Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha's Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 225: Bite The Scalp And Do It!

Both of them are wearing black trench coats embroidered with Xiao Hongyun,

On the top of the head is a straw hat covered with cloth strips and a small bell hanging from the front side.

The breeze blows, blowing the hanging small bell, making a crisp sound.

"Ding ding ding ding...

No, the figures of the two approached from far to near, and soon came to the main gate of Konoha Village.

At this time, there were several Konoha Shinobi guarding the gate of Konoha Village.

They just woke up in the morning, yawning [the sleepiness is still there. "ninth five"

When I saw these two strangers coming in suddenly from the outside, I couldn't help but stepped forward to say hello and stop blocking the tunnel:

"Well, you are from other villages. If you come from other villages, you need to report, and you can't enter at will..."

"Strange, why did I fall in love......

However, before the Konoha Shinobi could finish speaking, his consciousness began to collapse, and then the Konoha Village gate suddenly became foggy.

The rest of the Konoha Shinobi were no exception, they all fell into a coma.

When these Konoha Shinobi practitioners woke up from their trance and looked around again, they saw no one around.

And the mist disappeared out of nowhere.

Then, the ninjas of Konoha Village all looked puzzled: "What happened just now? Could it be a hallucination?..."

ding ding ding ding......

Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Kisame, who had already entered, were walking on the streets of Konoha Village.

Since it was still morning, there were not many pedestrians on the street.

As for Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Kisame, who were wearing strange and strange costumes, the passers-by felt strange, but they didn't say anything.

"Onisame, we have entered Konoha Village now, everything must be done in a low-key manner." Akatsuki Uchiha Itachi, who covered his face under the straw hat, said indifferently.

Kisame Kisame grinned: "Don't worry, Mr. Itachi, I will naturally have my sense of proportion."

Uchiha Itachi: "The operation to capture Nine Tails failed two days ago, and it has already alarmed the enemy. If you want to capture Nine Tails this time, it may be even more troublesome

"No, it's not that troublesome Mr. Itachi, you thought too much, that time was just an accident."

"Now we're sneaking into Konoha Village, and we just need to capture Nine Tails without anyone noticing..." Kisame Kisame said bluntly without worrying so much.

Uchiha Itachi: "Hope it goes well..."

Even so, Uchiha Itachi showed a look of worry on his expressionless and paralyzed face under the Akatsuki hat.

When arresting Nine Tails a few days ago, I didn't expect to seduce Jiraiya to leave. Jiraiya was not fooled. The arrest failed, which also made Jiraiya and Nine Tails alert.

Presumably now when they return to Konoha Village, not only Anbu will send people to protect Nine Tails, but also

I and Kisame also broke into Fifth Hokage Tsunade, as well as Konoha Village's long-dormant but inexplicably terrifying Konoha Flame Demon, the master of Nine Tails, the two of them are within sight..... ..

Thinking of this, Uchiha Itachi feels tricky..0

In particular, the thought of leading out that Uchiha patriarch, Bichibo Itachi's heart hangs even more.

If possible, Itachi really doesn't want to face that terrifying existence!

But there is no way, after all, it is the task assigned by the organization to the two of them, and I and Kisame must complete it, so...

Have to bite the bullet and do it!

Moreover, after two days of tracking and adjustments, Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Kisame have entered Konoha Village today.

The plan for the two of them to enter Konoha Village at great risk is also very simple: take Nine Tails Jinchūriki away without anyone noticing!

Looking at the familiar streets, these familiar shops, this familiar feeling...

All kinds of scenes buried deep in the memory can't help but emerge, evoking the memories of Uchiha Itachi.

For a moment, Uchiha Itachi's expressionless face began to move slightly.

However, under the cover of the straw hats organized by Akatsuki, Kisame Kisame next to him did not notice the abnormality. .

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