Back in time a little bit.

That's when Uchiha Shisui casts the Phantom Body Flicker Technique, forcing Uchiha Itachi to start the third phase of Susanoo.

Looking at the huge Gundam, the little Sakura and Naruto who were watching from a distance couldn't help exclaiming: "What is that?!!"

"Okay, that's amazing!..."

Naruto is okay, after all, when Chūnin was fighting Gaara during the Chūnin exam, facing One Tail Shukaku, he successfully summoned Toad Bunta.

In contrast, the small Sakura just looks very shocking.

However, one wave is not flat, and another wave rises again.

Just now the two were still marveling at Uchiha Itachi's red Gundam Susanoo.

Little Sakura exclaimed again: "Look, there's another one!"

Naruto also looked at the scene in the distance with a face full of shock.

When Uchiha Itachi controlled the red Susanoo to blast the eight-foot mirror to Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Shisui also opened the third form of Susanoo.

At that moment, Uchiha Itachi's red Susanoo meets Uchiha Shisui's grass green Susanoo!

Eight-foot Mirror vs. Toshi Satachi!

A powerful deafening bang, as well as a shocking wave of waves swept over...

Let Naruto and little Sakura can't help but bend over and lean on the ground, so as not to be blown up and fall out.


When Kakisame confronted Guy, Kakashi and others,

Just when they were about to fight, the loud sound wave also stopped the fight that several people were about to start.

Several people stabilized their figures and looked towards the direction of the incoming sound wave attack.

"What's that?...々..." Mitarashi Aki Anko looked towards Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, with a look of disbelief on his face.

In front of the eyes of Kakashi Yuhihong and the others, there were two giant figures holding weapons and bombarding each other.

"Oh, this is too messy, and the movement is really too big...

Kakashi gasped as he watched Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui unleash Susanoo's dynamite battle.

"Susanoo.…………Is this what Mangekyō Sharingan is capable of?"

In the same way, Kurenai Yuhi watched the two Gundam-like Susanoos, one red and one green fighting, she muttered to herself.

Because of being with Uchiha Yusuke, Kurenai Yuhi is also familiar with the ability of Mangekyō Sharingan, so she will naturally know this Susanoo.

Seeing that Uchiha Shisui actually forced his partner Uchiha Itachi to perform Susanoo, Kisame couldn't help grinning:

~I never thought that Tang Ran could invite Mr. Itachi to such an extent...."

However, for the safety of Uchiha Itachi, Kisame Kisame doesn't have to worry too much.

For Zhibo Itachi's strength, Kanshi Kisame trusted him very much.

"Since there is nothing wrong with Uchiha Itachi, then for my own side, I have to deal with it as quickly as possible..."

In his heart, Qianshi Guixia thought.

However, when looking at the 4 people in front of him (Zhao Haozhao) Might Guy, Copy Ninja Kakashi Nishi, Yuhihong, Mitarashi Anko and so on, Kisame suddenly felt difficult.

"It's not good, it seems that hard work is not enough, I have to find a chance to get out..." Kai Shigui thought secretly.

Although Ganshi Guisame is reckless, impulsive and aggressive, and has a violent personality, it does not mean that he has no brains.

He still knows how to assess the situation, how to advance and retreat, and how to measure.


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