninjutsu to heal him.

"Naruto, you are so messed up." During the treatment, Shizune did not forget to scold Naruto.

After taking out the bandage that he carried with him and wrapping up Naruto's right arm, Shizune went to Sasuke's to treat him again.

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