Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha's Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 244: Uchiha Itachi In Danger!


Hoshigaki Kisame, who wanted to go to help, but was blocked and refused to go, couldn't help but cursed.

Now it can be said that the situation on Kisame's own side is also very bad!

In addition to the Might Guy in front of him, there are Kakashi, Kurenai Yuhi beside him, and Mitarashi Anko who was once a disciple of Orochimaru, and the four of them are staring at each other.

"Mr. Itachi, hold on!" Helplessly, the secretly anxious Ganshi Guisame had to say "Nine Nine Zero" silently.

The right shoulder was pierced by Uchiha Shisui's katana, and more than a dozen waters holding samurai katanas swarmed over...

Just when this situation is extremely critical, Uchiha Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan ability is also revealed:


At the moment when all the samurai swords were about to slash through and hit Uchiha Itachi,

Suddenly, the red energy fluctuation around Uchiha Itachi skyrocketed.

Immediately afterwards,

A terrifying huge figure appeared, protected Uchiha Itachi, and directly swept away the dozen or so Uchiha Shisui who were attacking.



After a dozen Uchiha Shisui figures were repelled, they screamed.

After that, he stood up again with the samurai sword.

They all looked up at the huge red Gundam that appeared out of nowhere.

"Susanoo Stage 4? No!..."

"It should be the third stage." The main body of Uchiha Shisui looked up in a daze, and muttered to himself.

In front of the eyes, a dark red musculoskeletal giant Susanoo surrounded Uchiha Itachi for protection.

Regarding the ability of Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha Shisui has consulted Uchiha Yusuke many times, the strongest patriarch in Uchiha history!

As for the first first general under his command, Uchiha naturally gave everything he had.

So, Uchiha Shisui knew that the Susanoo of Uchiha Itachi in front of him was not the fourth stage.

Phase 4 Susanoo is powerful, but...

The consumption of Chakra has also increased significantly, and it is extremely unstable. It is difficult for ordinary Mangekyō to maintain this form for a long time!

And from Yusuke patriarch, Uchiha Shisui learned that Susanoo generally has the following stages of growth!

The first stage is the most basic initial form.

In the initial form, there were only partial amputations, without an overall outline.....

As for its changed arms and ribs, it can be used for various purposes such as attack, defense, protection, control, etc...

In the second stage, Chakra will completely cover the body, the overall shape is in the shape of a skull, and the defense power is further improved.

The third stage is Susanoo who has muscles. On the basis of the skeleton, it is covered with meridians and flesh and blood, and is wrapped in a coat-like Chakra.

In this state, Susanoo is no longer just a state of attack or defense, but a state where she can use her own basic skills to attack and use her exclusive weapons.

The fourth stage is Susanoo covered in armor!

At this time, Susanoo put on armor 1.1 armor, her defense power has been greatly improved, and the weapons she can use are more abundant, such as her one-fist sword, Flame Control sword, etc...

The fifth stage is Susanoo who can walk upright!

On the basis of the original second form, the lower body and legs are added, and the volume is also greatly increased. The caster will be located on Susanoo's head.

In terms of weapons, not only can you use the unique weapons of Susanoo, but you can also use the sword of Susanoo with a huge attack range.”

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