Say nothing and refuse to blame them.

"Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Yousuke remember that no matter who is the team leader, we have no objection, we only recognize a token that only recognizes the team leader"

"As long as the two of you take out the team leader's team leader's token, we team leaders will obey your orders. If you don't have this token, don't let us team leaders give your orders."

And Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Yousuke don't have the team leader's token, if they have the team leader's token, the two of them will become even more rampant

It was precisely because they did not have the token of the team leader that they took the initiative to control these main forces. 1

And because these elders did not obey the orders of Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Yousuke, they were attacked by Uchiha Yousuke and Uchiha Shisui in 647. Now the entire Uchiha family completely obeyed Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Yousuke ordered the two of them.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi was still recuperating in that place, and had no idea what happened here.

Because my eyes were injured more seriously this time, it was troublesome to let him recuperate this time, although the physical injuries are much better "But this time my eyes are blurry.

(adae) Kisame Kisame looked at Uchiha Itachi like this, and knew that it would take a while for Uchiha Itachi's eyes to be fully healed. Recently, he has not been able to display his skills.

That day has disappeared, and Uzumaki Naruto and Jiraiya who have been there for several days reappeared again, and when he appeared this time, he brought the first message to Uchiha Itachi.

"Uchiha Itachi didn't think that your Uchiha family is quite interesting, and I don't know how you are the team leader."

When Uchiha Itachi heard what Uzumaki Naruto said, he was full of curiosity. He didn't know what Uzumaki Naruto meant when he said this. At this time, Uzumaki Naruto was sitting on a chair, holding a small curved The knife swung quickly.

"We just came from the direction of your Uchiha family."

At this time, Uchiha Itachi heard this and Uzumaki Naruto said this, and asked quickly.

"How is it? Does our family have anything to do at this time?"

Alas Jiraiya looked at the anxious look, hehe laughed, and then spoke.

"It's not that your Uchiha family has nothing to do, but it's still very big."

At this time, when Uchiha Itachi heard what Uzumaki Naruto and Jiraiya said, his whole mood became more anxious, he quickly got up from the bed, and looked at Uzumaki Naruto and them nervously.

At this time, Kisame Kisame saw his anxious look, glanced at Uzumaki Naruto and Jiraiya, and then spoke.

"Okay, what happened in the end, tell this Uchiha Itachi quickly, don't let him be so anxious, look at the way he is anxious."

So Naruto is not here, and I am playing charades, and I just told Uchiha Itachi about the recent events of the Uchiha family. .

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